4 Research Required Elements Organization Details Audience Mechanics Neatness Due Date Presentation & Delivery 3 2 1 Text and illustrations show expertise of all 3 topics. Text and illustrations show understanding of all 3 topics. Text and illustrations show understanding of some topics. Text and illustrations show only surface understanding of topics. Square contains all required elements and extras. Square contains all required elements. Square has some required elements. Square is missing several elements and is poorly executed. Square is very well organized. Square is fairly well organized. Square shows some organization. Square lacks organization. Writing clearly states 5W’s (who, what, when, where, why) for each event. Each main idea is clearly stated. Writing clearly states some of the 5W’s’. Each main idea is clearly stated. Writing contains detail in one event only. Main ideas are somewhat clear. Writing contains little detail or lacks detail entirely. Main ideas are not identified. Writing shows appreciation of the needs of the audience. Writing shows some appreciation of the needs of the audience. Writing shows little appreciation of the needs of the audience. Appreciation of the needs of the audience is not evident. Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar (capitalization). Information is written in complete sentences using a variety of sentence structures. Very carefully done. Handwriting is clear/Measurements are accurate/ Scissors were used Calendar Square is handed in on assigned date, (if class does not meet on your assigned day, then first day class meets.) Few errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (capitalization). Information is written in full and complete sentences Some errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar (capitalization). Information is written in complete sentences. Many errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Sentences are grammatically incorrect. Carefully done Some care was taken Little or no evidence of effort at neatness Calendar Square is one day late. Calendar Square is two days late. Calendar Square is three or more days late. Presenter is interesting in his/her delivery of information about the events and displays clear understanding. Makes eye contact with audience, uses clear expressive voice. Answers all questions from the audience accurately. Presenter delivers information about the events with some evidence of understanding. Answers most of the audience questions accurately. Makes eye contact with audience, uses clear expressive voice. Presenter’s delivery is un-stimulating and or displays little understanding of the events. Presenter answers few audience questions. Makes eye contact with audience, uses clear expressive voice. Presenter’s delivery is un-stimulating, and or displays surface understanding of the events. Presenter is unable to answer audience questions. Partial or no eye contact with audience. Lacks expression.