CASP Grant Recipients [MS Word Document

Application No.
Project Name
Lead organisations and partners
Barwon South West
2015CASP00009 Helping Hand: Glenelg Freshwater Mussel recovery actions
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research with
assistance from Glenelg Hopkins Catchment
Management Authority
2015CASP00063 Glenelg Hopkins Pine Wildling Removal
Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management
Authority with support from Parks Victoria and
2015CASP00067 Reintroduction of Eastern Barred Bandicoots into Tiverton, Western
DELWP with Tiverton Property Partners pty ltd,
Zoos Victoria and Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Recovery Team
2015CASP00069 Supporting the captive insurance population of Southern Brush-tailed
Rock Wallabies.
DELWP with Mt Rothwell Biodiversity
Conservation Centre, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve
and Zoos South Australia
2015CASP00071 Discovery Bay Coastal Park Limestone Ridge, Orchid Conservation
DELWP with Parks Victoria and Conservation
Volunteers Australia
2015CASP00074 A survey protocol for the threatened Heath Mouse
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research and
Glenelg Ark partners
Parks Victoria with Friends of Bay of Islands,
Timboon Field Naturalists and DELWP Regional
Nature Glenelg Trust with support from Parks
Victoria, Hamilton Field Naturalists and Glenelg
Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
DELWP Regional Services with Arthur Rylah
Institute for Environmental Research for
Environmental Research
2015CASP00084 Metallic Sun Orchid Protection
2015CASP00098 Identifying the distribution of, and restoration opportunities for, the
critically endangered Western Swamp Crayfish in the Grampians
2015CASP00101 Southern right whale data assessment and risk analysis (south-east
2015CASP00110 Strategic on-ground management to retain and enhance threatened
flora and ecological communities of the Mortlake Common Flora
Nature Glenelg Trust with support from Parks
Victoria and DELWP Regional Services
2015CASP00113 Recovery of threatened species (Wimmera Bottlebrush and Dwarf
Galaxias) in response to the permanent restoration of Gooseneck and
Brady Swamps
Nature Glenelg Trust with Parks Victoria,
Hamilton Field Naturalists , Glenelg Hopkins
Catchment Management Authority
2015CASP00129 Protecting stream habitat for the critically endangered Glenelg
Freshwater Mussel
Nature Glenelg Trust with Arthur Rylah Institute
for Environmental Research for Environmental
Research and Glenelg Hopkins Catchment
Management Authority
DELWP and Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria with
Woorndoo Landcare group, Trust for Nature
and Moyne Shire Council
2015CASP00137 Mapping review of optimal Orange-bellied Parrot habitat
DELWP Regional Services with Arthur Rylah
Institute for Environmental Research, Birdlife
Australia, Parks Victoria, Corangamite
Catchment Management Authority and Glenelg
Hopkins Catchment Management Authority
2015CASP00139 Expanded Orange-bellied Parrot winter survey
DELWP with Birdlife Australia
2015CASP00146 Protecting a western basalt plains endemic: conservation for the Saltlake Tussock Grass at Lake Linlithgow Lake Reserve
Nature Glenelg Trust with Parks Victoria,
Hamilton Field Naturalists and DELWP Regional
2015CASP00148 Rapid assessments informing critical recovery actions for threatened
grassland flora of the Linear Reserves Program
Nature Glenelg Trust with support from Glenelg
Hopkins Catchment Management Authority,
2015CASP00150 Protecting Threatened Icons of the Volcanic Plains and Lakes - Salt-lake
Greening Australia with Parks Victoria
2015CASP00161 Protecting threatened orchids on the urban fringe: conserving the
Basalt Leek-orchid at Maam Reserve
Nature Glenelg Trust with Warrnambool Society
for Growing Australian Plants and Goldfields
2015CASP00134 Basalt Rustyhood Translocation Project
Weed Management
2015CASP00001 Roundsnout Galaxias recovery actions
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research
2015CASP00003 McDowalls Galaxias and East Gippsland Galaxias recovery actions
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research with
support from Parks Victoria
2015CASP00004 Dargo Galaxias recovery actions
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research with
support from Parks Victoria
2015CASP00005 Predator removal to save Shaw Galaxias from extinction
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research with
support from Parks Victoria
2015CASP00006 Tapered Galaxias and West Gippsland Galaxias recovery actions
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research with
support from Parks Victoria
2015CASP00029 Protecting the New Holland Mouse
Trust for Nature with assistance from Parks
Victoria, DELWP, Wildlife Unlimited, Gippsland
Water, East Gippsland Landcare Network,
Wellington Shire, Museum Victoria and private
DELWP with Trust for Nature and private
2015CASP00037 Gippsland Plains EPBC Grassland ecosystems and flora species
2015CASP00045 Establishment of a self-sustaining captive insurance population of the
Baw Baw Frog that supports wild recovery of the species.
