Conservation Easement Resources (last updated May 15, 2014) Table of Contents A. Restatements ________________________________________________________ 2 B. Uniform and Model Acts _______________________________________________ 2 C. Treatises ____________________________________________________________ 3 D. Miscellaneous State Resources __________________________________________ 3 E. Federal Tax Law ______________________________________________________ 4 F. Conservation Easement Databases ________________________________________ 4 G. Law Review and Other Articles __________________________________________ 5 1. Modification and Termination ________________________________________________________ 5 2. Merger _________________________________________________________________________________ 9 3. Condemnation _________________________________________________________________________ 9 4. Tax Incentives ________________________________________________________________________ 10 H. Land Trust Alliance, Accreditation Commission, Standards and Practices _______ 11 A. Restatements 1. Restatement (Third) Property: Servitudes § 1.6 Conservation Servitude and Conservation Organization Defined § 3.1 Validity of Servitudes: General Rule, cmt. f., Illustration 4 § 4.1 Interpretation of Servitudes § 4.3(4) Duration of a Servitude § 4.6(1)(b) Transferability of Servitude Benefits § 4.9 Servient Owner’s Right to Use Estate Burdened by a Servitude, cmt. b. § 7.11 Modification And Termination of A Conservation Servitude Because Of Changed Conditions § 7.16(5) Servitudes Not Terminable Under Marketable-Title Acts § 8.5 Enforcement of a Conservation Servitude Held by a Governmental Body or a Conservation Organization 2. Restatement (Third) Trusts § 28 Charitable Purposes § 94 Standing to Enforce a Trust B. Uniform and Model Acts 1. Uniform Conservation Easement Act, Final Act with 2007 amendments and comments, 20with%2007amends.pdf Burnett, Uniform Conservation Easement Act: Reflections of a Member of the Drafting Committee, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 773, 2. Uniform Trust Code § 414 and comment, 2 3. Model Protection of Charitable Assets Act and comments, Assets%20Act,%20Model C. Treatises 1. POWELL ON REAL PROPERTY, CHAPTER 34A 2. STEPHEN J. SMALL, FEDERAL TAX LAW OF CONSERVATION EASEMENTS (1997) D. Miscellaneous State Resources 1. For a list of over 100 state enabling statutes as of 2010, see Appendices A and B of McLaughlin, Internal Revenue Code Section 170(h): National Perpetuity Standards for Federally Subsidized Conservation Easements, Part 2: Comparison to State Law, 46 REAL PROP. TR. & EST. L.J. 1 (2011), 2. New Hampshire Attorney General Guidelines for Conservation Easement Amendment and Termination, Knowles, Amending or Terminating Conservation Easements: The New Hampshire Experience, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 871, 3. The Massachusetts Conservation Restriction Handbook, 4. Colorado Conservation Easement Tax Credit Performance Audit, 94007374E8/$FILE/2171%20ConserEasemTaxCredit%20092612%20KM.pdf 5. Minnesota Office of the Legislative Auditor, Evaluation of State-Funded Conservation Easements, 6. Pidot, Conservation Easement Reform: As Maine Goes Should The Nation Follow?, 74 DUKE J. L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 1 (2011), 3 7. McLaughlin & Pidot, Conservation Easement Enabling Statutes, Perspectives on Reform, forthcoming in 2013 UTAH L. REV. 811, E. Federal Tax Law 1. Internal Revenue Code § 170(h), 2. Senate Report No. 96-1007 2d Sess. (1980), 1980-2 C.B. 599 (legislative history of § 170(h)) 3. Treasury Regulation § 1.170A-14 4. Senate Finance Committee Report of Staff Investigation of The Nature Conservancy, 109th Cong., 1st Sess., Volumes I and II (June 2005), 5. Instructions for Schedule D, IRS Form 990, 6. Private Letter Rulings recommending revocation of tax-exempt status of entities holding conservation easements: PLR 201044026; PLR 201048045; PLR 201109030; PLR 201110020; PLR 201405018. 