STUDENT EVALUATION FORM Student’s Name:__________________________________________________Student ID#: K_________________________ Date:_______________________________Pipeline Email Other Colleges Attended:_________________________________________________________________________________ Instructions: 1) Complete all fields with course information that you would like considered. PLEASE TYPE DIRECTLY INTO THE FORM. 2) Save the document and email it to Linda Uribe, Academic Counselor, at If you need assistance, please email Linda. 3) To receive transfer credit, official transcripts must be on file in Admissions ( 4) Incomplete course information will lead to a denial of coursework. 5) You will receive the evaluation results at your SBCC Pipeline email. CANCER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE 2015-16 CIM Department Requirements (Total 47 units) COMP 101 Microsoft Office 4.0 sem. HIT 135 Medical Terminology 3.0 sem. BMS 146 Human Form and Function 3.0 sem. HIT 101 Intro. to Health Information Mgmt 3.0 sem. CIM 100 Cancer Registry Management I 3.0 sem. HIT 204 Basic Pathophysiology 3.0 sem CIM 125 Cancer Disease Management 4.0 sem. CIM 201 Abstracting Principles and Practice I 3.0 sem. CIM 150 Oncology Coding and Staging Systems 4.0 sem. CIM 202 Abstracting Principles and Practice II 3.0 sem. CIM 225 Cancer Registry Management II 2.0 sem. CIM 250 Cancer Statistics and Epidemiology 3.0 sem. HIT 240 Quality Healthcare Management 3.0 sem. MGMT 101 Intro to Management 3.0 sem. CIM 275 3.0 sem. CIM Practicum Institution Name Course Name & Number (Ex: HIT 135) Course Title (Ex: Medical Terminology) Type (sem. or Grade Units quart.) Term (F07, S08 or SU08) CANCER INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCE DEGREE 15-16 General Education Requirements Institution Name A. Natural Science with lab 4.0 sem. B. Social and Behavioral Science Examples: Psychology, History, Sociology 3.0 sem. C. Humanities Examples: Art Appreciation, Music History, Film Appreciation, Philosophy, Foreign Language (Hands-on Art or Music classes are not accepted) 3.0 sem. D-1. English Composition Must be Freshman Composition, university-level. BA/BS degree meets requirement. 3.0 sem. D-2. Communication and Analytical Thinking Math course will double count for this requirement 3.0 sem. E-1. Intermediate Algebra 3+ sem. Course Name & Number (Ex: PSY 100) Course Title (Ex: General Psychology) Choose 3 out of 4 of areas E-2 through E-5: E-2. American Institutions US History or American Government 3.0 sem. E-3. PE/Health 2 units of PE activity OR 1 unit PE activity + 3-unit personal health course 2-4 sem. E-4. Oral Communication Speech, Interpersonal or Group Communication 3.0 sem. E-5. Multicultural/Gender Studies Central theme of course is non-western or women's studies. Examples: Cultural Anthropology, Comparative Religions, Intercultural Communications, Nonwestern Art, World Music 3.0 sem. F. Information Competency Research and information literacy course 1.0 sem. Counselor Comments: Counselor Signature: Date: Type (sem. or Grade Units quart.) Term (F07, S08 or SU08)