Practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms

Regional course
Addressed to Balkan, SE Mediterranean and N. African countries
Digital image processing/analysis tools in Light Microscopy: From the basics and
1st Day, Monday, June 10
Image analysis - history and present/open source software for bio imaging
8:30 - 9:00
9:00 - 9:10
Welcome-opening remarks: Haralabia Boleti, Light Microscopy unit, Hellenic
Pasteur Institute
Stamatis Pagakis, Biomedical Research Foundation Academy of Athens
A historical perspective to digital Image analysis and its applications to biomedical
sciences. Extraction of quantitative information from digital images.
Jean Christophe Olivo Marin, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Image analysis and computer vision tools for the processing and quantification of
biological images.“Icy” the open source computer software for bio imaging.
Coffee break
11:30 – 12:30
Pavel Tomancak, Max Plank Institute, Dresden Germany
Open source bioimage Informatics
Lunch break
Afternoon practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
Pavel Tomancak: Introduction to ImageJ/Fiji
ImageJ/Fiji free software, hands on practical session
Quantitative Morphometric analysis, image & video editing
Instructors : Pavel Tomancak, Tobias Pietzsch, F.Frischnecht
2ndDay, Tuesday June 11
Imaging in Infectiology – quantitation of dynamic processes
Freddy Frischnecht, U. of Heidelberg Medical School, Germany
Malaria parasite migration – Dynamics of Plasmodium motility in vitro and in
Javier Pizarro-Cerda, Institut Pasteur, France
Analyzing invasion of host cells by the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogenes.
Coffee break
11:00 – 12:00
Isabelle Tardieux, Institut Cochin, France
The use of correlative fluorescence microscopy and EM tomography as well as
speckle fluorescence microscopy to elucidate the role of toxofilin during
Toxoplasma gondii entry into host cells.
Haralabia Boleti, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Leishmania phagocytosis in macrophages. Dynamics of the parasitophorous
vacuole maturation.
Lunch break
Afternoon practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
Jean Christophe Olivo: introduction to “Icy” practical session
“Icy” free software
Instructors: Fabrice de Chaumont, Alexandre Dufour, Stephane Dallongeville
3rd Day, Wednesday June 12
Image analysis in Cell Biology, super resolution and spectral imaging
Maria Evagelidou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Ratiometric imaging of Ca++ signaling in neurons.
Maria Gaitanou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Subcellular localization and targeting in the mitochondria of the neuronal protein
Cend1. Colocalization analysis.
Ricardo Henriques, Institut Pasteur, France
Easy cell super-resolution imaging and analysis with ImageJ and other free tools
Coffee break
Costas Balas, Technical University of Crete, Greece
Dynamic and Spectral Imaging: system design, hardware configurations and
applications in in vivo and in vitro microscopy.
Lunch break
Afternoon practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
13:30 -16:00
‘Cell profiler’
Instructor: Javier Pizzaro Cerda
Quantitative measurement of phenotypes from thousands of images automatically
16:00 - 19:00
Informal tutorials with the instructors
Practice on Icy, Fiji/ ImageJ & Cell Profiler
Instructors: Fabrice de Chaumont, Alexandre Dufour, Stephane Dallongeville
Freddy Frischnecht, Ricardo Henriques, JavierPizzaro-Cerda, Tobias Pietzsch
Evangelia Xingi
4rth Day, Thursday June 13
Thick tissue imaging and cell tracking in neuroscience & stem cell biology
Igor Adameyko, Karolinska Institute, Sweeden
Practical approaches to 3-D imaging and reconstruction of the whole mount stained
E8-E12 mouse embryos and large fragments of tissue.
10:00- 11:00
Dimitra Thomaidou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Reprogramed astrocytes into the injured mouse brain: analysis of their proliferation
and differentiation properties using lineage tree and co- localization analysis.
Coffee break
Felipe Ortega, Institute of Physiology, Ludwig-Maximilians Univ.,Germany
Long term single cell imaging of Stem Cells using "TTT" (Timm's Tracking Tool)
Lunch break
Afternoon practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
13:30 -18:30
TTT (Timm's Tracking Tool)
Instructors: Felipe Ortega, Katerina Aravantinou-Fatorou, Evangelia Xingi
division cell tracking, measurement of cell cycle length, number of divisions,
genealogic lineage trees drawing
5th Day, Friday June 14
Commercial packages for 3D reconstruction, object segmentation & deconvolution
Delisa Ibanez Garcia, Bitplane AG,
Imaris: at the cutting edge of 3D and 4D image visualization and analysis
Vincent Schoonderwoert, Scientific Volume Imaging, The Netherlands
Improving 3D image resolution, signal to noise and analysis with Huygens
Evangelia Xingi, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece
Digital image processing: analysis tools used in the HPI Light Microscopy Unit
Coffee break
Practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
Group 1
Instructors: Delisa Ibanez Garcia, Igor Adameyko, E.Xingi
Group 2
Huygens - Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI)
Instructor : Vincent Schoonderwoert
13:30 -14:30
Lunch break
Practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
14:30 -17:30
Group 1
Group 2
Bitplane/Imaris Cell
Instructors: Delisa Ibanez Garcia, Igor Adameyko, E.Xingi
Huygens - Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI)
Instructor : Vincent Schoonderwoert
19:00 - 24:00
Cultural and social event
19:00 - 21:00
Guided tour to the New Acropolis museum
21:00 - 23:30
Dinner at the restaurant of the Acropolis museum
6th Day, Saturday June 15
Practical session – hands on training on computational algorithms
9:30 -13:00
Group 1
Huygens - Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI)
Instructor : Vincent Schoonderwoert
Group 2
Bitplane/Imaris Cell
Instructors: Delisa Ibanez Garcia, Igor Adameyko, E.Xingi
13:00 – 14:00
Lunch break
14:00 – 16:30
Group 1
Huygens - Scientific Volume Imaging (SVI)
Instructor : Vincent Schoonderwoert
Group 2
Bitplane/Imaris Cell
Instructors: Delisa Ibanez Garcia, Igor Adameyko, E.Xingi
Coffee break
Informal tutorials
Practice on any of the 5 software (Icy, ImagJ/Fiji, Imaris Cell, SVI and TTT)
with the help of instructors
7th Day, Sunday June 16
9:00 -21:00
Cultural and social event
One day excursion to the island of Aegina and to the archaeological site of Aphaia
8th Day, Monday June 17
9:00 - 9:45
Evangelia Xingi, Hellenic Pasteur Institute
9:45 - 13:30
Tutorials and practice
Participants will work on their projects on the different software they have been
trained during the course with the assistance of instructors and will prepare their
13:30 – 14:30
Lunch break
14:30 – 18:00
Student Presentations
Students will present the results from their course projects in 10 min presentations.
18:00 – 18:30
END of course – closing remarks