North Carolina Community College NURSING 44 Hour Core Check sheet This guide will assist you in your course selections to complete the 44 Hour Core and Nursing Pre-requisite courses at a North Carolina Community College. The large bold type courses will dually fulfill requirements. Check with your community college to determine if there are specific institutional requirements to complete the 44 Hour Core. A grade of “C” or better is required in all coursework. ENGLISH COMPOSITION (6 SH) ____ENG 111 Expository Writing AND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ____ENG 112 Argument-Based Research ____ENG 113 Literature-Based Research ____ENG 114 Prof. Research/Reporting HUMANITIES/FINE ARTS (12 SH) Select 4 courses from at least 3 prefix areas: one ENGLISH LITERATURE course is required. ____ENG 131 Intro to Literature ____ENG 231 American Literature I ____ENG 232 American Literature II ____ENG 233 Major American Writers ____ENG 241 British Literature I ____ENG 242 British Literature II ____ENG 243 Major British Writers ____ENG 251 Western World Lit I ____ENG 252 Western World Lit II ____ENG 261 World Literature I ____ENG 262 World Literature II ____ART 111 Art Appreciation ____ART 114 Art History Survey I ____ART 115 Art History Survey II ____ART 116 Survey of American Art ____ART 117 Non-Western Art History ____ASL 111 Elementary ASL I ____ASL 112 Elementary ASL II ____ASL 211 Intermediate ASL I ____ASL 212 Intermediate ASL II COM-ONLY ONE MAY BE SELECTED ____COM 110 Intro to Communication ____COM 120 Interpersonal Com ____COM 140 Intro Intercultural Com ____COM 231 Public Speaking ____DAN 110 Dance Appreciation ____DAN 211 Dance History I ____DAN 212 Dance History II ____DRA 111 Theatre Appreciation ____DRA 112 Literature of the Theatre ____DRA 115 Theatre Criticism ____DRA 122 Oral Interpretation ____DRA 126 Storytelling ____DRA 211 Theatre History I ____DRA 212 Theatre History II ____HUM 110 Technology & Society ____HUM 115 Critical Thinking ____HUM 120 Cultural Studies ____HUM 121 Nature of America ____HUM 122 Southern Culture ____HUM 123 Appalachian Culture ____HUM 130 Myth in Human Culture ____HUM 150 American Women Studies ____HUM 160 Introduction to Film ____HUM 161 Advanced Film Studies ____HUM 211 Humanities I ____HUM 212 Humanities II ____HUM 220 Human Values/Meaning ____MUS 110 Music Appreciation ____MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz ____MUS 113 American Music ____MUS 114 Non-Western Music ____MUS 115 Orchestral Music ____MUS 210 History of Rock Music ____MUS 211 History of Country Music ____MUS 212 American Musical Theatre ____MUS 213 Opera & Musical Theatre ____PHI 210 History of Philosophy ____PHI 215 Philosophical Issues ____PHI 220 Western Philosophy I ____PHI 221 Western Philosophy II ____PHI 230 Intro to Logic ____PHI 240 Intro to Ethics ____REL 110 World Religions ____REL 111 Eastern Religions ____REL 112 Western Religions ____REL 211 Intro to Old Testament ____REL 212 Intro to New Testament ____REL 221 Religion in America ____ARA 111 Elementary Arabic I ____ARA 112 Elementary Arabic II ____ARA 211 Intermediate Arabic I ____ARA 212 Intermediate Arabic II ____CHI 111 Elementary Chinese I ____CHI 112 Elementary Chinese II ____CHI 211 Intermediate Chinese I ____CHI 212 Intermediate Chinese II ____FRE 111 Elementary French I ____FRE 112 Elementary French II ____FRE 211 Intermediate French I ____FRE 212 Intermediate French II ____GER 111 Elementary German I ____GER 112 Elementary German II ____GER 211 Intermediate German I ____GER 212 Intermediate German II ____ITA 111 Elementary Italian I ____ITA 112 Elementary Italian II ____ITA 211 Intermediate Italian I ____ITA 212 Intermediate Italian II ____JPN 111 Elementary Japanese I ____JPN 112 Elementary Japanese II ____JPN 211 Intermediate Japanese I ____JPN 212 Intermediate Japanese II ____LAT 111 Elementary Latin I ____LAT 112 Elementary Latin II ____LAT 141 Culture/Civilization ____LAT 142 Lit/Roman Republic ____LAT 211 Intermediate Latin I ____LAT 