2014 Women in the Trades MS & HS Girls Career Fair Pre-Visit Checklist October 2014 Dear Education Partner, On behalf of Black Hills Energy, Kiewit, Lincoln Electric Systems, Metropolitan Community College, Nebraska Public Power District and Omaha Public Power District, I thank for all of the time and effort you invested so that young women could participate in the 2014 Women in the Trades, Middle School & High School Girls Career Fair! We are excited to offer this opportunity and enthusiastic about collaborating with industry, community, and education partners. Through the students’ participation in the Fair they will learn more about highly-paid and highly-skilled career in the trades and engineering they may want to consider for themselves. Please take some time to thoroughly read through this Pre-visit Checklist. Then, please review the information with the additional chaperones and all of the students who will be attending prior to Wednesday, October 22nd this checklist. It contains important information that will ensure that your day is safe, goes smoothly and that your students get the most information out of the experience. ____ WHAT TO WEAR Please remind your students about appropriate dress the day before the event. Denim jeans are recommended Students should anticipate some physical activity and situations during which they may get dirty. Students will be given T-shirts to be worn that day. An appropriate undershirt (i.e. tank top, lightweight long-sleeve shirt, or undershirt) should be worn so that the T-shirt can be worn over the undershirt. To protect the feet, closed-toe leather shoes/boots with no heel or tennis shoes need to be worn. Sandals or flip-flops are not permitted. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential for individual safety. Hard hats and safety glasses will be provided during the Check-in. All participants are required to wear PPE throughout the day. Name Badge- Students will be given a packet that includes a name badge at the check-in tent. All students and chaperones should clearly display their name badges during the event. Select clothing based on the day’s weather forecast. Some workshops are outside, so layers are recommended. As a general rule, students should dress according to the dress codes outlined by their respective schools, including what is appropriate and decent. Page 1 2014 Women in the Trades MS & HS Girls Career Fair Pre-Visit Checklist ____ TRAVEL AND ARRIVAL Please plan for additional travel time in case of adverse traffic or road conditions. This will allow students to arrive on time for the opening presentation at 9 a.m. The opening presentation is important as it explains important safety procedures and outlines the day’s agenda. ____ DIRECTIONS TO THE OPPD ELKHORN SERVICE CENTER A map to the event location is attached to this packet. From West Dodge Road, take the 168th Street exit Proceed North Take an immediate left (West) onto Burt Street Continue West to North 177th Circle Turn right (North) Continue through the roundabout Your destination (a gate entrance) will be shortly past the roundabout. An OPPD Security guard will be at the gate to direct you. ____ PARKING Please enter through the far Southeast entrance at the OPPD Elkhorn Service Center Please park in the lot directly east of the trailers (or as otherwise directed when you arrive). Your education liaison will greet you and provide further instructions. Please remain in your vehicle until you are cleared to exit by your Educator Liaison. ____ CODE OF CONDUCT Students should remain with their assigned group at all times. Teachers and chaperones should supervise their students and address any misconduct behaviors when observed. If students are in different groups, teachers and chaperones be must be accompanied by a volunteer for safety reasons. In consideration of others, cell phones should be “silenced.” No smoking is permitted on OPPD property. All school campus rules apply. Page 2 2014 Women in the Trades MS & HS Girls Career Fair Pre-Visit Checklist ____ LUNCH ____ Box lunches and drinks will be provided. If any of your students have dietary restrictions or food allergies, please inform your Educator Liaison by Monday, October 20th. EVALUATIONS Please help us improve future career fairs by having all students, teachers and chaperones fill out evaluations at the end of the day. We rely on your feedback to make this a fun, informative, and relevant event for all participants. EDUCATORS’ LIAISONS Jamie Snyder, jlsnyder@oppd.com, 402.____________(mobile) Metro Community College Papillion-LaVista South Bryan High School Bellevue West High School Robin Keller, rmkeller@oppd.com, 402.____________(mobile) Careers for Kids Ralston High School Ralston Junior High School OPS Career Center Athena Roberson, asroberson@oppd.com, 402.____________(mobile) Partnership for Kids Boys Town Elkhorn Thank you, again, for the important role you played in coordinating and registering the students for the 2014 Women in the Trades, MS & HS Career Fair! Please do not hesitate to contact your Educator Liaison with any comments, questions, or concerns. We look forward to spending the day with you and your students on Wednesday, October 22nd! Joyce Cooper Joyce Cooper Project Coordinator Page 3