SHELL EGG PROGRAM EGG PRODUCTION (TEMPLATE) Business: Manager: Address: Phone: Mob: Fax: Email: Accreditation No: PIC No: Egg Stamp No/Design: The Biosecurity Tasmania template Shell Egg programs (SEP) are to be used as a guidance document only. The hazards and control measures identified in these food safety plans are generic across the industry, and are based on existing published research. Businesses must not assume that this guidance document covers all food safety hazards within their business. If using this document to develop your SEP then you must adapt this document to fit your business, products, and market requirements, and to ensure that all potential food safety hazards are identified and controlled. Note: A copy of the completed document must be forward to the Department for approval For further information or assistance, please contact: Food Safety Management Officer Product Integrity Branch Phone: (03) 6165 3091 Email: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 1 Contents PURPOSE: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 SCOPE: ................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 DECLARATION and COMPANY POLICY STATEMENT ........................................................................................................... 6 1.0 GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTISES ........................................................................................................................... 7 2.0 PERSONNEL AND DUTY STATEMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 8 3.0 TRAINING .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 4.0 INTERNAL REVIEWS AND AMENDMENT PROCEDURES .............................................................................................. 11 5.0 PURCHASE/ACQUISITION POLICY ............................................................................................................................... 12 6.0 BIRD ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.0 BIOSECURITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 16 8.0 DETECTION OR SUSPICION OF AN EXOTIC OR NOTIFIABLE DISEASE .......................................................................... 18 9.0 EGG PRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 10.0 CLEANING PROCEDURES ........................................................................................................................................... 22 11.0 CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 23 12.0 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY ........................................................................................................ 25 13.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION ................................................................................................................................................ 26 14.0 CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS ......................................................................................................................................... 27 15.0 APPROVED SUPPLIER PROGRAM .............................................................................................................................. 28 16.0 PRODUCT RECALL...................................................................................................................................................... 30 17.0 COOL STORE / TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED ROOM ................................................................................................ 33 18.0 HYGIENE AND SANITATION ....................................................................................................................................... 34 19.0 HYGIENE OF PERSONNEL .......................................................................................................................................... 36 20.0 DISPATCH and TRANSPORTATION ............................................................................................................................ 37 21.0 REFRIGERATION ........................................................................................................................................................ 38 22.0 POTABLE WATER ....................................................................................................................................................... 39 23.0 PEST CONTROL PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................................ 40 24.0 EGG STAMP EQUIPMENT FAILURE............................................................................................................................ 41 Form 1 Pre-operational Check ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Form 2 Amendment Record Sheet .............................................................................................................................. 43 Form 3 Repair and Maintenance Record ..................................................................................................................... 44 Form 4 Corrective Action ............................................................................................................................................. 45 Form 5 Customer Complaint ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Form 6 Internal Review Checklist................................................................................................................................. 48 Form 7 Weekly Egg Collection Form ............................................................................................................................ 49 Form 8 Customer List ................................................................................................................................................... 50 Form 9 Employee Training Matrix................................................................................................................................ 51 Form 10 Receival Checklist .......................................................................................................................................... 53 Form 11 Visitor Log ...................................................................................................................................................... 54 Form 12 Recall Checklist .............................................................................................................................................. 55 Form 13 Notification of Equipment Failure (Egg Stamp) ............................................................................................. 61 Appendix 1 PLAN DIAGRAM OF PREMISES LAYOUT ......................................................................................................... 61 Appendix 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................. 64 Appendix 3 EGG PRODUCTION FLOW CHART ................................................................................................................... 65 Appendix 4 EGG PRODUCTION – HAZARD ANALYSIS TABLE ............................................................................................. 66 Appendix 5 HAZARD AUDIT SHEET – EGG PRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 68 Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 2 PURPOSE: To provide a model for uniform hygienic production of shell eggs in Tasmania that documents how the egg production business meets the five “relevant criteria” of the Primary Produce Safety Act 2011, Primary Produce Safety (Egg) Regulations 2014 and ANZFA Standard 4.2.5. The criteria to be addressed in the program are: Food Safety; Animal Welfare; Biosecurity; Environmental Impact; and Labelling Standards SCOPE: To apply to all operational processes relating to the production of shell eggs for human consumption. DISTRIBUTION OF MANUAL: All employees of the premises will be made aware of the contents and have unrestricted access to this Egg Production manual. COPIES OF THIS MANUAL ARE HELD in the following locations:[Egg Producer] Manual No 1 “ 2 Other copies as required “ REFERENCES Primary Produce Safety Act 2011, Primary Produce Safety (Egg) Regulations 2014; Australian Egg Corporation Limited (AECL) Code of Practice for Shell Egg, Production, Grading, Packing and Distribution 1998 National Egg Quality Assurance Program. