Exhibit 3.4.a3 Examples of collaboration reported by faculty The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school professionals develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Course EDUC 1010 Introduction to Teaching as a Career EDUC 2204 Introduction to Secondary Education EDCI 3160 Methods and Materials in Elementary Social Studies Instruction EDCI 3400 Foundations of Literacy EDCI 3425 Literacy for Content Learning EDCI 3440 Practicum in Corrective Reading EDCI 6620 Secondary School Curriculum EDCI 6430 Information Literacy Instruction for Content Learning EDLS 6710 Nonfiction Across the Curriculum Field Experience Activity Candidates engage in 25 clock hours of partnering with a host teacher to provide assistance, usually in the form of one-onone instruction to identified students Candidates provide tutoring Candidates observe and teach two lessons to small groups or whole class Candidates observe and assist a classroom teacher, collect and analyze oral language samples, oral reading samples, and writing samples from 3 children Observe and teach one content related reading lesson and one content related writing lesson Administer an informal reading inventory and analyze oral language and writing to develop and implement an individualized tutoring program for a child; administer post assessments at the end of the semester; Initial status and final case reports are required Candidates work with students visiting from Washington, D.C. to make a book MAT Candidates who are not teachers are paired with 2 Morris Jeff teachers Candidates engage in a 20-hour field experience with students who learn differently, including ADHD, Asperger’s, and behavior disorders Description of Collaboration Professor collaborates with principals and teachers to schedule, plan activities, and provide supervision Professor collaborates with administrators and teachers to schedule and identify areas for implementation Cooperating teachers model, consult on lesson planning, and give feedback on performance Partnering School or Organization Esperanza Charter School Medard Nelson Charter School Gentilly Terrace Charter School Pierre A. Capdau Charter School Upward Bound/Project PASS Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy Cooperating teachers model and consult with UNO students and give feedback on student performance Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy Cooperating teachers model, consult on lesson planning, and give feedback on performance Classroom teachers and Reading Interventionist provide guidance and suggestions for tutors Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy Candidates collaborate with a classroom teacher to plan and implement the making of a book The candidates design and implement a multi-genre unit with a whole class of students Caesar Chavez Charter School for Public Policy Teachers and teach candidates partner to integrate nonfiction into the instruction of middle school and high school classes in English Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Math Holy Rosary Kenner Discovery Health Sciences Academy Morris Jeff Community Charter School EDLS 6995 Library Science Practicum Collection Development for School Libraries Library Science practicum student work closely with the entire faculty to identify needs in the curriculum in order to create a book order for a premier children’s literature collection Hynes Charter Library Science practicum students work with the librarian to identify best new books across the curriculum Morris Jeff Charter School All faculty in the IM program met with the advisory group, made up of school leaders (principals and special education directors), teachers in Greater New Orleans, as well as candidates enrolled in the program Day of Collaboration: Special education teachers from the Greater New Orleans area (some of whom were graduates from the program) and special education administrators from Orleans Parish Public Schools , and school site teachers Special education administrators in Jefferson Parish Public School System and Orleans Parish Public Schools Integrated Merged (IM) UG & MAT Review of all field experiences in courses required in UG and MAT programs Advisory Board reviewed the field experiences and gave suggestions Integrated Merged UG & MAT Review of the Practica (EDSP 3650 & 3660) Group examined the practica for the UG program (EDSP 3650 & 3660) and discussed areas for improvement Integrated Merged UG & MAT Developing areas of collaboration and finalizing agreement in terms of MOU Integrated Merged UG & MAT Generating quality field placements for field experience opportunities Integrated Merged UG & MAT Teacher Talk IM faculty met with special education administrators from Orleans and Jefferson to discuss identification of partner faculty (teachers in the schools) who could present in COEHD classes and host the teacher candidates when conducting field experiences Arranged for retired teachers to scout out field experience opportunities for teacher candidates in the IM program Collaborate with community leaders to provide special topics to teacher candidates Retired special education administrators and United Teachers of New Orleans (UTNO) Retired special education administrator and specialists in child abuse, law enforcement and homelessness