English 12 Honors 2013 From Oedipus to Alice: Archetypal Patterns and Themes in Literature and Life Summer Assignment Mrs. Glasberg (kglasberg@lawrencewoodmere.org) READING I: Non- Fiction How to Read Literature Like a Professor - Thomas C. Foster New York: Harper-Collins Publishers, 2003 This is a lively and entertaining book which guides readers to a greater awareness of the patterns, themes and symbols which infuse our great works of literature and add a further dimension to our reading pleasure. Make sure that you read his first book. Don’t confuse it with the second listed below for extra credit. For extra credit, read Foster’s second book, How to Read Novels Like a Professor. Although there is an overlap with his first book, there are new concepts that you would find most helpful. Outline carefully and be willing to present the information to the class in a PowerPoint for extra credit. . For even more fun, make up posters to put up around the classroom illustrating his “Laws.” ASSIGNMENT: Annotate each chapter of the Foster book in detail. The better you annotate, the easier it will be to discuss and to complete later assignments since we will reference this book throughout the year. Mark the main points and the most effective examples in each chapter. Annotate with examples you can think of from texts you've read previously, as well as any comments or questions you have. Then, when you have completed the reading, create a detailed outline in a Word document. Do not use an already published outline of this book Bring your books and your separate outline on the first day of class for collection and grading. When we begin the year, I will assign you chapters to teach the class in a PowerPoint. The more detailed your annotations and outline, the easier this will be to do. I am available through e-mail all summer. If you have any questions, write me. I can send you suggestions for extra summer reading or clarify any questions you have. kglasberg@lawrencewoodmere.org. . Scoring Guide for your Annotations A-- Notes are frequent and abundant throughout the text, evidencing deep and thoughtful engagement with the writing. No major gaps. Interaction with the author’s ideas is apparent in the beginning, middle and end of the work. Notes reflect questioning and responding to a range of techniques and ideas within the text. B -- Notes are constant throughout the text, though not as frequent as in the case of an “A.” The reader is clearly engaged with the text, though he/she does not display the same energetic body of questions and responses. Still, a range of the author’s techniques and ideas are pointed out and explored. C-- Notes are present in the text, though gaps are evident. The reader shows periods of engagement with the author’s writing, although the notes appear more superficial in nature, less questioning, little energetic response. Some interest in technique in meaning, although too brief. D-- Little to no evidence of interaction with the author’s ideas. A few notes have been made, but the effort appears perfunctory. F- There is no evidence that you read the book.