Getting Producers Started - The Center for Food Security and Public

This document can serve as a template that you can modify to use when communicating with your state’s egg
producers about getting started with the Secure Egg Supply Plan preparedness components. The sections
highlighted below will need to be edited before distribution.
Dear Mystate Egg Producer,
Due to the recent outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in the United States there has been
interest in the Secure Egg Supply Plan. This is a business continuity effort that resulted from a public – privateacademic partnership that started in 2007. If you are interested in participating in the Secure Egg Supply Plan
please use this document to help you get started.
1. Please review the information available on the SES Producer Signup Information Page. That page
outlines the steps you need to complete and provides links to a variety of helpful information.
2. You can access the Insert State SES Data Portal at: You will want to
create an account on this site.
 You will need a premises ID to create an account. If you do not already have one, please contact
 You will need the latitude and longitude of your premises. This information may have been
included on your Premises ID registration. You can also find it using these instructions.
 If you have trouble with the Data Portal please contact the Center for Food Security and Public
Health at Iowa State University ( for assistance.
3. You will need to submit oropharyngeal swabs to an approved Laboratory for Avian Influenza testing.
This testing and supplies required will be your responsibility. The approved Laboratories in our area are
listed below.
a. Diagnostic Laboratory, 123-456-7890. 123 Apple St. Somewhere, XY ZipCode, Website
b. Diagnostic Laboratory, 123-456-7890. 123 Apple St. Somewhere, XY ZipCode, Website
4. When submitting samples to the diagnostic laboratory be sure to include the Premises ID / Premises
Address and the same Name as used on the data portal so that your diagnostic testing data can be
matched with your Data Portal account.
5. Once you have completed the required biosecurity steps and trained employees to collect and package
oropharyngeal swab samples you should contact ??person / email / phone ?? to schedule an audit.
6. If you have questions about this program please contact ?? person / email / phone ??.
7. In the event of an outbreak in our state, we will inform you how to request a movement permit.
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Firstname Lastname
State Secure Egg Supply Plan Coordinator
Contact Info
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