BELL WORK I can explain the importance of the Medieval Catholic

I can explain the importance of the Medieval Catholic church as a political,
intellectual, and aesthetic institution.
SPI 7.39 Explain the importance of the Catholic church as a political, intellectual, and
aesthetic institution, including founding of universities, political and spiritual roles
of the clergy, creation of monastic and mendicant religious orders, preservation of
the Latin language and religious texts, Thomas Aquinas’s synthesis of classical
philosophy with Christian theology and the concept of “natural law.”
The Catholic Church
• For most Western European people, the Church was the center of their lives
• The bishop of Rome (now called the ___________) was the spiritual authority
over European Christians
• The ________________ __________________taught that all people were
and dependent on God’s
to go to heaven
• The only way to get this was by taking part in the
rituals) that were controlled by the Church
The Sacraments are:
1. Baptism
2. __________________________
3. Penance
4. Holy orders
5. The Lord’s Supper (_________________)
6. Matrimony
7. Anointing the ___________________
The Lord’s Supper
• The
(Lord’s supper) commemorated Jesus’ death and
sacrifice of dying on the cross to save people from their sin
• Communion is taken at the Catholic ritual weekly service known as __________
Catholic Mass
• The
was said in
, a language few people understood
• Few could read or write and very few actually read the ________________
• For common people, the services were very hard to understand
Church Organization
• Pope in Rome
• Archbishops (_________________)
• Bishops (major cities)
• _______________(manors and villages)
• Monks and nuns (monasteries)
Religious community
are like churches where monks live.
• A
lives a life of service to God
• A monks life includes work, meditation, and prayer
• Monks dressed in simple ______________ of coarse material.
• Most monasteries required vows of ________________ and _________________.
• Women could do the same in ____________________, but focused on spinning,
weaving, and medicinal herbs.
Monks & Nuns
• Although monks and nuns lived apart from society, they were important in
• They taught ________________and writing, preserved and ______________ religious
texts, and ran hospitals for the needy.
• In 597, the Pope Gregory I sent monks to England to convert the
Rise of the Catholic Church
• By the mid-1000’s, most of ____________________________was Catholic.
• The Church had its own _______________ and laws. They could keep people out
of heaven by preventing them from receiving the ____________________.
• The Church received donations of land from _____________ who wanted to
ensure _____________________
• The church owned _______________ of all land in Europe.
Church Power over People
• Excommunication
• Give lands to the __________________
• Allow faithful people to be ____________________ to Church offices
• Cash money ($$$)
Church Reform
• By 900 AD, many Christians were calling for Church
. This
began in Monasteries.
• One of the most important changes occurred in 1059. The Church said that
________________ _______________ could no longer participate in the election of the
• “
” would now elect the Pope, rather than
(nonchurch) authorities.
• In 1215, Pope Innocent III tried to ________________the Church.
• He convened a council that condemned ______________________, ___________________,
and _____________________ among Church officials.
• To seek out and punish heretics, the Church set up a court in 1232 known as
the _______________________
Friars & Reform
• Friars who were
that encouraged further reform
in the 1200s.
• They followed monastic rules but lived among _____________________ people to