212 Intermediate Latin II ____LAT 231 Reading/Composition ____LAT 232 Imperial Literature ____POR 111 Elementary Portuguese I ____POR 112 Elementary Portuguese II ____POR 211 Intermediate Portuguese I ____POR 212 Intermediate Portuguese II ____RUS 111 Elementary Russian I ____RUS 112 Elementary Russian II ____RUS 211 Intermediate Russian I ____RUS 212 Intermediate Russian II ____SPA 111 Elementary Spanish I ____SPA 112 Elementary Spanish II ____SPA 211 Intermediate Spanish I ____SPA 212 Intermediate Spanish II SOCIAL/BEHAVIOR SCIENCES (12 SH) Select 4 courses from at least 3 prefix areas: one HISTORY course is required. ____HIS 111 World Civilizations I ____HIS 112 World Civilizations II ____HIS 114 Comparative World History ____HIS 115 Intro to Global History ____HIS 121 Western Civilization I ____HIS 122 Western Civilization II ____HIS 131 American History I ____HIS 132 American History II ____ANT 210 General Anthropology ____ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology ____ANT 221 Comparative Cultures ____ANT 230/A Physical Anthropology ____ANT 240 Archaeology ____ECO 151 Survey of Economics ____ECO 251 Princ. of Microeconomics ____ECO 252 Princ. of Macroeconomics ____GEO 111 World Regional Geography ____GEO 112 Cultural Geography ____GEO 113 Economic Geography ____GEO 130 Gen. Phys. Geography ____POL 110 Intro to Political Science ____POL 120 American Government ____POL 210 Comparative Government ____POL 220 International Relations ____PSY 150 General Psych ____PSY 237 Social Psychology ____PSY 239 Psychology of Personality ____PSY 241 Dev Psychology ____PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology ____CHM 131/A Intro to Chemistry ____CHM 132 Organic/Biochemistry ____CHM 135 Survey of Chemistry I ____CHM 136 Survey of Chemistry II ____CHM 151 General Chem I ____CHM 152 General Chem II ____GEL 111 Introductory Geology ____GEL 113 Historical Geology ____GEL 120 Physical Geology ____GEL 230 Environmental Geology ____PHY 110/A Conceptual Physics ____PHY 151 College Physics I ____PHY 152 College Physics II ____PHY 251 General Physics I ____PHY 252 General Physics II MATHEMATICS (6-8 SH) Select TWO from List A OR Select ONE from List A and ONE from List B LIST A ____*MAT 140 Survey of Math ____MAT 141 Mathematical Concepts I ____MAT 142 Mathematical Concepts II ____MAT 161 College Algebra ____MAT 162 College Trigonometry ____MAT 165 Finite Mathematics ____MAT 171 Precalculus Algebra ____MAT 172 Precalculus Trigonometry ____MAT 175 Precalculus ____MAT 263 Brief Calculus ____MAT 271 Calculus I ____MAT 272 Calculus II ____MAT 273 Calculus III ____SOC 210 Intr to Sociology ____SOC 213 Sociology of the Family ____SOC 220 Social Problems ____SOC 225 Social Diversity ____SOC 230 Race and Ethnic Relations ____SOC 240 Social Psychology NATURAL SCIENCE (8 SH) SELECT TWO: ____AST 111/A Descriptive Astronomy ____AST 151/A General Astronomy I ____AST 152/A General Astronomy II LIST B ____*CIS 110 Intr to Computer ____CIS 115 Intro to Prog. & Logic ____*MAT 151 Statistics I ____*MAT 155 Stats Analysis ____BIO 110 Principles of Biology ____BIO 111 General Biology I ____BIO 112 General Biology II ____BIO 120 Introductory Botany ____BIO 130 Introductory Zoology ____BIO 140/A Environmental Biology Name________________________ NOTES Other Pre-major Requirement courses offered at NC Community Colleges BIO 165 or BIO 168 = E S 2031 Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 166 or BIO 169 = E S 2032 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 170 or BIO 275 = BIO 2200 Microbiology BIO 155 or NUT 110 = NUT 2202 Nutrition & Health *MAT 140 OR HIGHER is accepted as meeting the pre-requisite requirement. *CIS 110 will fulfill the CS 1410 requirement. *MAT 151 OR MAT 155 will fulfill the STT 1810 requirement. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ____44 Hour Core Met ____Initial/Date____ Banner ID_____________________ Provided by the Office of Transfer Articulation ASU Revised 10-28-11 CAA Revised 12-10-09