Shared PVAAS Questions

PVAAS Roster Verification Questions for Kristen and Brian
Follow-up- Mapping of HQT to courses- send to IU to send to all LEAs in IU region
Follow-up- “Flow chart”- send to IU to send to all LEAs in IU region
IU5: IU 5 Do IUs have to submit student/staff information in January. Our Special Ed Director is
under the impression this does not include IUs.
SPP?- Courses of rigor
PVAAS Teacher Specific?
Bethel Park SD - Ron R.: So then Act 82 overrides whatever policy the district is using to
determine temporary vs. permanent employees?
IU5: Can you explain the process that will occur after we submit to PIMS in January. Is our role
as PIMS administrators complete at that time?
● Roster Verification
● Role of PIMS Admin- Use COLLECTION window for submission; AND Cognos/Use of
Correction Window for corrections
● Once the window is closed, it is closed
IU4: Here at the IU we have a cyber service program that we offer to the districts. Our teachers
aren't teaching the class but are in fact facilitators. They do not alter the instruction of the
course or create lesson plans. But they could give remediation support. Who and how is to
report these courses/students? Also, how does this affect PVAAS? Are these teachers going
to be evaluated even though they aren't teaching?
● Act 82 - Temporary professional employee/professional employee
● Responsible for Domains 1 & 3?
● PIMS Reporting: LEA who employs the teacher reports to PIMS; some cases exist
where teachers are hired by private vendors; See document from PIMS/PVAAS
IU23: How do we evaluate teachers in coaching positions or in teachers on assignment
position? We cannot get info on domain 1 and 3 for those teachers.
Tom Baileys - CIU20: If teachers co-teach classes but do not have common planning time how
is their time attributed to students/courses.
● Domains 1 & 3
● Curriculum Responsibility
Tom Baileys - CIU20: Should special education teachers be attributed to the entire class at
50/50 or should they only be attributed to the special education students in the class.
Student by student determination
Followup: Bethel Park SD - Ron R.: Previously when attributing special education teachers to
regular ed students due as a result of reporting errors we had to remove them from that
attribution. Now it is OK to attribute special education teachers to regular ed students?
Tom Baileys - CIU20: When do long term subs become accountable?
● Define accountability? HQT? EE/Act 82?
● Act 82 - Temporary professional employee/professional employee
● PIMS Reporting- 70 day rule
Followup: Kim Moyer 2: IU 10 - is that 70 consecutive days? also in the same role?
● do not need not be consecutive
● yes, in same role
STaff collecton- LTS that fill vacancies
Tom Baileys - CIU20: Can you summarize the teacher effectiveness reporting
requirements/process for CTE Schools?
● Act 82 - Temporary professional employee/professional employee
● PVAAS teacher specific
IU5: IF a student is taking a course that will result in them taking the keystone exam and the
student is placed in an institution in our district with and IU teacher, do we have to offer the
same course the student was taking before they were placed in the institution?
Tom Baileys - CIU20: How will teachers who are teaching Keystone Remediation Courses be
attributed to students/courses.
Lois Roach, MIU4: Will these questions be posted with the answers at a later date? And if so,
Kim Moyer 2: IU 10 - Is the roster verification window always going to be around the state
SY13-14- Spring
SY14-15 Greg@IU13: Long Term Subs – How do we report a sub for the Course/HQT Collection that is
filling in for a teacher on leave for part of the year? Per our Local Bargaining Agreement, LTS
are not evaluated. Do we then report the teacher who is on leave?
Greg@IU13: Will there be Special Ed Life Skills State Course codes added for grades 3-5 for
students who take the PASA?
IU5: IU5: With online courses, offered through a vendor, the PVAAS webinar stated that the
teacher of record would be a cyber instructor. How does that get into the system to make sure
the student takes the keystone exam?
IU5: IU5: What about homebound students? How should those be taken care of?
● Act 82 - Temporary professional employee/professional employee
● Domains 1 & 3 ( Planning /Preparation, INstruction)
● Minimum N count- TBD by end of Oct
Greg@IU13: On the PIMS Calendar the collection is listed as "Voluntary PVAAS Enrollment" Is
this voluntary or required?
● VOLUNTARY, BUT- ask your program staff/district/school admin if they want access to
PVAAS projections on CURRENTLY enrolled students versus just on the students last
tested in the Spring of the previous school year; For the past 4 years we have given
LEAs the OPTION/FREE to send a currently enrolled file direct to the PVAAS vendor,
NOW we are using PIMS
IU5: IU5: How should shared teachers between buildings be handled?
● Can you clarify this further? within LEa? Across LEAs?
IU23: Could you please provide examples of some ways that LEAs are calculating percentage
of instructional responsibility?
● 2 prong measure
● Student+ Teacher Enrollment
● % Full/Partial Instruction
● PILOT feedback-Converations with the teacher- VERY positive approach
IU5: IU5: How are other districts handling situations with co-teaching environments between
special education and regular education classrooms?