7. IRS Information Letter (Swaps) (March 5, 2012), 8. IRS Information Letter (Extinguishment) (Sept. 8, 2012), F. Conservation Easement Databases 1. National Conservation Easement Database, 2. Olmsted, The Invisible Forest: Conservation Easement Databases and the End of the Clandestine Conservation of Natural Lands, 74 DUKE J. L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 51 (2011), 4 3. Morris & Rissman, Public Access to Information on Private Land Conservation: Tracking Conservation Easements, WIS. L. REV. (2009), ls/wlr2009&div=42&id=&page= G. Law Review and Other Articles 1. Modification and Termination Blackie, Note, Conservation Easements and the Doctrine of Changed Conditions, 40 HAST. L. J. 1187 (1989) Tapick, Note, Threats to the Continued Existence of Conservation Easements, 27 COLUM. J. ENVTL. L. 257 (2002) Arpad, Private Transactions, Public Benefits, and Perpetual Control Over the Use of Real Property: Interpreting Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts, 37 REAL PROP. PROB. & TR. J. 91 (2002) McLaughlin, Rethinking the Perpetual Nature of Conservation Easements, 29 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV. 421 (2005), Pidot, Reinventing Conservation Easements: A Critical Examination and Ideas for Reform (Lincoln Inst. of Land Pol’y 2005), McLaughlin, Amending Perpetual Conservation Easements: A Case Study of the Myrtle Grove Controversy, 40 U RICH. L. REV. 1031 (2006), Hicks v. Dowd, Salzburg v. Dowd McLaughlin, Could Coalbed Methane Be the Death of Conservation Easements?, 29 WYO. LAW. 18 (Oct. 2006), Lindstrom, Hicks v. Dowd: The End of Perpetuity?, 8 WYO. L. REV. 25 (2008), of_perpetuity.pdf 5 McLaughlin & Weeks, In Defense of Conservation Easements: A Response to “The End of Perpetuity,” 9 WYO. L. REV. 1 (2009), Lindstrom, Conservation Easements, Common Sense and the Charitable Trust Doctrine, 9 WYO. L. REV. 397 (2009), ve/law_review_v9_n2.pdf McLaughlin & Weeks, Hicks v. Dowd, Conservation Easements and the Charitable Trust Doctrine: Setting the Record Straight, 10 WYO. L. REV. 73 (2010), Lindstrom, Salzburg v. Dowd Settles, Case Summary, 33 WYO. LAW. 50 (Apr. 2010) McLaughlin & Weeks, Salzburg v. Dowd: Another Look, 33 WYO. LAW. 50 (June 2010), University of Utah College of law post on Salzburg v Dowd with links to case documents, McLaughlin, Conservation Easements: Perpetuity and Beyond, 34 ECOLOGY L. Q. 673 (2007), Richardson, Note, Conservation Easements as Charitable Trusts in Kansas: Striking the Appropriate Balance Among the Grantor’s Intent, the Public’s Interest, and the Need for Flexibility, 49 WASHBURN L.J. 175 (2009), sements_as_Charitable_Trusts_in_Kansas.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=1NXA G53SXSSG82H0V902&Expires=1400340309&Signature=r6hpPPalXZd AABaUQdkz7bvU%2Fr0%3D Morris, The Changing Landscape of Conservation Easements: Public Accountability & Evolving Oversight, Dissertation (2009), Bray, Reconciling Development and Natural Beauty: The Promise and Dilemma of Conservation Easements, 34 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV 119 (2010), McLaughlin, Internal Revenue Code Section 170(h): National Perpetuity Standards for Federally Subsidized Conservation Easements, Part 1: The 6 Standards, 45 REAL PROP. TR. & EST. L.J. 473 (2010), McLaughlin, Internal Revenue Code Section 170(h): National Perpetuity Standards for Federally Subsidized Conservation Easements, Part 2: Comparison to State Law, 46 REAL PROP. TR. & EST. L.J. 1 (2011), Pidot, Conservation Easement Reform: As Maine Goes Should The Nation Follow?, 74 DUKE J. L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 1 (2011), Owley, The Enforceability of Exacted Conservation Easements, 36 VT. L. REV. (2011), Jay, When Perpetual is Not Forever, The Challenge of Changing Conditions, Amendment, and Termination of Perpetual Conservation Easements, 36 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV 1 (2012), (response article immediately below) Schwing, Perpetuity is Forever, Almost Always: Why it is Wrong to Promote the Amendment and Termination of Perpetual Conservation Easements, 37 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV 217 (2012), (response to article immediately above) McLaughlin, Extinguishing and Amending Conservation Easements, Protecting the Federal Investment After Carpenter, Simmons, and Kaufman, 23 FLA. TAX REV. 217 (2012), McLaughlin, Perpetual Conservation Easements in the 21st Century: What Have We Learned and Where Should We Go From Here?, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 687, Burnett, Uniform Conservation Easement Act: Reflections of a Member of the Drafting Committee, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 773, Knowles, Amending or Terminating Conservation Easements: The New Hampshire Experience, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 871, 7 Wolf, Conservation Easements and the “Term