Zoos Victoria with support from the Baw Baw
Recovery Team, DELWP, Mt Baw Baw Alpine
Resort and the Amphibian Research Centre
2015CASP00082 Lowland Rainforest: Littoral Rainforest and Coastal Vine Thickets of
Eastern Australia - Measuring for Recovery
DELWP with East Gippsland Rainforest
Conservation Management Network,
Gunaikurnai Rangers, East Gippsland Littoral
Rainforest Working Group and Parks Victoria
DELWP with Parks Victoria, Bairnsdale Field
Naturalists and Australasian Native Orchid
DELWP with Trust for Nature, Parks Victoria and
Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal
Corporation (GLaWAC), Bairnsdale
DELWP with Giant Gippsland Earthworm
Recovery Team, Trust for Nature and Baw Baw
Shire Council
DELWP with Parks Victoria and Royal Botanic
2015CASP00081 Moorabool Environmental Weed Control for Rocky Chenopod
Parks Victoria with Friends of Werribee Gorge
and Long Forest Mallee
2015CASP00145 Survey of the Rayed Blue Butterfly (Wimmera form) and its food plant
Trust for Nature (Vic) with Grampians to Little
Desert Biolink volunteers, Amarylis
Environmental and DELWP
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria
2015CASP00031 Ballantinia’s road to recovery: Hydrological restoration and moving to
new heights
DELWP with Amaryllis Environmental, Dja Dja
Wurrung Enterprises and Parks Victoria
2015CASP00062 Rare and Restored- Orchids of the Loddon Mallee
DELWP Regional Services (Loddon Mallee &
Grampians), Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria,
Australasian Native Orchid Society, Parks
2015CASP00088 Alpine Flora - managing threats from large introduced herbivores
2015CASP00106 Gippsland Plains Threatened Species and Communities - 2.
2015CASP00107 Threatened Invertebrates of the Western Strzeleckiis
2015CASP00130 Threatened Orchids of the West Gippsland Coast
2015CASP00158 Reducing extinction threat by seedbanking
2015CASP00118 Wild Orchids of the Wimmera
2015CASP00039 Critical assessment and protection of Velvet Daisy-bush (Olearia
pannosa subsp. cardiophylla)
Victoria, Bush Heritage Australia, Trust for
Nature, Kara Kara Conservation Management
Network, St Arnaud Field Naturalists, Flora
Victoria, Friends of Kooyoora and Bendigo
Institute of TAFE volunteers
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria with Trust for
Nature, Parks Victoria and Wimmera Catchment
Management Authority
Trust for Nature (Vic) with Arthur Rylah
Institute for Environmental Research for
Environmental Research, Parks Victoria, Friends
of Brisbane Ranges, ANGAIR Inc. and private
Trust for Nature (Vic) with Amaryllis
Environmental, Australasian Native Orchid
Society, Kara Kara Conservation Management
Network, Friends of Kooyoora and Bush
Heritage Australia
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research for Environmental Research
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with La Trobe University, Mt Hotham
Alpine Resort and Mt Buller Mt Stirling Alpine
Resort Management Boards
2015CASP00043 Saving the threatened Alpine and Mount Stirling stoneflies
La Trobe University with Murray-Darling
Freshwater Research Centre, Mt Buller-Mt
Stirling Resort Management, Falls Creek Resort
Management and Parks Victoria
2015CASP00054 Conservation management response to the arrival of the Amphibian
Chytrid Fungus at the last fungus-free population of the nationally
Vulnerable (Critically Endangered in Victoria) Alpine Tree Frog
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with Museum Victoria
2015CASP00154 Protection and augmentation of populations of seven threatened
Orchid species on Trust for Nature covenanted properties in the
Goldfields Bioregion
2015CASP00010 Barred Galaxias recovery actions
2015CASP00022 Mapping and monitoring Caltha introloba Herbland Community
2015CASP00059 Private Land Action for Threatened Species
Trust for Nature (Vic) and Parks Victoria
2015CASP00097 Genetic Sampling - Critical To Management Imperatives Of A Highly
Fragmented Threatened Woodland Population In Victoria
DELWP with cesar pty ltd
2015CASP00124 Protecting spawning conditions for Freshwater catfish at Tahbilk Lagoon
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with Goulburn Broken Catchment
Management Authority
Goulburn Broken Catchment Management
Authority with Birds Bush and Beyond and
Superb Parrot Action Group
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with North East Catchment
Management Authority, Fisheries Victoria,
Australian Government , Ovens Landcare
Network, Myrtleford and District Sports Fishing
Club, Wangaratta and District Sports Fishing
Club, Wangaratta Fly Fishing Club, Wangaratta
Sustainability - Restoring our Waterways
Group, Rural City of Wangaratta and Alpine
Shire Council, VRFish, North East Angling
Association, Native Fish Australia (Vic), Parks
Victoria and Murray Darling Basin Authority
DELWP with Mt Hotham Alpine Resort
Management Board and VicRoads
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with DELWP Regional Services,
Wildlife Profiles and Parks Victoria
Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research with Parks Victoria and Wildlife
DELWP with Dja Dja Wurrung Enterprises
2015CASP00126 Threatened woodland birds of the Goulburn-Murray irrigation district:
Are we prioritising works in the right landscapes?
