SESSION 13 - Lower Limb Nerves

SESSION 13 - Lower Limb Nerves
1. Which part of which adductor muscle is supplied by the tibial portion of the
sciatic nerve?
2. Which cutaneous nerve in the leg can be used for nerve grafts? What
numbness might be encountered if it is removed?
3. Where is the common peroneal nerve most likely to the damaged?
4. What muscles are supplied by the superficial branch of the common peroneal
5. Where would pain be felt if an L4/5 disc prolapse pressed on a nerve?
6. If you were performing an exposure of the lower end of the great saphenous
vein, just anterior to the medial malleolus, what nerve might be seen or even
7. If it was damaged, what area of numbness would occur?
8. What is the nerve supply to the majority of the muscles in the posterior
compartment of the lower leg?
9. What clinical problem occurs when the common peroneal nerve is damaged?
10. Is there any skin supply from the deep branch of the common peroneal nerve?
11. Which arteries are palpable in the ankle/foot?
12. Name two of the three muscles in the thigh that have dual nerve supply.
13. What nerve passes through the pelvis on its way to the leg and can be irritated
there so that the patient feels pain in its skin distribution?