Health Occupations Chapter 6 Medical Terminology Workbook 6.1 A

Health Occupations
Chapter 6 Medical Terminology
6.1 A. Abbreviations:
1. D/C (dc, disc): discontinued, discharge
2. OR: operating room
3. prn: whenever necessary, as needed
4. ac: before meals
5. stat: immediately, at once
6. RN: registered nurse
7. wt: weight
8. Cl: Cloride, chlorine
9. Rx: prescription, take, treatment
10. AP: apical pulse
11. T: temperature
12. NPO: nothing per oral
13. spec: specimen
14. c (with a line on top of it): with
15. ss (with a line on top of it): one-half
16. s (with a line on top of it): without
17. pt: patient, pint
18. BP: blood pressure
19. R: respiration, rectal
20. Na: sodium
21. CDC: Centers for Disease Control
22. DRG: diagnostic related group
23. LMP: last menstrual period
(up arrow): higher, elevate, up
(circle with plus sign inferior to circle): female
26. vp: venipuncture, venous pressure
27. AED: automated external defibrillator
28. HIPPA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
29. LTC: long-term care
30. BMI: body mass index
6.1 B. Interpret orders:
1. TPR qid: temperature, pulse, and respiration four time a day
2. 2 gtts bid: two drops twice a day
3. 1 cc IM: one cubic centimeter intramuscular
4. BP q 4 h: blood pressure every 4 hours
5. 2 oz OJ qid ac and HS: 2 ounces orange juice four times a day before meals and hour of sleep (bedtime)
6. Wt and Ht qod in AM: weight and height every other day in morning (before noon)
7. BR c (with line on top) BRP only: bed-rest with bathroom privileges only
8. 1000 mL N/S IV: 1000 milliliters normal saline intravenous
9. Do ECG in CCU: do electrocardiogram in coronary care unit
10. Dissolve 2 tsp NaCl in 1 qt H2O: dissolve 2 teaspoons sodium chloride (salt) in 1 quart water
11. 1000 cc SSE at HS: 1000 cubic centimeters soap solution enema at hour of sleep
12. Schedule B1 Wk in AM including CBC, BUN, and FBS: schedule blood work in the morning (before noon) including
Complete blood count, blood urea nitrogen, and fasting blood sugar
13. Dilute 1 tab in 1 pt H2O: dilute 1 tablet in one pint water
14. 1 cap qid pc and HS: one capsule four times a day after meals and hour of sleep
15. BP is measured in mm of Hg: Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury
16. NPO pre-op: Nothing per oral (by mouth) before an operation
17. Do EENT exam in OPD: do ear, eye, nose, and throat exam in outpatient department
18. Ob-Gyn: obstetrics-gynecology
19. 500 mg qod 8 am: 500 milligrams every other day at 8 in the morning (before noon)
20. VS stat and q2h: vital signs immediately (at once) and every two hours
21. To PT by w/c for ROMs and ADL bid: to physical therapy by wheelchair for range-of-motion and activities of daily
living twice a day
22. FF1 cl liq to 240 mL q2h: force fluids clear liquids to 240 milliliters every 2 hours
23. 2 gtts OU qid q6h: 2 drops each eye 4 times a day every 6 hours
24. Dx: COPD, O2 prn, IPPB bid q 12h: diagnosis: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, oxygen whenever necessary,
intermittent positive pressure breathing twice a day every 12 hours.
25. Sig: (pi with two dots on top of it) Cap pot id c (with line on top) food or milk: give the following directions: 2
capsules by mouth 3 times a day with food or milk
26. Dx: CVA, CT of brain stat: diagnosis: cerebral vascular accident, computerized tomography scan of the brain
immediately (at once)
27. Rx: 20 mL KCL IV: prescription: 20 milliliters potassium chloride intravenous
28. EMT is certified for ACLS: Emergency medical technician is certified for advanced cardiac life support
6.2 A. Identifying word parts