Creep” Problem, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 787, Leslie, Conservation Easements as Charitable Property: Fiduciary Duties and the Limits of Charitable Self-Regulation, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 849, McLaughlin & Pidot, Conservation Easement Enabling Statutes, Perspectives on Reform, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 811, Colinvaux, Conservation Easements: Design Flaws, Enforcement Challenges, and Reform, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 755, Rissman, et al., Adapting Conservation Easements to Climate Change, Conservation Letters (2014), Land Trust Alliance Evolving Stance on Perpetuity William P. O’Connor, Amending Conservation Easements: Legal and Policy Considerations, 8 EXCHANGE: J. LAND TRUST ALLIANCE (Spring 1999) CONSERVATION EASEMENT HANDBOOK: MANAGING LAND CONSERVATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT PROGRAMS (Janet Diehl & Thomas S. Barrett eds., Trust for Public Land & Land Trust Alliance 1988) THOMAS S. BARRETT & STEFAN NAGEL, MODEL CONSERVATION EASEMENT AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT, 1996: REVISED EASEMENTS AND COMMENTARY FROM “THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT HANDBOOK” (Land Trust Alliance 1996) ELIZABETH BYERS & KARIN MARCHETTI PONTE, THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT HANDBOOK (Trust for Public Land & Land Trust Alliance, 2d Ed. 2005) Amending Conservation Easements: Evolving Practices and Legal Principles (Land Trust Alliance Research Report, Aug. 2007) 8 Jane Ellen Hamilton, Understanding the Debate about Conservation Easement Amendments, Saving Land 14 (Land Trust Alliance, Winter 2014) 2. Merger McLaughlin, Conservation Easements and The Doctrine of Merger, 74 DUKE J.L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 279 (2011), Advisory Opinion from Kenneth T. Cuccinelli, II, Virginia Attorney General, (Aug. 31, 2012) (“[A] conservation easement . . . is not extinguished by application of the common law doctrine of merger . . . .”), nions/2012opns/11-140%20Rust.pdf See, e.g., MISS. CODE ANN. § 89-19-5(5) (“A conservation easement shall continue to be effective and shall not be extinguished if the easement holder is or becomes the owner in fee of the subject property.”) 3. Condemnation McLaughlin & Pidot, Conservation Easement Enabling Statutes, Perspectives on Reform, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 811, CAL. CIV. PROC. CODE §1240.055 (2013) McLaughlin, Condemning Conservation Easements: Protecting the Public Interest and Investment in Conservation, 41 UC DAVIS L. REV. 1897 (2008), Protecting Conservation Easements from Eminent Domain in National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors (Conservation Law Center 2008), idors_Memo_POST_6_2_08.pdf Levin, When Forever Proves Fleeting: The Condemnation and Conversion of Conservation Land, 9 NYU Envtl. L.J. 592 (2001), pdf 9 4. Tax Incentives McLaughlin, Increasing the Tax Incentives for Conservation Easement Donations - A Responsible Approach, 31 ECOLOGY L. Q. 1 (2004), State Conservation Tax Credits, Impact and Analysis (Conservation Resource Center 2007), Shea B. Airey, Conservation Easements in Private Practice, 44 REAL PROP. TR. & EST. L.J. 745 (2010) Halperin, Incentives for Conservation Easements: The Charitable Deduction or a Better Way, 74 DUKE J. L. & CONTEMP. PROBS. 29 (2011), Eagle, Notional Generosity: Explaining Charitable Donors’ High Willingness to Part with Conservation Easements, 35 HARV. ENVTL. L. REV. 47 (2011), Colinvaux, The Conservation Easement Tax Expenditure: In Search of Conservation Value, 37 COLUMBIA J. ENVTL. L. 1 (2012), Halperin, A Better Way to Encourage Gifts of Conservation Easements, 136 TAX NOTES 307 (2012), McLaughlin, Extinguishing and Amending Tax-Deductible Perpetual Conservation Easements: Protecting the Federal Investment after Carpenter, Simmons, and Kaufman, 13 Fla. Tax Rev. 217 (2012), Sundberg & Yang, Do Additional Conservation Easement Credits Create Additional Value?, 2012 STT 233-2 (Oct. 22, 2012) Colinvaux, Conservation Easements: Design Flaws, Enforcement Challenges, and Reform, 2013 UTAH L. REV. 755, Sims, Qualified Conservation Restrictions: Recollections of and Reflections on the Origins of Section 170(h), 2013 UTAH L. REV. 727, 10 H. Land Trust Alliance, Accreditation Commission, Standards and Practices 1. Land Trust Alliance, 2. Land Trust Accreditation Commission, 3. Land Trust Standards and Practices, 11