CATEGORY Introduction Purpose Hypothesis Variables Procedure Weight: ________ Data/Observations Weight: ________ Analysis/Questions Weight: ________ Conclusion Weight: ________ Presentation Including; Appearance Organization Spelling Grammar 5 4 3 1 Superior Expected Developing Needs Improvement Two of the three requirements of the introduction is missing or not done correctly. All three requirements of the introduction are either missing or not done correctly. The purpose of the experiment is One of the three requirements of clearly stated. The hypothesis is the introduction is missing or not testable, appropriate to the done correctly. experimental question, and written in “if…then” format. Independent and dependent variables are underlined in the hypothesis. All Materials listed. Procedure is listed in clear steps, like a recipe, in 2nd person, present tense. Each step is numbered and is a complete sentence. No extra, unnecessary information. Procedures are listed in a logical Procedures are listed but are not in order, but steps are not numbered a logical order or are difficult to and/or are not in complete follow. sentences. Data tables and/or graphs labeled and titles, drawn neatly with a ruler and filled in neatly and accurately in pencil or done on computer. Observations are written in complete sentences and detailed. Accurate representation of the data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled and titled. Observations written in sentence fragments or not detailed. Accurate representation of the data Data are not shown OR are inaccurate. in written form, but no graphs or Observations not included. tables are presented. Not all observations accurate and/or incomplete. All questions are answered in complete sentences that can be understood without knowing the questions. Answers are thorough, accurate, supported with actual data/evidence, and reflect an understanding of the concepts. All questions are answered in complete sentences that can be understood without knowing the questions. The answers are correct, but not detailed. Data is not used to support answers. Questions are answered in Answers are not in complete sentences complete sentences but they and/or are incomplete or incorrect. cannot be understood without knowing the questions. Answers are inaccurate and/or do not reflect an understanding of the concepts. Conclusion restates purpose; tells if hypothesis is supported, cites actual data, explains possible sources of error, & interprets results. Predictions made about what might happen if part of the lab were changed or ideas for further experiments suggested. Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment. Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment. No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection. Lab report is neatly handwritten in blue or black ink on full-sized paper or typed (12 point font; Times New Roman) includes Brookside heading. Section headings are underlined and/or bolded to visually organize the material. No spelling or grammatical errors. Lab report is neatly handwritten in blue or black ink and uses heading and subheadings to visually organize the material. Minimal spelling or grammatical errors that do not impact the understanding of the report. Lab report is neatly written in blue or black ink or typed, but formatting does not help visually organize the material. Spelling and/or grammatical errors impact the effectiveness of the report. Lab report is handwritten and looks sloppy with cross-outs, multiple erasures and/or tears and creases. Spelling and/or grammatical errors. Lab reports written in pencil will not be accepted. Name: ___________________________________ Lab: __________________________________________ Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment or are written in paragraph form and/or not in 2nd person present tense. Period: _______ Science code: ______