PhilosoPher’s Dialogue With a partner, write a scripted dialogue/conversation between Plato and Aristotle. In order to write the dialogue each of you should take on the role of one of the philosophers. Address each of the following topics in the discussion between the two philosophers: 1. What would your philosopher have said about the common people’s ability to make informed political decisions? 2. What would your philosopher say about the dangers of democracy? 3. Does your philosopher believe that humans are inherently good or evil? The views should reflect what you learned about the philosophers from the pair/share activity. Their views should be represented by the comments they make in the dialogue. Use CREATIVITY when creating the dialogue! The dialogue should be approximately 1 page in length and should thoroughly cover the topics above. PhilosoPher’s Dialogue With a partner, write a scripted dialogue/conversation between Plato and Aristotle. In order to write the dialogue each of you should take on the role of one of the philosophers. Address each of the following topics in the discussion between the two philosophers: 1. What would your philosopher have said about the common people’s ability to make informed political decisions? 2. What would your philosopher say about the dangers of democracy? 3. Does your philosopher believe that humans are inherently good or evil? The views should reflect what you learned about the philosophers from the pair/share activity. Their views should be represented by the comments they make in the dialogue. Use CREATIVITY when creating the dialogue! The dialogue should be approximately 1 page in length and should thoroughly cover the topics above.