BVIU 27: IU27 How do you handle claiming different withdrawal and entry dates with different
● Each LEA will report, then verify the % of Student+ Teacher Enrollment
● PVAAS RV system will identify situations of over and under claiming
● Overclaiming WITHIN the LEA must be resolved in RV process/system
● Overclaiming across LEAs- NOT expected to resolve in RV process/system; MOST
recent LEA/teacher will have students attributed
Kim Moyer 2: IU 10 - When we have someone out for 4-5 weeks, is their sub to be reported as a
teacher of record for those students for that period of time? Is there a guideline to help us
determine the length of a leave and should the substitute have instructional responsibility?
IU5: IU5: Days of enrollment is an issue. Should a district be using the statewide testing
window dates, or district specific dates?
● The LEAs testing window for that tested subject/grade/course
IU23: For LTS or EPD (extended per diem), who in the district would need to supply data
regarding whether or not they’re reportable--PIMS administrators or HR?
BVIU 27: IU 27 Is there a procedure for claiming time for students who have exited and entered
different districts when districts calendars aren't the same?
● Each LEA will report, then verify the % of Student+ Teacher Enrollment
● PVAAS RV system will identify situations of over and under claiming
● Overclaiming WITHIN the LEA must be resolved in RV process/system
● Overclaiming across LEAs- NOT expected to resolve in RV process/system; MOST
recent LEA/teacher will have students attributed
IU23: How can our building administrative staff automatically get PIMS ad hoc reports through
email instead of relying on them to have to run it themselves or having PIMS administrators
send it to them?
Kim Moyer 2: IU 10 - How do we report Long Term Subs within this new framework?
Candice Schuld BCIU14: Can you elaborate in Long Term subs. For HQT we always needed
to submit the person on leave as the teacher of record for HQT. But this staff does not ever see
the student , only the long term sub teaches the students. Can you further explain how to align
the teacher on leave (HQT teacher of record) and long term sub (person teaching course)
accurately for both HQT and PVAAS
IU23: How many days must an LTS be responsible for domains I & III to be credited with a
percentage responsibility for student growth?
BVIU 27: BVIU27 Are there creative procedures about how to handle uncommon rostering
situtations that were learned in the pilot that can be shared?
Greg@IU13: Open Campus question – when another LEA is providing instruction for your
students, who is responsible for reporting that? Do you need to enter information for the other
LEA teachers to connect them to the kids? Or does the other LEA need to enter our kids to
connect them to the teacher?
IU5: IU5: Can we verify that if there is three years of data for a teacher, regardless of district, or
the building they will still get a score?
IU5: IU5: Can we verify that IU teachers aren’t affected by the building level score?
IU23: Is the state working on a dashboard or way for LEAs to use the data submitted to PIMS in
reports or queries?
BVIU 27: BVIU 27 What happens if a student leaves one districts and waits 1 month to enroll in
another district?
IU5: IU5: Do our schools (consortium classrooms) effect building level scores?
IU5: In a co-teaching situation will the percentages assigned effect HQT, special education, etc.
IU23: How will the percent of responsibility for student growth in tested subjects be determined
in instances where classes are co-taught? Multiple reading classes? Is there a default logic that
PIMS will use?
Greg@IU13: From an IU standpoint, we have a question regarding our special education
teachers and do we get the PVAAS information? Can you help us understand how this is
reported for our IU teachers?
IU23: It seems like the roster verification process wil be completed by individual teachers. In
instances where multiple teachers are responsible for a student, how will we verify that the
separate “percent responsibilities” add to 100%? Do they have to add up to 100% Can the
percentage be more or less than 100%?
Tom Baileys - CIU20: Is the June 18, 2014 session (CTE) designed to help CTEs implement the
accountability model for 2014-2015 when it becomes a requirement?
Tom Baileys - CIU20: How do you assign a PVAAS attribution to a teacher who is not highly
qualified in the content subject area?
Tom Baileys - CIU20: What happens if teachers can't/won't agree to the roster verification?
Jacque NEIU19: IU #19: Research on Middle School Students who need interventions
indicate that a teacher is being highly effective if they are just able to keep them from
regressing (Not growing) Does PVAAS have a statistical analysis that can accomodate
for the fact that some highly effective teachers may be very effective with these specific
students (Special ed for example) who are flatlined?
Michelle Weaver: How do we enter an ELL teacher that is contracted through the IU? We do
not pay them through our payroll system, so should they be entered into our personnel system?
IU23: Clarify the instructional responsibility attribution for a student attending one district for a
percentage of a course, then moves to another district and enrolls in the equivalent course for
the remainder of the school year and takes the state test in the new district.
IU23: Clarify how PSSA and Keystone results attribution plays into teacher roster attribution for