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tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Test identification
tranSMART instance
Test case
Verify the navigation within the Browse module, as well as the synchronisation between Browse and Analyze modules.
Successful End Condition
(Acceptance Criteria):
Open Issues:
All the Test Steps of the ‘Test case’ should pass
Tester identification
Tester Name:
Tester’s Computer ID:
Tester User ID:
Tester Site:
tranSMART role(s) tester is assigned to:
Browser used for this test (Firefox or IE): Firefox
Testing start (date + time):
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Testing end (date + time):
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Test results
Browse programs and studies, folders, assays and analyses in the Program Explorer.
Navigate within Browse and Analyze and verify the synchronization between the two tabs.
Role assigned to the tester’s user account: ‘ADMIN’
Internet browser: Tester should have Firefox installed on his/her computer
Login: Tester should be able to launch the tranSMART application successfully (link provided on page 1 of this Test Case)
Test data: The following elements should have created under the Browse module before testing can start.
Program ‘Public Studies’
Study ‘Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Ho GSE19976’ within the above program
o Assay ‘Assay for Pulmonary Sarcoidosis’ within the above study
o Folder ‘CEL data’ within the above study
o File ‘user_guide_v1.1_postgres.pdf’ within the above folder
Study ‘Type 2 Diabetes Taneera GSE38642’ within the above program
o Analysis ‘Type 2 diabetes vs Non-Diabetic gene expression signature’ within the above study
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tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or
Under the Browse tab, in the Program Explorer
panel, open the program ‘Public Studies’ by
clicking the plus-sign icon to the left of the
program name.
Program hierarchy is displayed. Studies
belonging to the program are displayed.
Add Screenshot
Click the program name ‘Public Studies’ and
verify that the right panel displays the program
description, the ‘Associated Tags’ and the
‘Associated Studies’.
Verify that the following buttons ‘Add new
study’, ‘Add new folder’ are available.
Click the plus-sign icon in front of the Study:
‘Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Ho GSE19976’.
Add comment:
Program description panel is displayed.
Buttons ‘Add new study’ and ‘Add new folder’
are available.
Study hierarchy is displayed.
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Click the study name ‘Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Ho
GSE19976’ and verify that the right panel displays
the study description, the ‘Associated Tags’ and
the ‘Associated Folders’.
Study description panel is displayed.
Verify that the following buttons ‘Add new
analysis’, ‘Add new assay’, and ‘Add new folder’
are available.
Click the Folder name: ‘CEL data’ and verify that
the right panel displays the folder description,
‘Associated Tags’ and ‘Associated Files’.
Buttons ‘Add new analysis’, ‘Add new assay’,
and ‘Add new folder’ are available.
Verify that the following buttons ‘Add new
Buttons ‘Add new analysis’, ‘Add new folder’,
3 tranSMART_test_Browse_Navigation
Folder description panel is displayed.
Add Screenshot
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
analysis’, ‘Add new folder’, and ‘Delete this
folder’ are available.
Under ‘Associated Files’, click the File name:
and ‘Delete this folder’ are available.
‘Associated Tags’ and ‘Associated Files’ are
Actual Results or
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Click ‘OK’ on the pop-up screen to open the file.
Click the Assay name ‘Assay for Pulmonary
Sarcoidosis’. Verify that the right panel displays
the assay description and ‘Associated Tags’.
File is opened in a separated window.
‘Associated Tags’ and ‘Associated Analyses’ are
Verify that the following buttons ‘Add new folder’
and ‘Delete this analysis are available.
Reduce the size of the left panel by clicking the
leftward-pointing arrow button (<<) in order to
widen the right panel of the window.
Buttons ‘Add new folder’ and ‘Delete this
analysis’ are available.
Left panel reduced.
Click again the leftward-pointing arrow.
Close the study opened beforehand by clicking
the minus-sign icon to the left of the studies.
Left panel displayed.
Hierarchies of the studies closed.
Close the programs by clicking the minus-sign
icon to the left of the program name.
Open again the Program ‘Public Studies’.
Hierarchies of the Programs closed.
Program hierarchy is displayed.
Add Screenshot
Click the Study name: ‘Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Ho
Study description page is displayed. It indicates
that ‘Subject-level data is available for this
study (…)’.
Add comment:
In the study description panel, click the link
‘Open in Analyze view’.
tranSMART switches from the Browse module
to the Analyze module.