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC): Code of Practice for Biosecurity in the Egg Industry Food Safety Risk Management in Different Egg Production Systems Primary Industries Standing Committee: Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Domestic Poultry, (SCARM 83) Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals: Land Transport of Poultry, 1998. (SCARM 65) A Guide to the Implementation and Auditing of HACCP, (SCARM 60) 4 th Edition, 1995. Department of Primary Industries and Parks, Water and Environment Environmental Guidelines for Poultry Producers 1990 Animal Health Act 1995 Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 3 DEFINITIONS Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (Biosecurity Tasmania): The Controlling Authority. Approved Program: A program approved by the controlling authority that addresses the hygienic production of shell eggs for human consumption. Co-owner/Operator/Lessee: HACCP Hazard Point Analysis and Critical Control Flow Chart Symbols: = Inspection D = Delay = Operation = Transport = Storage = Combined Actions Animal Welfare Practice Activities and procedures which assist in assuring appropriate conditions are maintained for animals. Biosecurity Procedures that will prevent or limit the build-up and spread of harmful microorganisms and pests which impact adversely on animal health. Control Point (CP) A Control Point (CP) is an operation (practice, procedure or process) at which control can be exercised over one or more factors to eliminate, prevent or minimise a food safety, quality, biosecurity or animal welfare hazard. Critical Control Point (CCP) A Critical Control Point (CCP) refers to a stage of the production process where it is essential that control be applied to eliminate, prevent or minimise the risk associated with food safety, quality, biosecurity or animal welfare. Eggs means an egg from any avian (bird) species, except ratites, which are fit for human consumption. Food Safety Activities and procedures which assist in minimising risk to the safety of food which is deemed fit for human consumption. Food Safety Standards Standards described in the Food Standards Code issued by the Australian New Zealand Food Authority. Good Manufacturing Practice Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is the system developed to ensure product and process quality and safety are safeguarded through standardised practices. Good Hygiene Practice Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) is the system developed to ensure safety of food and farm biosecurity through the Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 4 principles of good hygiene and health of food handlers. This is based on the Australian New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA) Food Standards Code. HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – a means of identifying potential hazards to the quality and safety of a product or process, identifying measures to prevent those hazards occurring, nominating those hazards which are deemed critical, monitoring those critical hazards and pre-planning corrective responses to hazards should they occur. Vermin Vermin includes rodents and predators. Abbreviations: Throughout this Manual and associated HACCP Plan, we use the following abbreviations: Biosecurity Code – Code of Practice for Biosecurity in the Commercial Egg Industry. CCP – Critical Control Point. Food Safety Code – Code of Practice for Shell Egg, Production, Grading, Packing and Distribution. Welfare Code – Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals (Domestic Poultry). Definitions of non-conformances: Minor non-conformance: a low risk situation: a non-conformance with the requirements of the Standards (including a non-conformance with the management’s documented system and food safety plan) where the potential impact of the non-conformance is not likely to compromise egg safety. Major non-conformance: a high potential risk situation: a non-conformance with the requirements of the Standards (including a non-conformance with the owner’s documented management system and food safety plan) where the potential impact is likely to compromise egg safety if no remedial action is taken to correct the non-conformance within a specified period. Critical non-conformance: a high risk non-conformance with the requirements of the Standards (including a non-conformance with the owner’s documented management system and food safety plan) where the potential impact of the non-conformance is of substantial and/or immediate significance to egg safety warranting immediate corrective action. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 5 DECLARATION and COMPANY POLICY STATEMENT I/we, ?????, the operator/s of ‘THIS EGG FARM’, an egg processing premises, Program Approval Nº.E ??, situated at ???, Tasmania, advise that I/we agree to comply with the rules, procedures, specifications and other undertakings as outlined in this egg production manual. I/we also undertake to comply with the requirements of the following legislation and codes of practice, in so far as they may be applicable; i) Primary Produce Safety Act 2011; ii) Primary Produce Safety (Egg) Regulations 2014; iii) Tasmanian Code of Practice for Hygienic Production of Shell Eggs for Human Consumption; and iv) Model Code 4th Edition. of Practice for the Welfare of Animals – Domestic Poultry, My/our policy is to process and distribute eggs of quality so that my/our clients receive superior quality and best service possible. My/our objective is to ensure that myself/we and any staff are aware of their responsibilities regarding product quality whilst conforming to Legislation and Industry Codes of Practice. My/our commitment to a wholesome product which is free from disease is outlined in this Egg Production Manual. I/we shall ensure that any staff are conversant with my/our company objectives, and ongoing commitments to improving quality in every facet of the company. Accordingly, I/we declare that I/we, ???? being the operator/s of an egg processing premises, Program Approval Nº E ??, take responsibility for, and appropriate action as necessary for maintaining, the Approved Program. Signed ......……………............................. Witness ........……………........................... Date ....................................... Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 6 1.0 GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTISES Good Manufacturing Practises are those things which we do that have an effect on food safety and product quality that are not necessarily directly related to specific product or processes. These include Environment (the condition of the premises where food is handled) Storage and handling of food Personal hygiene practises This GMP policy includes the following, which are a set of rules that help control the above areas. Environment Walls, ceiling, windows and floors are to be kept clean and free from dust and cobwebs. All doors will be self-closing to prevent entry of dust or insects. Smoking will not occur inside any of the farm buildings. Storage and handling Make sure that unused product is covered and stored in the correct environment (temperature control) All waste receptacles will be clearly marked and used for their intended use only. Hygiene Practises When handling food products, personnel will always wear protective clothing. This includes Hair nets Gloves (if required) Aprons Boots Ear muffs When working with food personnel will not wear jewellery or rings. Personnel must wash hands after going to the toilet. Verification It is the job of the HACCP Officer to