Preparation guidelines panel roundtable

INCOSE IS 2016 - Panel & Roundtable Instructions & Template
Version: September 25, 2015
About this document
This document will help you to prepare a Panel or Roundtable for the IS. The software used in the
submission process is called EasyChair. This guideline will help you to prepare a panel submission. To
submit a proposal online, please refer to the submission guideline available at the INCOSE IS 2016
website (link below). Before making a submission make sure you follow the instructions and review
criteria found in the download section of the IS website (link below).
The standard submission is a technical paper. For tutorial and Panel proposals read their instructions
carefully. Papers submitted in the wrong category might be lost in the review process.
Contact Information
IS 2016 Conference Management
 Email:
IS 2016 Tech Program Chair
 Claire Ingram
 Tel: +44 (0) 191 222 8218
 Email:
INCOSE Administrative Office
 Tel: +1 858-541-1725
 Email:
IS 2016 website:
Access the online submission site at
1. Panel & Roundtable Submission Overview
Interested practitioners, researchers, managers and others in the field of Systems Engineering can create
meaningful dialogues by sharing their knowledge in a panel or roundtable session during the Symposium.
Proposals are solicited to facilitate such dialogues.
These are the proposal preparation instructions. For proposal submission instructions refer to the separate
submission instruction document after your proposal is prepared.
2. Panel Template Instructions
Step 1 - Panel Submitter Information
1. Complete all information in “Panel & Roundtable Submitter Contact Information”section below.
Please provide the following information for the submitter of this panel session.
a. Title (example Dr., Mr, Ms, CEO, Director) “Given Name”, “Middle Initial – M.I.”, “Family or
Last Name” and Suffix (example Sr. Jr, III)
b. Employer/Business Affiliation (Company, University, Institution, Other)
c. Telephone information including Country code, national/city code and phone number.
d. Facsimile information including Country code, national/city code and fax number
e. e-mail address following format x@xx.xx
f. Postal address including street address and number, city, state/province, country, zip/postal code,
mail station/box if applicable
Step 2 – Panel Information
1. Complete all information in the “Panel or Roundtable Information” section below. Please
provide the following information:
a. “Title of Panel” as you would like it to appear in the symposium program and advertising
material if selected.
b. “Panel Abstract” which contains a brief synopsis on the focus of the panel. This abstract will
appear in the symposium program and advertising if selected. Please try and keep this to 250
words or less. The abstract must be to copied and pasted into online submission system.
c. Describe the “Purpose” of the panel indicating what participants will learn from the panel
d. Describe the Panel Presentation details on the format on how the panel session will be
conducted including, expectations, responsibilities of panel members and session attendees
(exercises, Q&A, microphones required, etc). Media requirements that need to be supported
(power point slides, over head slides, etc)
Step 3 - Panel Member Contact information
1. Complete all information in the “Session Members’ Contact Information” section below. Please
provide contact information for the Moderator and each Panel member that will be participating on the
panel. Please include the following information:
a. Title (example Dr., Mr, Ms, CEO, Director)
b. “First name”, “Middle Initial – M.I.”, “Family Name” and Suffix (example Sr. Jr, III)
c. Name of employer, university or organization affiliation representing for this panel
d. Postal address including street address and number, city, state/province, country, zip/postal code
in appropriate fields
e. Telephone information including Country code, national/city code and phone number.
f. Facsimile information including Country code, national/city code and fax number
g. E-mail address following format x@xx.xx
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Step 4 - Panel Member Biographies and Template Completion
1. Complete all information in the “Session Members’ Contact Information” section below. Please
provide contact information for the Moderator and each Panel member that will be participating on the
panel. Please include the following information:
a. Short biography that highlights key information, events, and expertise that relates to the panel
subject. Try and keep this to about 200 words or less per member.
b. Position or point of view on the subject of the panel, 500 words or less is recommended.
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3. Panel & Roundtable Template
Delete everything above this line and this blank page after filling out this template.
Panel & Roundtable Submitter Contact Information
Contact Details
Given Name*:
Middle Initial:
Family Name*:
Employer /
Business Affiliation*:
Please use the following format
+Country code
National/city area code
Telephone number
Please use the same format as
that for your telephone number.
(format x@xx.xx)
Postal Address
Please include street number,
street address, city,
state/province, country,
zip/postal code, mail station if
*Data desired in EasyChair database. Save the electronic version of this form to enable copy & paste as needed.
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Panel & Roundtable Information
The title as you would like it to appear in the symposium
program and advertising material.
Tip: Please design the title to be succinct & attractive.
Attendance can be negatively impacted by a poor title.
Enter a brief synopsis of the session, as you would like it
to appear in the Symposium program and advertising
material. Please try and keep this to 250 words or less.
This will be copied & pasted into online submission form.
Tip: You're trying to persuade people to attend your
session so use the abstract to promote your panel by
making it as interesting as possible.
Indicate what the participants should expect to learn by
attending your session.
Topic (Sector and/or Enabler)*:
Refer to the INCOSE Enablers & Sectors document, in
the downloads section of the IS website:
Choose the topics the session will primarily cover rather
than all the topics which may be related. Please pick no
more than 2 Sectors & 2 Enablers.
Topic Expertise of Target Audience*:
Please select Novice or Expert but not both. A Systems
Engineer with less than about 5 years of experience in the
topic being taught would be considered Novice. More
experience would be considered Expert. This will help us
optimize the placement of the session and help manage
the students’ expectations.
Session Logistics*:
Indicate which media and formats you intend to use to
facilitate your session (eg: PowerPoint Presentation,
group/individual exercises, Multimedia Presentation (to
run from CD or be installed on PC), or a combination of
media). Indicate copies, support or special facilities
What is your plan, paper or electronic? Electronic copies
of handouts can be put into the proceedings for attendees
if received in time. If you already have a presentation you
want considered as part of your submission then append it
to the end of this form to make 1 file.
*Data desired in EasyChair database. Save the electronic version of this form to enable copy & paste as needed.
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Session Members’ Contact Information
Contact Details
Member #1
Member #2
Member #3
Member #4
Given Name*:
Middle Initial:
Family Name*:
Employer /
Business Affiliation*:
Postal Address:
Please use the following
+International area code
National area code
Telephone number
Please use the same format as
that for your telephone
*Data desired in EasyChair database. Save the electronic version of this form to enable copy & paste as needed.
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Session Members’ Biographies and Point of View
Enter a brief biography for each member. Try and keep this
to about 200 words or less per member
Position or point of view on the subject of the session.
Try and keep this to about 500 words or less per
Member #1*:
Member #2*:
Member #3*:
Member #4*:
*Data desired in EasyChair database. Save the electronic version of this form to enable copy & paste as needed.
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