Tim and Moby – Asexual Reproduction 1. Asexual reproduction means… Reproduction without a separate male and female organism 2. Strawberries reproduce With a single stem filled with child plants 3. New Aspen trees can form from The trees roots 4. Humans have helped asexual reproduction in plants by Cutting and replanting 5. The children plants in asexual reproduction are Always genetically identical to the parents, meaning they are clones 6. In sexual reproduction… A female egg cell is fertilized by a male sperm cell. Each cell contains a half set of the parents’ genes. The combination makes a new, unique individual 7. In asexual reproduction the parent’s genes Split in two 8. In eukaryotes (nucleus), the chromosomes replicate through Mitosis 9. In prokaryotes (no nucleus) the chromosomes replicate Through binary fission 10. A child organism growing from a parent’s body is called Budding 11. A starfish can grow back an arm through Regeneration 12. Regeneration can go as far as producing Two separate children