continuously check the staff to see if their work practises conform to Good Manufacturing Practises. Once a week he will record if staff has complied with GMP’s or if not record what was not complied with. This will be recorded on the Complaints and Improvements sheet. The full record must be documented. This includes corrective action (re-training) and when it will be carried out. Document Approved Program Manual Live Bird Details(Purchases, Receivals, etc) Bird Mortalities Temperature Records Customer List Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Location Farm Office Record books at each shed Record books at each shed Form 1 Pre-operational Check Form 8 Customer List Page 7 2.0 PERSONNEL AND DUTY STATEMENTS ????? Owner and operator CLEANER - - ??? Egg room Egg washer Grader Egg room FEEDMILL OPERATOR Mixing Cleaning Recording Hygiene EGG HANDLER - Chicken Sheds Brooder shed Grower shed Layer shed ORDERER - - Feed mill Order raw ingredients Inspect ingredients Store ingredients Collect eggs Wash & Dry eggs Candling Grading Packing Labelling Storage Hygiene POST MORTEMS Egg Layers Order Layer flocks SHED PREPARER - Egg Layers Prepare Brooder shed Prepare Grower shed Prepare Layer shed HUSBANDRY - Egg Layers Vaccinations DELIVERER - Eggs - Invoicing QUALITY OFFICER Quality Assurance Training Product Inspection CATCHER - Brooders, Growers & Layers Transport Placement Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 8 3.0 TRAINING Purpose: To identify the training needs and provide the resources to satisfy the training of all personnel performing activities which may affect food safety, biosecurity or animal welfare. Requirements include: The skills and experience or qualifications of an employee to perform a particular function shall be documented (Forms ? and ?) and readily available to supervisory staff who delegate tasks. All staff shall be appropriately trained to perform the tasks they are given. All staff shall be given induction training relevant to the duties they will perform. Staff who have direct contact with live poultry shall be appropriately trained in relation to biosecurity and animal welfare procedures. Copies of certificates for any formal training undertaken by staff during their employment will be retained on file. Staff who handle eggs for human consumption will be appropriately trained in relation to food handling procedures. Procedure: All functions within the Company's operations demand a certain skill and this skill factor has been pre-determined and documented. Work Instructions (WI) detail the functions that each person are to perform (responsibilities) and the authority that each person has in the performance of those functions. Skill levels should therefore relate to these functions that need to be addressed. The Employee Training Record (Form 9) shall be maintained to show the relationship between applicable functions and the employee’s skill level. A tick () shall indicate an employee has commenced trained in that function but is not yet competent. Two ticks () indicates the respective person is competent in that function to the satisfaction of the Farm Manager. Three ticks () indicates that a certificate has been issued. A “T” shall indicate an employee’s requirement for training in a particular function. Where blank, indicates the skill is not pertinent to that employee. The Employee Training Summary is an ongoing record and will be updated as required. The Company retains records to show evidence of training undergone by employees. Copies of relevant certificates for training, etc are to be retained in respective files. All new employees will be given suitable induction training. All employees shall undertake appropriate training to ensure their understanding and compliance with the HACCP Plan. See WI No ? and Appendix ? Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 10 4.0 INTERNAL REVIEWS AND AMENDMENT PROCEDURES The operations and procedures contained within this Approved Program will be reviewed biannually, or as necessary, so as to ensure they consistently and accurately describe the operations and procedures carried out at this premises. The results of these reviews will be recorded on Form 6 Review Checklist and shall be kept at the premises, they will be made available to an authorised officer upon demand. Any proposed amendment to the program shall be: i) ii) iii) Submitted to the controlling authority for approval, Upon approval, sent to each holder of a manual, Recorded on the Amendment Record Sheet. All amendments shall be first approved by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. Please contact: Food Safety Management Officer Product Integrity Branch Phone: (03) 6165 3091 Email: All holders of this manual shall be provided with suitably annotated copies of the amendments, all amendments shall be dated. All holders of the Egg Production manual shall be requested to appropriately endorse the amendments record sheet in the front of the quality assurance manual. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 11 5.0 PURCHASE/ACQUISITION POLICY Livestock I/we, ???, are/am responsible for all purchases and/or acquisitions of livestock. The company policy is that: i) ii) only clean and healthy stock is purchased; only clean and healthy stock is acquired, All livestock receivals shall be recorded in the Record Book at each shed Materials I/we, ????, are/ am responsible for all purchases. All packaging material purchased will be approved for use in the egg industry. All receivals shall be inspected on arrival to ensure it is true to order and shall be recorded on Form 10 Receivals Checklist. As soon as possible after inspection the packaging material will be stored, off the floor, appropriately in a dust and vermin proof environment. Routine stock rotation will occur, ensuring older stock is utilised first. All chemicals and veterinary medicines will be inspected on arrival to ensure they are true to order. As soon as possible after inspection the chemicals and veterinary medicines will be stored separately, in original containers, in a dust and vermin proof environment. Routine stock rotation will occur, ensuring older stock is utilised first. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 12 6.0 BIRD ENVIRONMENT 6.1 Purchase and Receival of Birds 1. Birds are purchased from an Approved Supplier. 2. On arrival, birds are inspected for signs of stress or sickness and appropriate procedures are followed to help the birds settle into their new environment. 3. A mortality level of less than 1 in 1,000 on arrival is a desirable target. Higher mortality levels may mean that hatchery and transport staff training and/or procedures are inadequate and are queried. If the occurrence is repeated the supplier is removed from the Approved Supplier list. 4. Records are kept of the vaccination status of birds on arrival and their donor flocks by the Approved Supplier. 5. Transport during extremes of weather is avoided unless the birds can be adequately protected from the weather to safeguard their welfare. 6. Barns are appropriately prepared for the birds prior to their arrival. 7. Birds shall be handled with due care when placing in sheds. 8. A system is in place that allows proper monitoring of the birds, particularly in the first few days of placement. The Farm Manager is familiar with their requirements. Skilled, trained stock handlers are able to use their experience and ability to gauge the well-being of the flock by observing behaviour and appearance. 9. Appropriate feed and water must be available and the delivery equipment functioning and appropriately adjusted. 