October 2015 UPark in the Library - Fairbanks North Star Borough

Falcons Yearning Information (FYI) @
University Park Elementary Library
October 2015
Library Media Associate: Carol Smallwood
Special Events I hosted in the
library or collaborated with staff to
do this month-1. A “Pirate Treasure Literacy Hunt” on Thursday, Oct 1st
right after school. I co-chaired this event with Karisa King,
our Title 1 coordinator.
2. The Guys Read program for 2 weeks in the library, during
the intermediate lunchtime, for the 4th grade boys. It will
start Oct 5th and be done on Oct 14th for the Fall session.
3. The yearly Fall Scholastic Book Fair, which was set up here
on Oct 16, ended on Oct 27th. For this event I collaborate
with the PTA members, new volunteers and the PTA board,
also the counselor, K. Presler. And with classroom teachers
and the custodians for setting up, the lunch event, and the
pack up, and shipping out.
4. The University Park Elementary Fall Festival – this is a
school-wide event.
# of
ebook usage
Nook – 111,
MariPad- 25
5. Coordinating with Greg Hill, Guys Read program, to bring
author/artist David Petersen here on Feb 4th to do a
6. Artist in the Schools with Kendell Macomber, choreographer/dance instructor of swing & hip hop dance. This will happen in
November in the gym, for the whole school, in a 2 week residency. It is sponsored by our PTA and the FAA. I am the U-Park PTA
Artists in the School coordinator, so we have this set up now for the next month.
Circulation for October 2015 –
the total was 78 items more than last
year ! There were 2921 items
checked out, for the month, average
of 146 a day.
October 2015
Library Media Associate: Carol Smallwood
What we did in the library this month
I started to do a weekly email, last year, which goes out to the whole staff, on Mondays. It is titled, simply, “This Week in the Library”,
and in it I summarize the lessons we will do in the library that week. This gives the whole staff notice, in case they want to tell me
what they are working on that will either tie into the lesson, or notify me of what they would like their students to look at, instead.
Everyone can see that we are not just checking out books, it helps raise the awareness of what is really being learned in here.
On Thursday, after school, Karisa King, & I hosted the Pirate Treasure Literacy Hunt in the library from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. This was a
Literacy Family event, sponsored by the Title 1 program. Students had to have an adult family member with them. “They have already
sent in permission slips, they were due last Friday, and all those attending can wear pirate costumes, but no toy swords or hooks,
please. “
Mrs Smallwood showing the students the ebooks online
October 2015
Library Media Associate: Carol Smallwood
Oct 5th - Oct 9th, 2015
I will continue to work on alphabet search with the kindergarten and first grade, since it was so interrupted last week. And some of
them did not get to use the No, No, Never box, so they will get a turn.
2nd graders thru 6th grade- I will dissect the Call number info again, and have them do a worksheet with multiple choice, they seem
to need more work on this concept.
4th grade Guys Read will be hosted on Monday & Wednesday during lunch this week, in the library.
One of the beautiful books they will be using is a new Mouse Guard, by David Petersen
We will be hosting this author in February, during the second session of Guys Read, at that time he’ll come and visit us.
Oct 12 - Oct 19th, 2015
I'll be reading "Fright Club " by Ethan Long to the primary kids K-3rd that I didn't read it to yet, and "The Dark" by Lemony Snicket to
the rest of the classes.
In 4th - 6th, I'll be reading to them from "Circus Mirandus" by Cassie Beasley.
And for all grades, they will listening to a Book Talk preview for the upcoming book fair.
The Book Fair sales officially start on Monday, Oct 19th.
Oct 19th-Oct, 23rd, 2015
BOOK FAIR is here! We have the Scholastic book fair set up in here, so that means, we will be doing student wishlists in here as the
browse the book fair. They may also purchase items during the classtime, and they will still be checking out books. All grades will go to
the story area as they arrive. For younger grades, I will pick out a story book to read to them.
Oct 26th thru Oct 30th, 2015
Well there's a lot going on this week, and we have a short one with students, so, with the classes I have Wed-Friday
K & 1st grade will have a short lesson on care of books again, "how to turn pages so you don't tear them" etc. And I'll read to them
from the kids' magazines " Click- Opening Windows for Young Minds" and also "Babybug" by the same publishers, who also produce
"Cricket". These issues are about kids creating art, and also Halloween.
2nd grade, I will highlight some of the books that are great for their reading level, such as Horrible Harry, Nate the Great, and A to Z
October 2015
Library Media Associate: Carol Smallwood
3rd grade, we'll look at "Best Friends for Frances" by Russell Hoban, "Half Magic by Edward Eager, "How to Train Your Dragon" by
Cressida Cowell, "Knights of the Round Table", one of the Time Warp Trio series by Jon Scieszka, some of the Roald Dahl books, and
maybe some others. This will be as book talks to highlight portions of the books.
(Since I won't see the majority of 2nd and third this week, we'll do this next week as well.)
4th thru 6th grade- Book review races- the tables have even numbers of students to start,
I have a selection of books laid out on the table, and the students have to look at the books on the table, as many of them as they can,
and write the title, the author, and one sentence about the book plot, and main character. The team that writes the most in a set
time frame, wins a small prize.
Friday is the Fall Festival, and I will have short films to watch (Pixar) in here during the festival, and popcorn.
Festival –
movies &
popcorn in
the library!
Also older
the book
October 2015
Library Media Associate: Carol Smallwood
Library Maintenance/Collection Development: this school year, working on 400s in non-fiction, as part of a district-wide
Interschool loan collection. In previous years, have built up the 100s, and 200s and 300s for this purpose.
Number of Titles Added: 51
Library Management Tasks –Purchased more books from Permabound. Also a selection of current popular titles from Barnes & Noble. I
attended their Educators Week demo on Sunday, and received a 25% off discount. Supervision of volunteers and library aides daily. Check
the weekly email update to find out more about what is happening in here. Keeping equipment serviced, staff comes to me to have the work
orders done for their ailing equipment. Promotion of all special events in multiple media, those listed below. Training of new high school
student aides, and training volunteers who helped with the book fair. Managing continuous promotion of Book Fair, setting up, sales during,
breakdown, and financial recap sent to Scholastic. Ongoing meetings and planning in the works for the upcoming FAA Artist in the Schools
residency, starting Nov 9th.
Library Clerk Hours: 89.25
Volunteer Hours: 97.25 hrs.
Volunteers are why we have one of the best public schools in the district!
Auroras above our house, Oct 6th, 2015. Photo taken by my
husband, Les Smallwood.