Later Medieval Europe Notes

Later Middle Ages Notes!
Name: _________________________________________ Period: _____
Section 1: Popes and Kings
1. In the later Middle Ages, power goes from lords/knights, to _________________ and
2. The one man who ruled the church and who was its leader was called the _____________. He
could kick someone out of the church for doing something that the church thought was wrong.
This is called ______________________________.
3. When two or more countries make an agreement to help and defend each other, this is called
an __________________________.
4. A special empire that had the backing of the pope, who saw it as the “new Rome,” was the
_________________ __________________ ____________________. (Charlemagne’s old
5. Leaders of the HRE had to be elected by the empire’s _____________________.
6. In the mid 1000’s, the church would have a fight over ideas! It would split into two parts
The _____________________ _____________________ ____________________ (in the west of
Europe) and the ____________________ ___________________ __________________. (in
Eastern Europe) These two churches would grow apart and do their own thing.
Section 2: The Crusades
1. The ____________________ were a long series of wars between Islam and Christianity. The two
religions had major differences, and both thought that they should control the _____________
________________ (today’s Israel and Palestine)
2. Muslims had captured the city of Jerusalem, and ______________________, or travelers to
religious sites, were no longer safe.
3. The Byzantine Emperor (who was Eastern Orthodox), asked the Catholic pop e, Pope
______________________ to help. He said yes.
4. The pope called for all Christians to fight against the Muslims to take back the Holy Land. These
people went on a ____________________, and were called ________________________. They
cried out “___________ ___________ ______!” when they marched off to battle!
5. What were some reasons that people went on a Crusade?
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6. In the ______________ ______________________, the Christians reconquered Jerusalem and
set up mini-kingdoms there. This didn’t last, and Muslims took their land back. So Europeans
formed new Crusades to try again!
7. The English king who fought bravely in the Holy Land during the 3rd Crusade was called King
______________________ the _____________________!
8. The Muslim general responsible for defeating the Europeans after several crusades was called
__________________________. He was the ______________________, or Islamic king of the
area, and known for his mercy and generosity.
9. In the Fourth Crusade, French knights pillaged the city of ___________________________,
which weakened it and made it open to attack.
10. For what four reasons did the Crusaders fail?
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11. The Crusades made things bad between the __________________________ and the
______________________, which lasts in many places today.
Section 3: Christianity and Medieval Society
1. Church officials, who were involved in politics, culture and government, were called the
2. Many people would go on ____________________________, or journeys to religious sites, like
Jesus’ birthplace.
3. One important religious place was called ____________________________, in England. A
famous work of literature was written by Geoffrey Chaucer, called the
______________________ _______________. It detailed a wacky adventure to get there.
4. It was written in _______ _________________, which is not the same as modern English!
5. The monks at Cluny started a new _____________________ _____________________.
6. _______________ are the female version of monks.
7. _________________ were kind of like monks, but who lived in the cities and taught schools
8. People wanted to learn more about their worlds in Europe, which lead to the formation of the
first _________________________. You could take classes and learn ancient knowledge!
9. The church sponsored the arts in Europe. One such form of art was in architecture. Huge
churches called _________________________ were built, using a style of building called
_______________________. One of the most famous is a place called ____________
_______________ in France. To hold them up, they also had large structures called
_______________ _________________________.
10. Built on most cathedrals were _________________________, scary-looking creatures that were
supposed to ward off evil!
11. Other religious art included _______________________, or large carpets that had many
pictures sewed into them.
Section 4: Political and Social Change
1. A famous document that set aside rights for nobles, and which the King of England, “Bad” King
John, had to follow was called the _______________ _________________. This document is a
big part of our Constitution in the US today!
2. Name three things that the Magna Carta stated, which gave people rights:
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3. Also, the King of England formed a group of advisors that would later limit his power and make
laws. This group is called the ________________________________. They actually run modern
England today!
4. In 1328, in France, two candidates for king fought over who should be the next king. One was
English, one was French. When the French guy won, the English attacked and it started off the
_________________________ ______________ _____________.
5. A peasant girl named __________________ ______ ___________ lead the French against the
English. Supposedly, she had guidance from God. She was killed by the English, but the French
still won.
6. A _______________________ is a person who goes against the beliefs of the Church. Many of
them were killed or burned alive as witches!
Extra Stuff: The Black Death!
1. Scientists and historians believe that the Black Death began in _____________, and worked its
way west through traders on the ________________ ____________________.
2. The carrier of the plague was nothing but the common _________ (a very small particle that
infects human!) that caught a ride on the black _________. They would bite humans and infect
3. Another name for the Black Death is the _________________ Plague. (This is because of the
BUBOES that form on peoples’ skin!)
4. The Europeans first came into contact with the plague in a city called ___________________.
Italians brought it back to _____________, where it spread like crazy!
5. About how many people died in Europe?
6. A strange group of people thought that God was punishing them. They whipped themselves to
punish themselves! These people were called ________________________.
7. The swellings that the disease would make under your armpits were called
8. In the end, things were actually better for peasants in Europe. They now demanded higher
____________, or what you get paid, as well as rights, from the lords!
Section 5: Challenges to Church Authority
1. Anything that goes against the church is considered to be _________________________.
People who go against the church are called _______________________.
2. One group of actual Christian knights was considered heretics by the church. They were called
the ____________________ ___________________, and they were all but wiped out by the
French king!
3. In Spain, Christians began fighting the Muslim ________________. The Muslims called Spain
____-__________________ Christians wanted to take back Spain and make it Christian again.
The long war to do this was called the _________________________.
4. The two Christian Spanish kingdoms that banded together to do this were called
______________________ and ___________________.
5. The prince of Aragon was called ______________________ and the princess of Castile was
called ____________________________. When they got married, their two countries became
one big country called _______________________!
6. Ferdinand and Isabella put together a group of priests who were to get rid of or convert anyone
who wasn’t Christian in Spain. This was called the ______________________
__________________________. They used torture and murder to scare people into
“confessing” their sins!
7. One of the groups who suffered most from this was the _______. They were kicked out of Spain