10. Stocking densities must comply with relevant Codes of Practice and legislation. Procedure: i. I/We will only purchase birds from an Approved Supplier (Sections 6.1 and 6.2 outline the purchasing procedures that are to be followed). ii. The number of Dead on Arrival can be used as an indicator of good animal handling practice and if Mortality Rates of >1:1,000 are identified, animal management practices are to be reviewed by the Farm Manager. The number of birds received and the number of dead birds on arrival is to be recorded in the Farm Diary by the Manager (see WI ?? for details) iii. Birds are to be checked for signs of stress and sickness on arrival and this is recorded on the Shed Setup and Bird Placement Check List (Form 16). iv. Prior to the arrival of a new flock of birds, the Farm Manager is to ensure that the sheds or barns in which the birds are to be placed have been cleaned and prepared, pest control measures taken and the food and water delivery system checked. Evidence of this check is to be recorded on the Shed Setup, Bird Placement and Transport Check List (Form 16). For multi aged sheds, cleaning is to be undertaken annually. 6.2 Bird Placement i. Stocking densities are to be in accordance with relevant Codes of Practice and legislation. Optimum stocking density will depend on management, the quality and type of housing and the capacity to achieve and maintain acceptable levels of temperature, humidity, air exchange, ventilation and humidity. ii. Maximum stocking densities apply only to birds housed under good management with optimal temperature and ventilation conditions. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 13 iii. Stocking densities are re-evaluated if there is evidence of disease or if behavioural changes such as cannibalism occur. iv. Checking of birds is considered one of the most important daily management tasks. Birds must be checked on arrival and two hours after arrival to ensure birds are not unduly stressed or recovering appropriately. It is also essential for the first 48 hours after placement and is critical for the subsequent production and welfare of the birds. Evidence of this will be maintained in the Shed Setup, Bird Placement and Transport Check List (Form 16) and the Daily Check List (Form 20). v. If medication is required, the Farm Manager is to ensure the appropriate level of medication is provided to the birds. S4 or Prescription Animal Remedy medications cannot be used without consulting a veterinarian. See section?????? 6.3 Rearing Shed Management a) A plan diagram of all holding facilities, their relationship to the processing facility is provided in Appendix 1 of this manual. b) We/I, ?? or a suitably trained employee nominated by us, will check the bird holding sheds regularly for any problems that may cause injury or stress to the birds. Any defects found are recorded in the Farm Diary and action is taken to rectify the problem. c) All work involving the handling of birds will be carried out competently and with due regard to animal welfare. d) Manure is removed from the holding sheds annually and is spread on farm pasture. There is a sizeable distance from the sheds to where the manure is spread to provide an effective buffer. e) Bird Spacing will be in compliance with Appendix 2 of the Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals – Domestic Poultry,4th Edition (SCARM 83). As soon as practical after unloading and/or housing of live birds, all details such as: Number of birds in consignment; Where purchased; Transporter and; Number of mortalities (if any); will be recorded in Form 10 Receival Checklist. Bird Mortalities i. We record bird mortalities and culls so that accurate estimates can be made of flock size. This is documented in the Farm Diary. Unusual increases in mortality rate will be investigated and acted upon. ii. All dead birds are removed daily, prior to collecting eggs, these mortalities are recorded in the Farm Diary. Dead birds are placed in water proof containers outside sheds for disposal in the on farm pit. iii. Although manure removal is programed for removal annually, any excessive build-up of manure is removed sufficiently regularly to ensure there can be no contamination of eggs or cross contamination of birds. iv. The formation of aerosols during litter and manure removal should be minimised and staff are to follow the directions outlined in Work Instruction ??. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 14 v. Birds will be closely observed during unloading for evidence of injury, sickness or disease. vi. Severely injured, moribund birds and those requiring emergency slaughter will be humanely killed without delay. vii. Any bird will be disposed of, without delay, in accordance with Section 7.4 of the Tasmanian Code of Practice for Hygienic Production of Shell Eggs for Human Consumption . 6.5 Feed mill Program Receiving Ingredients Ingredients are only purchased from the suppliers listed in our Approved Supplier program. If any problems arise with ingredients, Approved Supplier list may need reviewing. All feed ingredients used in the feed mill are stored in plastic bags or in bulk sealed bird proof silos. All receivals are to be inspected and recorded on Form 10 Receival Checklist Inspecting Ingredients All ingredients must be inspected upon arrival. This needs to be done by a trained person (Feed mill Operator). In regards to smell, appearance, moisture content, colour etc. ingredients should be consistent with normal product. Any ingredient that doesn’t meet the standard should be destroyed or returned. This will be recorded on the Incoming Goods sheet. Mixing All ingredients must be added to each mix at the correct weight. This requires trained and competent personnel. Every batch will be recorded, correctly mixed and placed in the correct silo. This will be recorded in the Farm Diary. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 15 7.0 BIOSECURITY Procedures are in place that will prevent or limit the build-up and spread of harmful microorganisms and pests in the farm and production areas and the biosecurity programme and the implementation of these procedures are to inhibit the movement of infectious agents harmful to poultry into, within or out of a facility containing poultry susceptible to those agents. Diseases such as; Avian Influenza, Virulent Newcastle’s Disease and Very Virulent Infectious Bursal Disease; and Salmonella Enteritidis; can be introduced to the farm via contaminated fertile eggs and birds purchased for rearing and laying, feed, litter, equipment, vehicles, wild birds, other animals and people. 7.1 Requirements: i. Equipment on the farm is to be properly cleaned and maintained. When equipment is brought onto the farm it shall be either from a non-contaminated site or cleaned and sanitised before use. ii. Equipment that is to be used should either be single use or of such material and construction that will allow proper cleaning and sanitising. iii. All vehicles, including vehicles used for delivering eggs, and those used for the collection of feed, dead birds, manure and reject eggs, are a potential biosecurity hazard and must not be allowed to contaminate the farm. iv. Staff are trained in poultry management, bird and egg handling, biosecurity and hygienic practices relevant to their tasks. v. Work practices are developed so as to minimise hazards (eg. visiting young birds before older). vi. Appropriate signs are posted to indicate areas of restricted access or activities (eg non-smoking or non-eating areas). vii. If staff are absent unexpectedly, the remaining staff shall be able to determine which tasks are urgent and which can be completed as time becomes available. viii. The entry of Visitors is controlled and movements on the Farm are monitored. If it is suspected that visitors have been to contaminated sites that day, access are prohibited or appropriate sanitation procedures used. ix. Visitors are questioned at the Shed Boundary. x. Visitors and staff shall wear farm dedicated clothing, clean coveralls or disposable clothing. Footwear is to be farm dedicated, covered, disposable or be able to be sanitised before entry into sheds and ranges. 