Course Syllabus –Speech Communication – Mr. Hamilton 14-15 Course Information Communication Application is a speech course (1/2 credit) required to graduate by Denton ISD. The course is designed to teach students the fundamentals of communication within their world. Furthermore students will demonstrate how to deliver a speech, analyze speeches, and engage in professional as well as informal communication practices. Teacher Contact Information Mr. Hamilton Work: 940.369.1219 Daily Schedule A-Day B-Day DEBATE I, II, III Speech Debate I Speech Speech Speech Conference Speech Speech TUTORING WILL BE AVAILABLE BEFORE SCHOOL MONDAY – FRIDAY 8:15 A.M. – 8:45 A.M. OR BY APPOINTMENT Supply List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Notebook or folder to keep up with assignments. Pens Spiral notebook to complete daily warm-up activities. Box of Kleenex Ream of copy paper Clorox Wipes (A day classes) Hand sanitizer small size (B day classes) **Note Supplies should be present in class by the 2nd week of school (for assistance or clarification please email Mr. Hamilton) The entire course information can be found online via my teacher webpage: Course Syllabus Page 1 Note Test grades are in Bold Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) indicate state required learning objectives being covered – NOTE TEKS 4 encompasses TEKS 4 A-N (giving a speech from prep to delivery) Week 1: Lens: Identity Week 2: Lens: Identity Week 3: Lens: Identity *Introductions and paper work *Finish Dyad Speeches *Nonverbal Comm. *The Importance of Communication (Video Lupe Fiasco) (Literature text: “The Monologue” by M. Bentz) *Comm. Cycle weaver model *Abraham Maslow – hierarchy of needs *Difference in Informative and Persuasive speeches/techniques *Text set – Kendrick Lamar (Edited) Identity via music (intrapersonal communication) *Stages of Life activity/Speech *Dyads activity *Activity – drawing the pyramid of needs with magazine pictures *activity – drawing the communication cycle – diff forms of sender and receiver *Dyad speech TEKS 4K *Identity Shepard Fairey Artwork *Structure of a professional speech *Informative speech assignment – Artist of choice and their identity TEKS 4K Week 4: Lens: Power **Gender Comm. (extension of ID) **Rhetoric Lecture TEKS – 1A, B, C, D, J, and K TEKS – 2A, B, D, E, F, H Week 5: Lens: Power . **Begin Persuasive speeches using Power Dynamics Week 6: Lens: Power ** Test Grade – persuasive speech *Review of famous political speeches. **Aristotle continued – get them to like you Eminem, Decorum *Political Communication Lecture *Twitter Campaign Project TEKS 4K TEKS 3F, G Week 8: Lens: Voice Week 9: Lens: Voice *Begin drafts of Slam Poetry pieces *Finish Slam performances and critiques *Slam! Present Slam Poetry pieces **End of 1st cycle **Persuasion Lecture **Persuasion and Power TEKS 1A-K Week 7: Lens: Voice *Slam Poetry Unit – Alternative Literacy *Text sets: Just Slammin! & Various poems for analysis Course Syllabus Page 2 TEKS 2A-I Week 10: Lens: Justice & Truth Week 11: Lens: Justice & Truth Week 12: Lens: Justice & Truth *Propaganda Lecture *Create propaganda piece that may be found in our society *Fallacies *Court cases, Justice, and Action Lecture *Test: Occasion Speeches – give occasion speech on topic of choosing revolving around Justice, Truth, etc. *Justice and morality activity TEKS 4K TEKS 10D (all), 10E (all), F, G, H, I, J, K Week 13: Lens: Society/Community TEKS 1H, I, J, K Week 14: Lens: Society/Community Week 15: Lens: Society/Community *Media Communication *Cultural Communication lecture *Test: Informative speech on culture, journey, etc. *Moral panics *World & Local Conflict *Forced Journeys TEKS 4K TEKS 1A-K & 2H, TEKS 1 A, B, I, J, K Week 16: Lens: action/inaction *Social Media Communication Lecture and activity -Best practices, social identity, etc. CREATE BLOG *Practical Skills – Interview preparation – putting it into action *Choose a job you would like to interview for. Week 17: Lens: action/inaction Week 18: Lens: action/inaction *Leadership Communication lecture. *Group Communication Speech – Community Action Plan *How are the effective leaders in their communication in the community ? **Group Communication Lecture Course Syllabus *Final Exam Grade – Comprehensive Final exam multiple choice/essay. *Community Action plan TEKS 3A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I *Create job interview questions *Interview Test TEKS 2 G, 4K *Continue review for the final exam. TEKS 4K TEKS 3A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I Page 3 Grading Policy Following the Denton ISD Grading Policy as outlined below: Late-work, Zeroes, and Reassessment Following the new Denton ISD grading policy a student only shall receive a “0” if they fail to master the content and are allowed to be re-assed or re-do the assignment. The goal is that students master the content not simply opt-out of doing assignments, thus zeroes for not turning in an assignment will not be an option, instead who miss deadlines for assignments will have a chance to turn those assignments end BEFORE the end of the grading period. However, failing to turn in an assignment can result in: verbal warning, call to parents, teacher detention, office referral, Saturday school. (disciplinary measures would ensue in the aforementioned order) Weighting categories of assignments: Major: 70% (tests and speeches) Minor: 30% (daily grades, warm-ups, etc.) For full description of the new Denton ISD grading policy please visit: Course & Teacher Policies, Procedures, Rules, Rewards, and Consequences Procedures: 1. When the bell rings students should be seated and working on the bell-work. a. The students should be working when the bell rings on the assignment that is either on the board, or the handout provided. This will ensure that learning begins at the start of the class. 2. When the bell rings students will remain seated, I dismiss the class, not the bell. a. By having the students remain seated when the bell rings it provides a brief moment to tell the students goodbye, have a good day, etc. This will help build the crucial relationships with the students. 3. Each student should pick up and return folder to designated place at the beginning and end of class. 4. Bring all required materials to class, unless otherwise stated by the teacher. 5. Keep you name plaque visible at all times, it is how I learn names and keep attendance. Expectations 1. Students will enter and exit the room with a positive attitude. 2. Each student will display pride and individuality in their work and overall contributions to our classroom. 3. All students will be heard in our classroom, and encouraged to ask questions 4. Follow the HSD “Simply Rules” which will be covered in class on how to treat one another. Rules 1. 2. 3. Be courteous to other classmates and the teacher. Refrain from using negative remarks and curse words in the classroom. Listen and follow instructions, if clarification is needed, ask. Clean up your surrounding area at the end of each class period. Consequences 1. Verbal warning. Course Syllabus Page 4 2. 3. 4. 5. Deduction in daily grade. Teacher/Student Conference. Note home to parents. Office Referral. Course Syllabus Page 5