PowerPoint Presentation Rubric 1 1) Content 2)Clarity and Organization 3)Presentation 4) Slide Format 20 Points 15 Points 10 Points 5 Points Main points are clearly covered, demonstrating excellent knowledge of subject. Content is based upon sound research, and hyperlinks to relevant sites are included. Information is organized in a logical way, making the sequencing of slides easy to follow and comprehend. Main points are clearly covered. Content is research-based, and a hyperlink to a relevant site is included. Subject is mostly covered, but good research basis is not evident. No hyperlinks to more information. Subject is poorly covered, and some information is incorrect, suggesting little or no research. Most information is logically sequenced for clarity and comprehension. One piece of information or one slide may seem out of place. Presenter is prepared Presenter is prepared. and has obviously Speech is loud and clear, rehearsed. Speech is and presenter mostly uses loud and clear, and slides to supplement presenter uses slides as a information, rarely reading supplement to from them. Good volume presentation, rather than and eye contact are present reading from them. most of the time. Information is somewhat logically sequenced. An occasional slide or piece of information seems out of place, distracting from comprehension. Slide elements have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. Color, graphics, bulleting and transitions are attractive, Slide elements have been planned to enhance readability. Color, graphics, backgrounds, transitions are attractive and easy to read. Formatting of text, color, background, etc. may make slides a little hard to read, but does not interfere with understanding. There is no clear plan for organization of this material, making it difficult to follow and comprehend. Presenter may have Presenter is benefitted from more unprepared. Slides preparation. Slides are are presented to often reread to audience, audience nearly perhaps with a little verbatim. Speaker embellishment by can rarely be presenter. Volume and eye contact may be insufficient. heard, or hardly looks at audience. Material is hard to read or understand due to poor formatting. Total Points PowerPoint Presentation Rubric 1 5) Mechanics easy to read and enhance content. No errors in spelling, Contains 1 to 2 errors in capitalization, spelling, capitalization, punctuation or grammar. punctuation or grammar, but errors do not distract reader. Contains 3-4 errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation or grammar, which may be a distraction. Contains more than 5 errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation or grammar. GRAND TOTAL: _________/100