7.2 a) Procedure: Standard cleaning procedures have been developed to ensure that equipment, buildings and storage areas remain clean. These procedures are documented at (WI 11). b) The Farm Manager is to ensure that buildings and equipment are well maintained and in good order. c) The Farm Manager maintains a Cleaning Schedule (WI 11) that outlines sites, tasks and frequency. Evidence of daily cleaning is recorded on Form 1 Pre-operational Checklist. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 16 d) An Employee Training Summary indicating the skill levels of individual employees is described in the Training section 3. Refer to (Form 9 Training Record) for details. e) Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) address the food safety and biosecurity risks associated with egg production. The greater the chance of microbial spoilage or contamination of product or the introduction of infectious agents of significance to flock or human health, the higher the risk and therefore the greater the level of hygiene training required by the employee. (WI 11) details the farm’s cleaning program. f) Appropriate standards of care for personal hygiene are impressed on all staff. Particular attention are given to contamination which can be caused by failing to wash hands or clothing and contact with poultry or other birds. g) The Farm Monthly Check List is completed by the Farm Manager. h) People are a potential means of introducing infection onto farms and packing stations (e.g. by moving from dirty to clean areas, inappropriate hygiene practices and if they also visit other farms or packing stations, etc). i) Visitors are kept to a minimum and are subject to the same degree of hygiene control as staff. Washable or disposable overalls and boots are provided for visitors and washed or disposed of after use. j) Parking facilities are provided away from areas where birds are housed. k) People should not be allowed access if it is suspected that they have been to contaminated sites that day. l) The Farm Manager should maintain the Visitors, Equipment and Vehicles Log (Form 11 Visitor Log), which records movements onto the farm of all visitors including subcontractors and transport drivers. m) Staff should follow internal biosecurity procedures such as conducting work activities in such a manner that they move from low contamination risk areas to higher contamination risk areas and not the other way. n) Any staff suffering from a condition or symptom that may expose eggs to a possible contamination (a Food Safety requirement) or if they may present a risk to birds from a contagious disease (a Biosecurity requirement) are to report immediately to their Supervisor. o) Staff shall wash their hands before and after egg collection and after contact with any potentially contaminating material. p) All rubbish is placed in bins and emptied regularly. q) Smoking is prohibited in buildings and only permitted in designated areas. r) Food and drink may only be consumed in the designated area. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 17 8.0 DETECTION OR SUSPICION OF AN EXOTIC OR NOTIFIABLE DISEASE Procedures have been developed to deal with birds showing symptoms consistent with an Exotic or Notifiable Disease. DPIPWE are the controlling authority should the need arise to combat the incursion of an Exotic or Notifiable disease. Discovery and Notification If any bird handler encounters any suspicious abnormality or any unusual condition with birds, especially if it affects more than one bird, then officers of Biosecurity Tasmania are to be notified without delay. This initial contact can be made by telephoning the Exotic Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888. All instructions given by Biosecurity Tasmania officers shall be complied with. These may include: i) ii) iii) iv v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) Stoppage of all production operations, Stoppage of all egg processing on the premises, Stoppage of all bird movement at the premises, Stoppage of all unnecessary personnel movement at the premises, Stoppage of all movement from the premises, Restricting premises access to authorised persons only, Close and lock all cool rooms and freezers, Turn off all taps, to restrict water flow, Close and lock all access gates to the premises and post guards, Await the arrival of Biosecurity Tasmania officers. Isolation (Biosecurity Tasmania are in charge) This phase involves the coordinating of several activities. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Disinfection A communication centre will be established, An official entry/exit point will be established, DPIW are in charge of all procedures to control persons and vehicles entering or leaving, All birds at the premises will be examined by Biosecurity Tasmania, Any dogs at the premises will be kennelled, All water will be shut off, including effluent pumps to minimise the possible spread of contaminated waste, Owner/operator/lessee will supply records detailing origin of birds at premises, destination of all eggs and egg products that left the premises in the last 24 hours and any other information Biosecurity Tasmania may request. (Biosecurity Tasmania are in charge) The owner/operator/lessee will make available the following: i) ii) iii) Trace Back Drainage plan of the premises, Premises site and floor plan, List of cleaning chemicals in storage, (Biosecurity Tasmania are in charge) Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 18 The Controlling Authority will be provided with the following information: i) Origin of all birds that have come onto the plant in the last 24 hours, ii) How stock was transported and by whom, iii) Destination of all egg, egg products, bird carcases, by-products and all other waste that has left the premises in the last 24 hours, iv) The names and where possible the addresses of all persons who have been at the premises within the last 24 hours. Responsibility (Biosecurity Tasmania are in charge) Although Biosecurity Tasmania are in charge the operator will have certain responsibilities, including: i) ii) Providing assistance to Biosecurity Tasmania, Actioning workforce to respond to Biosecurity Tasmania requests. Communication and Notification When there is reasonable grounds to suspect that an Exotic or Notifiable disease is present at the premises the owner/operator/lessee will make all members of the workforce aware of its presence. Additionally he shall request their full cooperation with Biosecurity Tasmania. Persons, other than employees, who regularly visit the premises and their reason for being at the premises, are:DPIPWE auditor Phone Deliveries: Live Birds Feed Litter Services (State what services) Vaccinations Vaccination programs shall be developed and implemented in consultation with the hatchery, which supplies birds. Any signs of unusual illness or poor health in a flock shall be immediately drawn to the attention of a veterinarian or the responsible department in the State or Territory in which the farm is based; When medication has been given to a flock, eggs shall not be sold during the recommended withholding period as stated on the label. Records of vaccinations must be made available during audits or upon request Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 19 9.0 EGG PRODUCTION 9.1 Feed mill Program Receiving Ingredients Ingredients may only be purchased from the suppliers listed in our Approved Supplier program. If any problems arise with ingredients, Approved Supplier list may need reviewing. Inspecting Ingredients All ingredients must be inspected upon arrival. This needs to be done by a trained person (Feed mill Operator). In regards to smell, appearance, moisture content, colour etc. ingredients should be consistent with normal product. Any ingredient that doesn’t meet the standard should be destroyed or returned. This will be recorded on the Incoming Goods sheet. Mixing All ingredients must be added to each mix at the correct weight. This requires trained and competent personnel. Every batch will be recorded, correctly mixed and placed in the correct silo. This will be recorded on the Bird Record Sheet. 