SUPPLEMENTARY Isolation of DNA Isolation of DNA involved samples first being lyophilized. This was followed by a sequence of enzymatic lysis and addition of Proteinase-K (Qiagen, Manchester, UK). Following this, total DNA was isolated from the plaque sample using a DNeasy Blood and Tissue kit (Qiagen, Manchester, UK) according to manufacturer’s instructions. The quality and quantity of DNA was determined using a Nanodrop Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Rockford, IL, USA). DNA samples were stored at -80°C until required for further analysis. qPCR Amplification primers were designed using Primer-Express software (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). Sequences derived from the 16S rRNA genes (Ashimoto et al. 1996), of the organisms of interest were aligned and inspected for regions of conserved and variable sequences (GenBank, Regions specific for target bacteria were selected and evaluated for Tm and several other characteristics using the PrimerExpress software. Sequences with appropriate specificity were designated as probes and appropriate amplification primers were designed, again using the PrimerExpress software (Table S1). Quantified bacterial DNA from the four representative strains were used to prepare serial tenfold dilutions from 100 to 105 cells as the positive control standards to be used. A master mix of all the components for the PCR amplification reaction except the target DNA was prepared (PCR SYBR Master Mix, Qiagen Inc.). The components were combined and 19 μl of Master Mix dispensed into the wells of a 96 well assay plate (MicroAmp™ Optical 96 Well Reaction Plate, PE/ABI). Triplicate 1ul samples of target DNA from plaque samples or dilutions of bacterial genomic DNA standards were added to the wells and cycled in an ABI 7700 Sequence Detector (Applied Biosystems) 40 times (95°C 30 seconds, 60°C 60seconds), after an initial denaturation at 95°C for 10 minutes. A disassociation curve was included at the end of the cycles to ensure one specific PCR product was formed in each reaction. Bacterial quantification Based on the positive control value, standard curves for quantification were thus established. Numbers of bacteria in each sample were determined by comparing the amplification curve of each sample to those of the standards, and results were normalized to the concentration of DNA used. The sensitivity of each assay was determined to be the lowest dilution of DNA that produced statistically significant (p<0.001) average signal higher than the no template control using a t-test; this meant the threshold for positivity of a pathogen being detected was the lowest standard used (i.e. >100 cells). Subjects were thus classified as having the pathogen present or not; this was in fact an aggregate of all their plaque samples, meaning that if least one sample per subject was positive the subject was reported as positive for that organism. Reference Ashimoto, A., Chen, C., Bakker, I. & Slots, J. (1996) Polymerase chain reaction detection of 8 putative periodontal pathogens in subgingival plaque of gingivitis and advanced periodontitis lesions. Oral microbiology and immunology 11, 266273. Table S1. qPCR primer information Primer Direction Sequence (5’ → 3’) Tm (°C) Porphyromonas gingivalis Forward CATAGATATCACGAGGAACTCCGATT 63.02 Reverse AAACTGTTAGCAACTACCGATG 58.94 Forward GGCACGTAGGCGGACCTT 64.46 Reverse ACCAGGGCTAAAGCCCAATC 62.45 Forward CTTCCGCAATGGACGAAAGT 60.4 Reverse CAACCTTTCGGCCTTCTTCA 60.4 Forward GGGTGAGTAACGCGTATGTAAC 62.67 Reverse ACCCATCCGCAACCAATAAA 58.35 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Treponema denticola Tannerella forsythia Table S2. Baseline characteristics for the participants. Study cohort (n=518) Age (years), mean (SD) 63.6 (3.0) Number of teeth, mean (SD) 19.6 (5.8) Periodontal Disease, n (%) None / Mild 328 (63.3%) Moderate 98 (18.9%) Severe 92 (17.8%) BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) 27.3 (3.5) Cholesterol (mmol/L), mean (SD) 5.6 (0.9) Diabetes reported, n (%) 22 (4.2%) Hypertension reported, n (%) 146 (28.2%) Current smoker, n (%) 81 (15.6%) Men living alone, n (%) 58 (11.2%) Material conditions, n (%) Low 149 (28.8%) Medium 130 (25.1%) High 238 (45.9%)