Sustaining Pipeline Programs in Difficult Economic Times Invitation Packet October 13-14, 2011 University of California, Davis School of Medicine Sponsored by: UCD School of Medicine Dear Colleagues and Friends: Dr. Katherine Flores and Jeff Oxendine, Co-Directors of the California Health Professions Consortium (CHPC), invite you to attend an informative and interactive conference entitled “Sustaining Pipeline Programs in Difficult Economic Times”. The Conference will be held at the University of California, Davis School of Medicine – The Education Building at 4610 X Street, Sacramento, CA 95817 on October 13-14, 2011. The October 13 session will be from 1:30-6:30 p.m. (including a reception) and the October 14 session will be from 8:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. The work that we, as educators; pipeline program directors, teachers, counselors; health employers; and, government agencies do to support under-represented and disadvantaged students to succeed academically in becoming health professionals is more important than ever. At the same time, the economy, state budget and changes in funder priorities are making it more challenging. Health Reform and increased funding in some Federal programs may offer opportunity for vital additional support. However, there is also a powerful need and opportunity to advance individual and collective program goals and outcomes by strengthening networks, alliances and creative solutions among players at local, regional and statewide levels. Some of the most powerful opportunities may need to be developed with organizations that we do not traditionally partner with or require us to work with them differently. They may require us to work outside our comfort zones and across silos and also require new skills. This conference is intended to assist us to be aware of these opportunities, be better prepared to take advantage of them and make some key new connections to help us and our students succeed. It is also designed to help better address your priority issues and have you leave with an action plan for moving forward. At the end of the conference you will also leave more inspired and energized. Who should attend? This conference is intended to address the priority issues of and promote networking among 1) Current CHPC members; 2) Leaders and staff of academic, employer or coalition led health pipeline programs at all educational and career stages; 3) Administrators, teachers and counselors of K-12 and higher education; 4) Health employers, government agencies, legislators, community health coalitions, workforce investment boards, regional economic development players and others interested in increasing opportunity and a diverse health workforce; 5) Funders who support educational and health career advancement and workforce diversity. The one and a half day conference will give you the opportunity to: Hear from inspiring speakers who will provide innovative and practical insights on issues relevant to you Learn about building healthy communities and how that relates to health workforce and pipeline programs Hear about promising practices and lessons learned for successful pipeline programs and alliances Hear the latest strategies for making the case to health organizations, legislators and educational institutions Participate in “hands on” practical workshops on priority topics Identify and learn how to pursue policy advocacy to strengthen pipeline programs and student resources Learn practical ways to use new media and social networking tools to enhance your program Network with pipeline colleagues and potential new partners from your area and throughout the state If you are not a member of California Health Professions Consortium please join at: For general conference information contact Lita Wallach, Program Manager at Registration Information There is no charge for this conference. Registration will be on a “first come, first serve” basis. Space is limited and a large turnout is expected so please register as soon as you can. Please register at the following UC Davis School of Medicine, Office of Diversity site: When registering please add your organization after your last name so we can capture that information. Registration information is located under “Course”. Registration deadline is September 30, 2011. Two separate CHPC Conference dates are listed: October 13 and 14. Register for the date/dates you will attend. (Note: You must register for both dates if you are attending both days!) For registration questions please contact Felicia Espina Miller at Accommodations Marriott Courtyard Hotel 4422 Y Street, Sacramento, Ca 95817 916-455-6800 Group Rate is $117. Please reserve by September 18, 2011. Link: The Marriott Hotel offers an onsite restaurant along with onsite parking for your convenience. Shuttle service from airport to the Marriott, 800-BLUEVAN or 800-258-3826 (call for rates) CONFERENCE AGENDA October 13, 2011 1:30-1:45 Welcome and Review of Objectives, Agenda and CHPC Dr. Katherine Flores/Jeff Oxendine CHPC Co-Directors Refreshments Served – Location Lecture Hall 1222 1:45-2:45 Keynote Speaker Educational Challenges and the Achievement Gap in California; What Can We Do? What are the Implications for Health Pipeline Programs and the Health Workforce? Dr. Arun Ramanathan, Executive Director, Education Trust-West Location Lecture Hall 1222 2:45-3:15 Featured Speaker The Role of Pipeline Programs in Building Healthy Communities Dr. Raul Ruiz, Eisenhower Medical Center Senior Associate Dean for Community Engagement and Partnership UC Riverside School of Medicine Director, Coachella Valley Healthcare Initiative Location Lecture Hall 1222 3:15-3:45 Table Discussions on Speaker comments relative to Participants 3:45-4:00 Break 4:00-5:15 Practical Skill-based Workshops: 5:15-6:30 Making the Case Andrea Perry, Workforce Planning Specialist, Recruitment and Workforce Planning, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles Location Room 2205 Evaluation: How to Frame Ideas and Justify Needs to Broaden Understanding and Outcomes Lawrence ‘Hy’ Doyle, EdD, UCLA and Chair of the CHPC Research and Evaluation Committee Location Room 2206 Pipeline Programs for the Underserved: Meeting AAMC LCME Standard MS-8 Darin Latimore, MD, Assistant Dean for Student and Resident Diversity UCD Health System Felicia Miller, Outreach Officer, UCD Medical School Matt Perry, Principal, Health Professions High School Deborah Meltvedt, Teacher, Health Professions High School