9.2 Bird Growing Air Quality and Temperature Every day the air quality and temperature of the bird environment will be checked by a trained person who will record the findings and any deviations requiring rectification in the Bird Record Sheet (Weekly summary). Water/Feed Three times a week the bird environment will be checked by a trained person to ensure that the birds have access to acceptable quality and levels of feed and water. All findings and any deviations requiring rectification will be recorded in the Bird Record Sheet (Weekly summary). 9.3 Layer Flocks See 8.0 Egg Collection (Describe) Wash & Dry Eggs (If applicable) To ensure that the eggs have a reduced risk of contamination from microbiological sources both the temperature of the washing water and the dryness of the washed egg need to be monitored. A trained person will record on the Weekly Egg Collection Sheet that this has been done every time the Eggs are washed (or hourly). Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 20 Eggs will be cleaned in accordance with one of the methods described in the Tasmanian Code of Practice for Hygienic Production of Shell Eggs for Human Consumption – 2004 (Describe) Candling and Grading (Describe how you inspect eggs for faults and grade for packing) Packing and Storage (Describe your system for the packing and storage of eggs) Waste Disposal (Describe your system for waste disposal) Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 21 10.0 CLEANING PROCEDURES The premises and all equipment used in the production of eggs will be maintained in a clean and orderly condition. 10.1 Packing/Grading Room - - The premises where eggs are handled include the collection area, packing room and the delivery vehicle. None of these things needs sanitising, but they need sweeping out regularly to keep the environs free from dust and cobwebs. The floors of these areas should be hosed down at the end of each day to remove any dropped product. Equipment that comes into contact with the product includes the Egg weigher and the Egg washer. These need to be kept clean and the egg washer will be washed out after each use. 10.2 General/Outside/Outbuildings - - Clean out of premises and equipment will be done by trained personnel. Every time the premises are sanitised before operation or cleaned after operation the trained personnel will record that it has been done. The premises’ surrounds will be maintained in a clean and orderly manner. The accumulation of miscellaneous items and weed growth around the premises’ surrounds and out-buildings will be minimised to prevent the harbouring of vermin. If any deviance from the standard is detected or loss of control noted it will be recorded on the Complaints and Improvement sheet. This also requires the corrective action to be recorded. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 22 11.0 CALIBRATION All equipment used on these premises that weighs, measures, inspects or tests product is calibrated to ensure that they are reading accurately. Below is a list of all the equipment that requires Calibration at these premises: Electronic scales. Hand held thermometer. Egg Grader Mix all scales Egg washer temperature gauge Cool room temperature gauge and thermostat. Freezer temperature gauge and thermostat. Truck temperature gauge and thermostat. Methods of Calibration All the above equipment will be checked in accordance to the Tasmania Government Weights and Measures Act 1934. The methods of calibration are as follows. The Electronic scales will be tested against a test weight. The Egg grader will be tested using the supplied egg weights that will be checked on the Electronic scales after it has been verified accurate. The mix all scales will be tested against a test weight The hand held thermometer will be tested annually using ice water slurry. Every other temperature gauge will be tested against the hand gauge after it has been verified accurate. Every thermostat will be tested against the gauge supplied with it. Frequency of Calibration - Thermostats and Temperature gauges will be tested annually. The Electronic scales, the mix all scales and the hand held thermometers will be verified as accurate annually. The Egg grader will be checked quarterly. Storage of Measuring Equipment - - The Electronic scales will be stored in the Egg room. They should be kept clean and dry and free from dust. They will be sanitised before use and cleaned with hot soapy water after use (be careful when using water on electronic equipment) The Hand held thermometer will be stored in its protective box in the implement cupboard. The egg weights for the Egg weighing machine are to be stored in their protective boxes on the shelves in the office. Product Identification - All product produced between times of calibration must be identifiable. Dates of equipment calibration must be clearly marked on Calibration check sheet. Records - All calibrations will be checked and recorded on the Calibration check sheet. This must be dated and signed - If equipment is out of calibration it must be noted and corrective action taken (increase frequency of calibration or replace equipment). Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 23 CALIBRATION RECORD SHEET Equipment Target Electronic scales +/- .005 kg @ 1 kg and 3 kg Egg Grader +/- .005 kg @ specified weights Mix all Scales +/- .500 kg @ 1 kg and 10 kg Hand held thermometer +/- 1oC @ 0 oC and 20 oC Chiller Temperature gauge & Thermostat +/- 1oC @ 0 oC and 20 oC Freezer Temperature gauge & Thermostat Fridge Temperature gauge & Thermostat +/- 1oC @ 0 oC and –18 oC Cool room Temperature gauge & Thermostat Truck Temperature gauge & Thermostat +/- 1oC @ 10 oC and 14 oC Egg Washer Temperature gauge +/- 1oC @ 20 oC and 50 oC Date Completed Result Signed +/- 1oC @ 12 oC and 22 oC +/- 1oC @ 0 oC and 5 oC Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 24 12.0 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY Eggs produced at this premises include the following: Fresh Eggs. – All eggs must be stamped with the producers egg stamp (unique identifier) and packaged in new egg cartons The cartons are printed or have adhesive labels attached on which is printed the full name and address of the producer, the ‘Best-Before’ date, this locates the eggs to a single week when they were packed. Which every package must be marked with, and a Nutritional Information Panel. Egg pulp. – recovered from cracked eggs aggregated into clean, leak-proof containers, for pasteurisation. Egg pulp containers are labelled with name and address of producer, the producer’s egg stamp number (unique identifier) and date of collection, prior to dispatch for pasteurisation. (All requirements of the National Standard for Egg Labelling will be met) The type of egg production system is also printed on the cartons or printed on a self-adhesive labels applied to the cartons, ie, Free Range, Barn Laid or from Caged birds. All Eggs produced for sale must be clearly stamped with the approved egg stamp (unique identifier) Feed mill Products The products used or produced in the feed mill are the following: All of the ingredients (see ingredient list in the Feed mill program), bags, any of the finished rations, spilt feed and general waste, and bait stations. - Each ingredient is clearly marked as to type, weight health & safety issues and storage conditions. Bags if empty are to be stored inside another bag and placed either in the feed mill (to be used for feed) or the implement shed (to be used for other purposes). If bags are filled with feed they will be placed in the designated area according to the type of feed in them. Spilt feed and waste (anything on the floor or surrounds) will be swept up and disposed of. Bait stations must be placed inside approved containers. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 25 13.