April 22, 2015
Is a strike happening in Peel District School Board secondary schools?
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) has notified the Peel District School Board that their members—secondary teachers and secondary occasional teachers—will be on strike effective May 4, 2015. Our concern is the safety of our students and we want families and students to clearly understand the status of our schools during any strike action.
Since we cannot ensure the safety of students during a secondary teachers' strike, we have no choice but to close all Peel board secondary schools (grades 9 to 12) to students as of May 4, 2015.
Are elementary schools on strike (kindergarten to grade 8)?
The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario has not given the Peel board any strike notice. As such, our elementary schools are open and unaffected by the OSSTF strike.
Will all schools be closed if there is a secondary teachers’ strike?
Since we cannot ensure student safety during a secondary teachers’ strike, all Peel board secondary schools will be closed to students. This means:
All regular instructional programs for grade 9 to 12 students are cancelled.
Secondary extracurricular activities, field trips and school events are cancelled.
Buses for secondary students will not operate. Buses will continue their routes for elementary students only.
Buses to provincial schools will continue.
Night School classes will not run.
Both elementary and secondary International Language classes are cancelled.
Secondary schools will also be closed to staff who are on strike. Schools will be open to all other employee groups. All elementary schools (kindergarten to grade 8) will remain open to students.
What impact will a teachers’ strike have on grade 12 students?
We have ensured that mid-term marks were submitted by secondary schools to colleges and universities by the institutions’ deadlines. In most cases, colleges and universities rely on these marks to confirm acceptance.
We do understand and share the anxiety of our families, especially about graduating students and final marks. This is early in the process and we remain hopeful that a negotiated settlement can be reached.
Unfortunately, this is a provincial issue that requires a provincial resolution—there is nothing we can do locally, other than to make sure mid-term marks have been submitted. But we will do everything to make sure that the post-secondary plans of our students are not jeopardized.
We have shared our concerns about final marks with the Ministry of Education. We know they are working with colleges and universities on this issue and we are hopeful they will find a provincial
solution should a strike occur. We will communicate this solution to students and families as soon as we have information to share.
If a teachers’ strike happens what impact will it have on grade 9-11 students’ marks?
The Ministry of Education is currently reviewing this. More information to follow.
Will teachers assign work to be completed during a strike?
Course work will not be assigned to be completed during a strike .
What will happen with secondary commencements?
Secondary commencements may need to be postponed to the fall of 2015. An update is forthcoming.
What will happen to proms?
We understand the importance of proms as part of the secondary school graduation experience, and are committed to making them happen in each of our secondary schools. Parents and students can purchase tickets with confidence.
Could students’ summer break be impacted?
It's too early in the process to determine this. We're hopeful that we will reach a negotiated settlement as soon as possible to avoid any interruption to student learning. If there will be an impact on summer break, we will inform families and students as soon as possible. Any extension of the school year would be directed by the Ministry of Education.
Will International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP) exams continue?
The Peel board will ensure students have the opportunity to write their IB and AP exams, if a strike occurs. Information will be communicated to affected students.
Will refunds be issued for student activity/athletics fees?
We are monitoring and reviewing the situation, but it is too early to make a decision as we do not know the full impact of a strike. A decision will be made before the end of the school year and will be communicated to families.
Will Co-operative Education and other pathway programs continue during a strike?
If a strike happens, Co-operative Education, regular Ontario Youth Apprentice Program (OYAP) and
Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs will not run in the absence of teacher supervisors.
Dual Credit, OYAP/Dual Credit and OYAP Level 1 programs will continue as they are monitored by staff who are not OSSTF members. Students in these three programs will continue to be bused during a strike, if they currently receive transportation.
Will Counting On You continue?
Counting On You after-school programs in Peel board secondary schools are cancelled.
How long could a strike last?
OSSTF has not given the Peel board any indication as to how long a strike might last.
Will there be picket lines outside of secondary schools?
Teachers may be picketing outside Peel secondary schools during a strike. Picketing is not expected to take place outside Peel elementary schools.
Will there be an impact on before- or after-school permits?
Permits held by external organizations that are held before or after the regular school day that are staffed by non-striking employees will continue.
How can I stay up-to-date on the status of negotiations with Peel board secondary teachers?
If you have questions, or want to know what is happening in Peel board schools related to negotiations:
Look for updates on social media—follow @PeelSchools on Twitter and/or like our page on
Facebook at www.facebook.com/peelschools .
Visit the Peel board website at www.peelschools.org/labour .
Visit secondary school websites .