Location Room 3207 Social Media: Content is King Tamara Murray, Account Director and Elysha Rom-Povolo, Senior Account Executive Fenton Communications – Location Room 3202 Networking Reception – Hosted Hors d'oeuvres and No-Host Refreshments- Marriott Hotel CONFERENCE AGENDA DAY 2 October 14, 2011 8:00-8:30 Breakfast Location – Lecture Hall 1222 8:30-8:45 Welcome Dr. Linda Katehi, Chancellor, U.C. Davis Location – Lecture Hall 1222 8:45-9:30 Key Note Presentation Mayra Alvarez, Director of Public Health Policy in the Office of Health Reform at the Department of Health and Human Services, The White House Federal Perspectives on Sustaining Pipeline Programs in Challenging Economic Times and in an Era of Health Reform - Location- Lecture Hall 1222 9:30-10:00 A View from the California Legislature Senator Michael J. Rubio, Senate District 16, Chair, Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee and Member of Health Committee Location – Lecture Hall 1222 10:00-10:15 Break 10:15-11:15 Sustaining Pipeline Programs in Difficult Economic Times – Panel Discussion Saba Brevli, Program Director, The California Wellness Foundation Kevin Barnett, MCP, PhD, Co-Director, CHWA, Senior Investigator, Public Health Institute Tomas Magana, MD, MA, FAAP, Co-Founder and Director, FACES for the Future Children’s Hospital and Research Center, Oakland Sheila Thornton, Coordinator Health Care Industries, CVEP Career Pathways Initiative Location- Lecture Hall 1222 11:15-12:30 Practical Skill-based Workshops Missing: Young Men of Color and Healthcare Careers. Strategies for increasing their participation in Pipeline Programs and the Health Professions Panel Speakers: Darin Latimore, MD, Assistant Dean for Student and Resident Diversity, U.C. Davis Health System, And Rogelio Medina, Program Liaison Alameda County Health Pipeline Partnership Location – Room 3204 Stereotyped Threat and Its Impact on Student Performance Ronald D. Garcia, Ph.D., Assistant Dean for Minority Affairs, Director, Center of Excellence in Diversity in Medical Education, Stanford School of Medicine Location – Room 3205 Workforce Investment Boards and Pipeline Programs Innovative Strategies to Financially Sustain Your Program in Difficult Times Location – Room 3207 Innovative STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Programs and Opportunities Marco Molinaro, PhD., National Science Foundation-funded UCD Center for Biophotonics Location – Room 3202 12:30-2:30 Lunch and Final Session – Marriott Hotel Auditorium Panel: Pipeline Program Alumni in the Health Professions Moderator: Dr. Hy Doyle 2:30 Adjourn About the California Health Professions Consortium The California Health Professions Consortium (CHPC) is a statewide consortium, under the direction of Dr. Katherine Flores (Director, UCSF-Fresno Latino Center for Medical Education and Research; Clinical Faculty, UCSF School of Medicine Dept. of Family & Community Medicine) and Jeff Oxendine (Associate Dean, Public Health Practice - UC Berkeley School of Public Health), and is comprised of organizations and individuals with a vested interest in increasing diversity in California's health workforce. The members of CHPC represent various sectors, including direct service providers (hospitals, health plans, physicians, nurses), policy and advocacy organizations, academic institutions (including representation from the community college, Cal State University, and University of California systems, as well as private institutions), health pipeline programs, and other entities. To move forward with the Consortium's goals and objectives, we have four committees entitled: Pipeline, Policy & Advocacy, Resources, and Research & Evaluations, which are charged with specific action items. CHPC holds inperson convening’s on a quarterly basis, and our meetings are rotated between San Francisco and Los Angeles. CHPC is partnering closely with the California Health Workforce Alliance to align efforts around health workforce and diversity and strengthen support for collective and individual program efforts. Some of the organizations that make up the California Health Professions Consortium American Medical Student Association (AMSA) Bay Area Health Career Opportunity Program California Area Health Education Center (AHEC) California Department of Education California Department of Labor California Health Workforce Alliance California Hospital Association (CHA) California Institute for Nursing & HealthCare (CINHC) California Medical Association (CMA) Foundation California Primary Care Association (CPCA) California Program on Access to Care (CPAC) California State University, Office of the Chancellor California State University, Fresno (CSUF) California State University, Northridge (CSUN) California State University, Sacramento (CSUS) California Workforce Investment Board Cedars Sinai Medical Center Children’s Hospital Research Center Oakland (CHORI) Faces for the Future Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Career Pathways Initiative Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County (CCALAC) Community College System - Regional Health Occupations Resource Center (RHORC) Community Health Partnership, Inc – Healthy Futures Program David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Drew/UCLA Medical Education Program Fenton Communications Health Career Connection Health Initiative of the Americas Health Professions Education Foundation Insight Center for Community Economic Development Kaiser Permanente Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California Latino Coalition for a Healthy California (LCHC) Latino Health Collaborative Office of Statewide Health Planning & Development (OSHPD) Public Health Institute (PHI) Reach Out West End (ROWE) Regional Health Occupations Resource Center (RHORC) San Diego Science Alliance Stanford University School of Medicine The California Endowment (TCE) The California Wellness Foundation (TCWF) The Greenlining Institute University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health University of California, Davis School of Medicine University of California, Irvine University of California, Office of the President University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine University of California, San Francisco-Fresno Latino Center for Medical Education and Research UCLA Center for the Study of Latino Health & Culture (CESLAC) UCSF Center for the Health Professions Western University of Health Sciences White Memorial Family Medicine Residency Program