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION Unsafe product that cannot be made safe is disposed of by ?? Describe. Eggs, the shells of which have been damaged to the point where the inside is exposed to the air, called a leaker. Product out of specification is normally downgraded into either B grade or discarded. Eggs downgraded as unusable are disposed of an approved refuse disposal area Note: It is illegal to sell cracked eggs other than in bulk for Pasteurisation. The Form 4 Corrective Action Form is to be completed whenever there is a possible or actual problem identified. This can be a food safety or quality issue, OH&S issue, breakdown of equipment or facility maintenance issue. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 26 14.0 CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS Customer complaints are to be recorded, it is the Managers responsibility to deal with customer complaints, locate the cause and introduce corrective action to stop re-occurrences. It is important that everything is filled out in detail on the Form 5 Customer Complaint Form. This form requires corrective action to be documented and implemented. The Complaints and Improvement records will be reviewed regularly and any unresolved Complaints or Improvements will be noted and dealt with. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 27 15.0 APPROVED SUPPLIER PROGRAM The list below identifies all the suppliers of product, material, packaging and services (transport) as well as all the different products and goods that we are supplied. FEEDMILL Business Contact Details Ingredients Wheat Lupins Soya 48 Lucerne Limestone Avizyme 1300 Meat meal Fish meal Blood meal Vegetable Oil Methionine Lysine Cocci – Avatec - Rumensin - Maxiban Avizyme Bicarbonate Soda Salt Biomos Egg Shell 49 Colour Vit/Min-Hilay p91s - Grower p90 - Pullet starter p222 Freight Freight Feed & Ingredients Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 28 EGGS Business Contact Details Ingredients Boxes Chickens Beak trimmer Egg washer MG Vaccine Inspection/Pulp Poultry equipment Chickens Poultry equipment Eggs Date guns/stickers Shavings Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 29 16.0 PRODUCT RECALL A product recall is conducted when unsafe product that has been distributed to other businesses and/or the consumer, is required to be immediately withdrawn from sale to protect the consumer. Product may need to be recalled if it: • is not from an approved source, • is contaminated with harmful microorganisms, • is contaminated with harmful chemicals, • is contaminated with physical matter such as glass or wood, or • has been tampered with. A recall may be required based on a customer complaint. In this instance, a customer complaint form will be completed. In the event of a product recall, the recall program is controlled by the manager or delegated employee of the business. Once the decision to recall a food product has been made, there are three primary objectives: 1. stop the distribution and sale of the product as soon as possible 2. inform the government, the food businesses that have received the recalled food and the public (consumer level recalls only) of the problem 3. effectively and efficiently remove unsafe product from the market place. In the event of a product recall, the system as defined in the Food recall protocol prepared by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) will be used. Recall procedure When product is required to be recalled: 1. The business may receive advice from the Department of Health and Human Services regarding a decision whether a recall is necessary and if further tests should be performed. 2. Management collates and evaluates all information immediately available, and the nature and extent of the problem. Record all information on Form12 Food Recall Checklist. 3. The recall classification is made based on these findings, and the quantity of affected stock is established as well as the location of that stock. 4. If the product is onsite or in company delivery vehicles, it is isolated immediately. 5. If the product has been despatched to customers, management will liaise with businesses regarding a recall from customers. Delivery records can be used for this Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 30 Level of recall Trade A trade level recall is conducted when the food is not available for direct purchase by the general public. The food is only available in wholesalers and catering organisations. Consumer A consumer level recall is conducted when the food is available for retail sale Withdrawal (Only to be used if there is no threat to public health) Is a removal of the product from the market due to quality issues (Product defect, underweight etc) and is not a risk to public health The business must notify FSANZ, Department of Health and Human Services and the Biosecurity Tasmania on the following numbers if a recall is to be conducted: Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Food Recall Coordinator Ph: 02 6271 2610 (After hours 0412 166 965) Email: TAS Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Food Unit Ph: 03 6222 7705 or 1800 671 738 Email: Department of Primary Industry, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) Biosecurity Tasmania Food Safety Branch Ph: 03 6165 3091 (After Hours 0418 131 214) Email: Details notified include: • classification of the hazard, • description of the product (product type, batch number, ‘best before’ date), • quantity of affected product, • distribution and sales dates, • method for consumer identification, and • contact name and telephone number. The necessity for storage, isolation and disposal of the product is determined by management. A written record of events and actions are to be kept. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 31 All staff are trained to enable them to perform their job safely and competently. Training is conducted internally or by an external organisation. The FSANZ Food Industry Recall Protocol is available at: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 32 17.0 COOL STORE / TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED ROOM It is normal practice for cool stores to be cleaned prior to charging with the days product by adopting the following practices: i) ii) iii) Dry clean-up of cool store Floors washed down (If required) Excess water removed Scheduled Weekly Cleaning Each week and in addition to the above routine cleaning practices, cool stores are cleaned using an approved detergent suitable for the purpose. Ceilings and high walls are inspected and cleaned as necessary. Scheduled Monthly Cleaning Each month, (more frequently if required), overhead structures are cleaned, as appropriate. The cleaning of cool stores is recorded in the cleaning and sanitation record book Cool Room Loading It is not normal practice to pre-cool chamber(s) prior to loading as this may lead to excess condensation and drip. All trays and/or cartons are stored off the floor and are not subject to splash from or wash hoses. If it is necessary to load cool stores already containing chilled eggs, every care is taken to ensure that: the cool room temperature does not rise above 20° C, there is no problem from overhead drip, cool room sanitation is maintained to an acceptable standard. