Research Request Form

Research Request Form
Your name :
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Your email address :
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Your phone number :
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What type of research are you interested in?
Simple births, deaths and marriages
Enter text below if you want to tell me more....
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Please click on the options below that you are interested to find out for your ancestors Australian World War I Service Record
Australian World War II Service Record
Australian Immigration records / Ships passenger lists
wills/probate - British or Australian
Australian birth, marriage or death certificates (approx $25 each)
British birth, marriage or death certificates
cemetery records / burial records
occupational records - apprenticeship indentures, etc
newspaper articles about a particular ancestor
overseas birth, death or marriage certificates
overseas church parish registers - baptism, marriage or burial records
English or Irish census records 1841 - 1911
Australian convict records
something else?
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Please email this form back to me at or print it out and post it.