ENGL 1001 Fall 2013 Eportfolio help: some options for organizing the electronic portfolio Learning outcome by learning outcome Linear timeline of the term Project by project Likert-scale approach Some things to help students with WordPress Glossary of terms o Post vs page o Blog as a genre Web-writing style guide in writing spaces book folder in dropbox – we should give that to students as required reading Types of texts we want students to write/engage with Website writing (writing for your own site) Essay writing (rough drafts, peer reviews, final copy; essays in various levels of formality) Blog writing Considerations we want to cover Rhetoric vs design Print vs digital o Maybe a table would be helpful for students: called/do/look/live/value or worth ??? General timelines: Use Writing Spaces “Wlak, Talk, Cook, Eat” with Understanding Rhetoric issue 5 Tentative Course Outline/Calendar Week 1: Introductions and WordPress set-up Intro course WordPress Setup Intro Each other Assign food topics for research projects Food in government Food industrialization Food taboos Food advertising Food in news Graphic Novel: I Can't Stop Thinking (video?) Weeks 2 & 3 : Complete first Research Project Week 2 Spaces for Writing and Writing in the Genres of the Web Set up site promotional feeds (social media) and follow classmates’ sites and comment on their work Week 3 Publish research project to site for peer, instructor, and other feedback Discuss rhetoric of web pages Reflection on WordPress, writing in genres of the web, social media promotion of site, research project; what we’ve learned so far Start something graphic Week 4 Peer review the graphic Discuss Supersized Week 5 1st graphic piece due in published format online Discuss UR issue 1 Use numbers 1, 2, or 4 for blog post Start Debate in Graphic Form Week 6 Lauren to come to class end of week for introduction to library and key word searching UA: Issue 2 Use Drawing Conclusions #3 for essay to peer review in week 6 Begin research – either a new topic or reframing of initial topic Need to recast academic sources for a public viewing audience on website to create an informational argument on the site (see Fox vs NPR coverage of same story to see how this works; due for publication in week 12) Another research assignment from the ARG Recast or Restart (?) of research project from earlier in the term as a website (graphic debate) with and informational argument. Weekly blog entries to act as annotated bibliography (3 a week) Take blog entries and include them in an annotated bibliography for their site (page on the site). Week 7 Midterm conferences (Fall Reading Days) "On the Other Hand: The Role of Antithetical Writing" "Reading Games: Strategies for Reading Scholarly Sources" Begin annotated bibliography Source, summary, how use it, why (3 new sources each week) BOB HAS THIS IN WEEK 6. This will be posted each week as a blog entry (either one blog entry for all three (or more) sources, or an entry per source – it’s up to you) Eventually, you’ll post a single annotated bibliography as a new page on your site for the research project and portfolio work Week 8 UA: Issues 3 & 4 Week 9 UA: Issue 5 Lauren for subject-specific databases Debate in Graphic Form published Blog entry on sources: which database(s) did you use and why? What are you finding? Discuss usefulness Week 10 Working on projects Week 11 Lauren early in week to discuss good sources Annotated bibliography due UA: Issue 6 Peer review informational argument Week 12 UA: Issue 7 Publish informational argument Week 13: Revision discussions and plans for eportfolio Week 14 Thanksgiving Eportfolio revision and reflection plan due Week 15 Eportfolio due 12.10 11:59 pm Early The construct of the book This idea of gameful learning. Why a graphic novel? Scott McCloud-Videos the role of play in learning ARG Dude Videos graphic novel graphics in text web design Situated meaning with graphics