Name:___________________________________ Block:________________________ Date:____________________________________

Anthem Annotation Guide: Chapter 5-6
As you read through chapters 5-6 of Anthem, annotate for the following information. You may write
your annotations on this sheet, or you may use post-it notes placed in your book. You will turn in
your annotations for a summative grade when we finish the chapter.
Annotate for passages that give information about Equality’s big discovery in the tunnel, as well as
what he plans to do with this new invention (with page numbers).
Annotate for passages that describe what happens to Equality after he fails to return to the social
meeting (with page numbers).
Annotate for passages that describe Equality’s time in the Palace of Corrective Detention and how
this time affects his decisions/plans for the future (with page numbers).
Annotate for any other information that you found particularly important/interesting or
particularly confusing. Put a ! next to interesting/important information. Put a ? next to
confusing information/places where you have a question.