2015CASP00140 Re-establishing Macquarie perch in the Ovens River
2015CASP00152 The design of a rock corridor linking Mountain Pygmy-possum habitat at
Little Higginbotham, Mt Hotham - remove the barriers to the
conservation movement.
Loddon Mallee
2015CASP00014 Determining threat management options for Masters' Snake
2015CASP00018 Management to aid the survival of the highly localised Heath Skink in
2015CASP00021 Threat busting in key Jericho Wire-grass populations
2015CASP00023 Putting Shiny Daisy-bush back in its place: Protecting diversity and
unlocking the mysteries of low seed viability
DELWP with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria,
South Australian Seed Conservation Centre, MG
Gold MG Gold Pty Ltd and Friends of Kooyoora
2015CASP00030 Reintroduction and reinforcement of the endangered Black-eared Miner
(Manorina melanotis) to the Victoria mallee: Translocation Plan
BirdLife Australia with Monash University
2015CASP00041 Murray hardyhead recovery program
DELWP with North Central Catchment
Management Authority, Mallee Catchment
Management Authority, Murray Darling
Freshwater Research Centre, Lower Murray
Water, Goulburn Murray
Water & Game Management Authority
NCCMA with Fire Flood & Flora, Murray Darling
Fresh Water Research Centre, Royal Botanical
Gardens Victoria, Barapa Barapa Traditional
Owners and Holocene Environmental Science
DELWP with Amaryllis Environmental, Parks
Victoria, Victorian Entomological Society, Trust
for Nature, Kara Kara Conservation
Management Network, St Arnaud Field
Naturalists, Friends of Kooyoora, Bendigo
Regional Institute of TAFE, Mallee Landcare
Group, Riddells Creek Landcare Group and
Loddon Landcare Network
2015CASP00049 Winged Peppercress - in-situ monitoring and ex-situ seedbank
2015CASP00164 On a Wing and Prayer- protecting the Loddon Mallee's most
endangered butterflies
Port Phillip
2015CASP00050 Broadmeadows Valley Park - Geranium sp. 1
2015CASP00056 Securing the future of Victoria's State Emblems
2015CASP00057 Yarra Ranges Endemic Shiny Nematolepis (Nematolepis wilsonii)
2015CASP00092 Strategic Actions for Mornington Peninsula & Westernport Threatened
Species & Communities
Hume City Council with Flora Victoria,
Naturelinks, Webster Contracting and DELWP
Port Phillip Westernport Catchment
Management Authority with Trust for Nature,
Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater, DELWP
and Parks Victoria
Parks Victoria with DELWP and Upper
Goulbourn Field Naturalist Club
Trust for Nature (Vic) with Parks Victoria, Royal
Botanic Gardens Victoria, Australasian Native
Orchid Society and Southern Peninsula
Indigenous Flora & Fauna Association
2015CASP00094 Threatened orchids of Middle Yarra and the Warrandyte-Kinglake
Habitat Corridor
Parks Victoria with DELWP, Acacia
Environmental Management, Karl Just Ecological Consultant and Farm Fencing
2015CASP00096 Saving Plains Orchids
DELWP with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria,
Australasian Native Orchid Society, Friends of
Bungalook, Merri Creek Management
Committee, Maroondah City Council and
Mornington Peninsula Shire
Parks Victoria with Australasian National Orchid
Society and Friends of the Gorge
Yarra Ranges Council with Parks Victoria,
University of Melbourne and Arthur Rylah
Institute for Environmental Research
Yarra Ranges Council with Chum Creek
Landcare Group, Melbourne Water and
Parks Victoria
2015CASP00162 Captive-breeding to protect and recover the last lowland Leadbeater’s
Possum population at Yellingbo Nature Conservation Reserve
Zoos Victoria
2015CASP00165 Eastern Barred Bandicoot Gene Widening Project
cesar pty ltd, University of Melbourne, Zoos
Victoria, DELWP, Mt Rothwell Biodiversity and
2015CASP00099 Plenty Gorge Park Orchid Sites
2015CASP00100 Addressing stormwater threats to sensitive riparian ecosystems in
Sassafras and Perrins Creek sub-catchment
2015CASP00104 Pomaderris vacciniifolia protection Yarra Ranges
2015CASP00111 Eastern Barred Bandiocoot (EBB) Recovery - Pest Animal Control in the
Back Paddock, Woodlands Historic Park
Interpretation Centre, Parks Victoria, DPWE
(Tasmania), Victorian Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Recovery Team