‘Accession > GSE19976’ is displayed in the
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or
Active Filters panel.
No other study than the study ‘(…) GSE19976’ is
displayed in the ‘Navigate Terms’ panel.
Study is highlighted in bold.
Return to the Browse tab by clicking ‘Browse’ in
the top ribbon of your screen.
‘Accession > GSE19976’ is displayed in the
Active Filters panel.
No other study except the study ‘(…) GSE19976’
is displayed in the ‘Program Explorer’ panel.
Click the ‘Clear’ button in the Active Filters area.
‘Active Filters’ area is cleaned and Program
Explorer’ is refreshed, which displays all the
programs available in tranSMART.
Add Screenshot
Select the search criteria ‘Free Text’.
Enter ‘sarcoidosis’ in the search window then
press ‘Enter key’.
‘Free Text > sarcoidosis’ is displayed in the
Active Filter panel.
Different types of object (Study, Assay) are
displayed in the Program Explorer panel. Some
of them are indicated in bold.
Click each object highlighted in bold and verify
that the term ‘sarcoidosis’ is highlighted in yellow
in the description page of each object.
Click the Study name: ‘Pulmonary Sarcoidosis Ho
Term ‘sarcoidosis’ is highlighted in yellow in the
description page of each object in bold.
In the description panel, click the link ‘Open in
Analyze view’.
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Study description page is displayed. It indicates
that ‘Subject-level data is available for this
study (…)’.
tranSMART switches from the Browse module
to the Analyze module.
‘Free Text > sarcoidosis AND ‘Accession >
Add comment:
Add Screenshot
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Open the study arborescence.
GSE19976’ is displayed in the Active Filters
No other study than the study ‘(…) GSE19976’ is
displayed in the ‘Navigate Terms’ panel.
Study is highlighted in bold.
Study tree is displayed properly.
Actual Results or
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Return to the Browse tab by clicking ‘Browse’
located in the top ribbon of your screen.
Click on the assay name.
Click the ‘Clear’ button in the Active Filters area.
Select the search criteria ‘Free Text’.
‘Free Text > sarcoidosis AND Accession >
GSE19976’ is displayed in the Active Filters area.
In the Program Explorer panel, no other study
than ‘(…) GSE19976’ is displayed.
An assay is highlighted in bold.
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
The term ‘sarcoidosis’ is highlighted in yellow in
the assay description page.
Add Screenshot
‘Active Filters’ area is cleaned and Program
Explorer’ is refreshed, which shows all programs
Add comment:
available in tranSMART.
‘Free Text > curation’ is displayed in the Active
Filter area.
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Enter ‘curation’ in the search window then press
‘Enter key’.
In the Program Explorer area, folder ‘CEL data’
is highlighted in bold.
Click on Folder name: ‘CEL data’.
Under ‘Associated Files’, the following file is
highlighted in yellow:
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Click the file name and open it. Verify that the file The file contains the term ‘curation’.
contained the term ‘curation’.
Within the program ‘Public studies’, open the
Study tree is displayed in the Program Explorer
study ‘Type 2 Diabetes Taneera GSE38642Type 2’. area.
Actual Results or
Add Screenshot
Add comment:
Click on the analysis name: ‘Type 2 diabetes vs
Non-Diabetic gene expression signature’.
Verify the analysis description, ‘Associated Tags’
and the ‘Analysis Data’ showed up in the right
Analysis page is displayed, showing the analysis
‘Associated Tags’, as well as he ‘Analysis Data’.
Verify that the following buttons ‘Add new
folder’, and ‘Delete this analysis’ are available.
Buttons ‘Add new folder’, and ‘Delete this
analysis’ are available.
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #1:
Step #2:
Step #3:
Step #4:
Step #5:
Step #6:
Step #7:
Step #8:
Step #9:
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Step #10:
Step #11:
Step #12:
Step #13:
Step #14:
Step #15:
Step #16:
Step #17:
Step #18:
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Step #19:
Step #20:
Step #21:
Step #22:
Step #23:
Step #24:
Step #25:
Step #26:
Step #27:
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Step #28:
Step #29:
Step #30:
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Test Summary
tranSMART instance
Test case
Verify the navigation within the Browse module, as well as the synchronisation between Browse and Analyze modules.
Not Executed
Deviation Summary
Executed By
Re-Execution Required?
Reviewed By
Open Issues
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