Class Policy 2015-2016

AP Calculus AB Class Policies 2015-2016
Mrs. Jan Stuckey
Calculus, 7th Edition. Larson, Hostetler, Edwards
Class Objectives
This class is intended to prepare you for the Calculus AB Advanced Placement test. Calculus tends
to be a different type of math, and we will study curves, instead of straight lines, and how to measure
change, not just “at any given x, this is y”, but rather, how does the output change for each value
input. Derivatives (first semester) measure these rates of change. Integrals (second semester)
measure accumulations of functions.
AP Expectations
At OHS, enrollment in an AP class also carries an expectation that you will take the test in May. Our
course content is planned carefully to be ready for this date.
Grades are calculated as follows:
Final Exam 15%
Note: If you enter the final exam with an A
average, the final exam must be passed
with a 70% in order to maintain your A
Daily Assignments
Expect about one hour of homework daily. You are expected to come to class the following day with
it completed, or with thoughtful questions that are formulated after your careful consideration of the
Weekly quizzes will cover the current week’s topic, and will be a problem very closely resembling a
homework problem you have already mastered. My only “pop” quizzes are “homework quizzes.”
Homework may be collected at any time, and be graded as a take-home quiz.
Testing is a learning experience in itself. Because it is very important to master the material on the
test completely, an opportunity will be given to make “test corrections.” Guidelines for this extra credit
are posted on my webpage. These corrections are considered extra credit and will improve the test
grade by 5%.
Graphing Calculator
We will be using the TI-89, or the TI-Nspire CAS graphing calculator. Although we do not use these
daily in class, you will be expected to come to class prepared with your calculator every day. For
tests and quizzes, there may be an occasion where we would like to calculate a number, but do not
want the full functionality of the graphing calculator. For this reason, you should be prepared on
test/quiz day with a simple scientific calculator also.
Find us on facebook at OHS Calculus. You know the drill.
OHS Website
Use it for:
 the calendar with assignments, quizzes, and tests
 recorded lectures, solutions to worksheets or pretests, lecture notes
 Skyward: the gradebook, and messages from the teacher for students and/or parents
Use the calendar to plan ahead when you may have scheduling conflicts. If you are absent, you will
use the lecture notes to understand the material that you missed. You are also expected to use
Skyward online to monitor your grades. It is the student’s responsibility to notify me of any
discrepancies in a timely manner.
Student Attendance
Classroom discussion is a vital part of learning Calculus. Absences severely limit the student’s ability
to make the connections necessary to understand these new high-level concepts. There is no
penalty for absences alone to affect your grade, however, extra credit opportunities sometimes exist
for those who are present.
Addendum to OHS Policies/Procedures
 Testing: absolutely no talking after a test has been handed out. Any talking during a test or
quiz will result in 20% deduction for the first offense, and a zero after that. All questions during
test time should be directed toward the teacher only. The same policy is in place regarding
“wandering eyes” during a test. See OHS student handbook for other policy details.
 Assessments are always based on your knowledge of calculus. Although there may be times
that the nature of the problem is simple enough to find an alternative method for the solution,
calculus methods are always required.
 Absences: Students are responsible to make up whatever assignment, quizzes, or tests that
were missed while they were absent, in a timely manner, in accordance with the OHS student
handbook. Extra credit will not be available for tests and quizzes if the student is absent
when the test or quiz was administered, or when these corrections are due. See policy
posted for test corrections.
 Electronic devices: These are never to be used in class for games, or texting, facebook,
cameras, etc. Any time that any electronic device is being used for these purposes, standard
OHS disciplinary procedures will apply. There will be no additional warning before a Step 1 is
issued, as this document serves as your official warning.
 Test integrity: Tests must never leave the classroom. If tests are not returned immediately
following class discussion, the student may forfeit their entire grade for that test. No phones
out while tests or quizzes are out.
Failure to put a name on a test or quiz will result in a 10% deduction in the score.
Recipe for success
1. Simply, do your homework. Daily. Completely, to the last problem. In a manner that is
publishable, that is, neatly, thoroughly, well-written, not scribbled.
2. Keep up daily. Don’t say to yourself “I’ll get to that later. . . I’ll work on really understanding that
the night before the test. . .” Topics tend to build on previous topics, so a weak foundation quickly
becomes a disaster.
3. Strive for understanding, not just “writing it down”.
4. Ask questions! Be involved in class.
5. Find a productive study group. (Not just one with good pizza, although this is also helpful.)
AP Calculus AB
I have read and understand the class policies for Mrs. Stuckey’s AP Calculus AB class as indicated.
Print student name here: ______________________________________ Period: __________
Student signature
Parent signature
Student e-mail address
Parent e-mail address
AP Calculus AB
I have read and understand the class policies for Mrs. Stuckey’s AP Calculus AB class as indicated.
Print student name here: ______________________________________ Period: __________
Student signature
Parent signature
Student e-mail address
Parent e-mail address