Weekly Schedule: 2014-15 Art 2 Date Monday 1 2 Syllabus, rules, expectations, etc. Portrait & 4 year old drawing Review face proportions 4 year old drawing Syllabus, rules, etc. Portrait & 4 year old drawing: proportions 4 year old drawing Name sketches/both types w/color choices Name design Name design Name design Name design Name design due Compare/contrast Composition Analysis: O’Keeffe Intro. Pos/neg reversal painting in black tempera Contour for painting Painting 9/15-19 Painting Painting Painting 9/22-26 Intro perspective: Renaissance Realism Hallway perspective assignment Finish Cubes or take to D.S. Painting Perspective cubes: Painting due. Hallway drawing Cubes due. 10/6-10 10/13-17 Fall BreakXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX Hallway drawing Hallway drawing 10/20-24 Clay Slab Intro Ideas and sketching (3 sketches) Clay Clay Demonstration and work on slabs Report cards Hallway drawing due Clay Clay Clay Abstract Music Collage Collage Collage Collage 11/17-21 Intro to Cubism/ Abstraction techniques Annotation: Picasso Violin and Sheet Music Portrait annotation 11-24=25 Portraits Contour/blind and seeing faces Pastel and contour portraits portraits Pastel and charcoal portraits xxxxxxxxx Intro: flower design Flower design/colored pencil Flower design Study guide/ flower design Flower design Study guide review Flower design is mid/term project Mid/term written exam Aug.7/8 8/11-15 8/18-22 8/25-29 9/2-5 9/8-12 9/23-10/3 10/27-31 11/3-7 11/10-14 Annotation of Surreal Drawing 4 year old portrait Typography/Graffiti project intro Contour review/reteach and practice *assignment for directed studies work holiday Hallway drawing Contours due Work on Name design Thanksgiving 12/1-5 12/8-12 12/15-19 XXXXXXXX Notes D.S. Reading on Perspective End of quarter D.S. Reading on Leonardo Annotate O’Keeffe Drawing on canvas MLK XXX Painting Demonstration/Practice mixing/color blending with paints Painting paint paint paint paint paint Intro: Raku Raku Raku Perspective Block drawing Presidents day XXXX Block drawing Block Block drawing Block due Intro: Foam print Animal drawing w/movement Intro: Word painting Foam print Print Tues: ACT Print 3/9-13 3/16-20 Word/figure paint Print final Drawing for Word/figure painting paint paint paint paint 3/23-27 3/30-4/3 4/6-10 4/13-17 4/20-24 4/27-5/1 5/4-8 5/11-15 5/18-22 paint paint paint SPRING BREAK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Si Scott drawing Si Scott scratch art Raku firing Open Open Study guide review Review and design Altering a square design Design and exam 1/8,9 1/12-16 1/19-23 1/26-30 2/2-6 2/9-13 2/16-20 2/23-27 3/2-6 design D.S. Crosshatching practice Fri. end of 1/4