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 33 18.0 HYGIENE AND SANITATION Litter replacement: Chemical and Dry Goods Storage area: Dry clean as necessary, chemicals will be removed prior to liquid clean up Carton and wrappings storage area: Dry clean as necessary, cartons and wraps will be removed prior to liquid clean up Surrounds: All environs will be assessed on a weekly basis. It is not normal practice to allow the accumulation of materials that would harbour vermin or detract from the general appearance of the premises. Repairs and Maintenance/Works in Progress In addition to the scheduled cleaning and sanitation of the premises, the facility and all equipment is constantly observed for defects, which due to wear and tear have the potential to compromise the wholesomeness of product or the welfare of the birds. All found defects which are unable to be attended to immediately are recorded on Form 3 Repairs and Maintenance Record. Cleaning Chemicals All chemicals are purchased from reputable suppliers. The chemicals fall into four categories: detergents, sanitisers, hand cleaners and deodorisers. (Deodorisers are not used in packing and storage areas, i.e. used in toilet, amenities areas.) All cleaning chemicals are stored in a designated place, away from and with no direct contact with slaughter and/or processing areas CHEMICALS USED IN THIS PREMISES ARE:(List all Chemicals used at the premises) Insecticides: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 34 Soft detergents: All detergents/sanitisers used at the premises are hospital food grade standard. Hard detergents: Material Safety Data Sheets must be available onsite for all chemicals used at the facility Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 35 19.0 HYGIENE OF PERSONNEL Clothing All persons engaged at the premises commence the working day wearing appropriate clean clothing and footwear. If clothing becomes excessively soiled during the day it shall be changed. Visitors All visitors to the premises shall be appropriately attired prior to admittance to the premises. No person will be admitted into the production or bird areas after having visited another egg production premises within the previous ??day/s Personal Hygiene Requirements All personnel engaged in the, collection, grading, packing, storage of eggs shall: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) be personally clean at all times keep hands and fingernails clean at all times wash hands immediately prior to the commencement of work, after using the toilet, and at all times after engaging in activity likely to contaminate hands ensure that clothing is not a source of contamination and is fit for purpose. immediately and effectively clean their skin, clothing and equipment when it becomes contaminated where an apron is worn, only use an apron made of readily washable non-absorbent material where gloves are worn, use only gloves made of readily washable, non-absorbent material, which are kept in sound, clean and sanitary conditions at all times remove aprons, if worn, and place them on an approved rack prior to entering toilet area or area not associated with immediate work area. Personnel shall not engage in the processing or packing of eggs if suffering from major sores or wounds or skin conditions or suffering from an infectious or contagious disease Personnel shall: a) conduct themselves in a manner not likely to cause contamination of the product b) not smoke or spit in any part of the premises where product is being prepared or stored c) not eat food or drink on premises except in rooms or areas provided for that purpose Staff Illness The company complies with those provisions of the Tasmanian Public Health Act which make it an offence for staff to work as food handlers if they are carrying any infectious disease; are a disease carrier; are suffering from any venereal disease or inflammatory disease. Staff must report to their supervisor if they have an infectious disease. They will be prevented from working in a food-contact area. Injuries The company has a first aid cabinet with a range of dressings and bandages. All injuries will be recorded in a nominated "accident book". Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 36 All injuries, other than those which are obviously minor in nature, will be referred to a medical practitioner. 20.0 DISPATCH and TRANSPORTATION Vehicle Inspections All vehicles used to convey eggs from the premises will be maintained in good repair and clean condition. The vehicles will not be used to carry extraneous material which may be deleterious to the conveyance of eggs. Dispatch Procedures Only adequately cooled product will be removed from the premises. Temperature requirements are: not more than 17°C. Temperature shall be monitored for every consignment and the findings will be recorded in the Dispatch and Destination Book by ???????? for examination by authorised auditors. If any product is found to be outside of specification it shall be returned to storage until temperature parameters are achieved. Transportation All product dispatched from the premises will be transported in a cartage vehicle that incorporates facilities for the product to be carted under active refrigeration. The temperature of all products at load out and the condition of vehicles carting eggs is recorded and retained on file. The vehicle is equipped with a refrigeration unit to maintain product at required temperatures. Delivery Delivery drivers are to visually check a random selection of each consignment with customers to verify egg integrity, customer to sign the delivery docket upon receival of product if satisfactory. Any defective eggs will be replaced and if not disposed of at the store, will be marked and returned to the place of origin for disposal in the ?????. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 37 21.0 REFRIGERATION Refrigeration Maintenance All refrigeration maintenance is carried out by qualified personnel. All cool stores shall be fitted with properly calibrated thermometers so temperature of appliances can be monitored by the owner or his nominee. All refrigeration maintenance will be recorded on Form 3 Repairs and Maintenance Record Monitoring of Refrigeration Performance Temperatures of all temperature controlled areas shall be monitored at least every 24 hours when operating. These findings shall be routinely logged and any out of specification findings shall cause corrective action to be instigated and recorded. All refrigeration equipment, including thermometers shall be independently maintained and calibrated at least every six months by a refrigeration contractor. A maintenance report shall be retained on file and made available, upon request to authorised officers. Location of Cool Store/s See Appendix 1 for cool store locations on Plan Diagram of Premises Layout. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 38 22.0 POTABLE WATER Water shall be from a supply that is free from pathogenic bacteria or dangerous chemicals. The delivery system, including any header tanks, shall be enclosed to prevent contamination. Chlorine can deactivate live virus vaccines and so advice needs to be sought if these vaccines are to be administered through a chlorinated supply. Chlorine Testing Chlorine levels are monitored for each batch of water????????????????? by ??????? and the free residual chlorine level is recorded Form 1 Pre-operational Check. The minimum residual chlorine level (At the tap) is to be a minimum of 1ppm Chlorine testing is to be conducted upon each refill of the tank UV lamps are to be maintained according to the requirements of the manufacturer Potable Water Testing Water used at ?????????? is tested for potability once per year by a NATA accredited laboratory. Test results are retained on file for audit. Procedures for dealing with unsatisfactory Water Test. In the event of an unsatisfactory laboratory result, any action required by the controlling authority shall be followed. Provision of Hot Water All hand washing water shall fall into the range 38°- 45°C. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 39 23.0 PEST CONTROL PROGRAM Inspection for Rodent Activity Once a week a trained person will inspect the entire farm premises for any Rodent activity. Areas that require special care include: Sheds. Especially in the insulation and the manure, also the container storage areas. Feed storage areas. The implement sheds. The Feed mill. The Egg room, especially the cool room or container storage area. The results of the inspection will be recorded on Form 1 Pre-operational Checklist Baits Bait will be laid where activity is noted. These bait stations will be recorded on a farm layout map and will be monitored regularly. All bait sites will be monitored by a professional pest control agency at least once a month. Occupational Health and Safety - When using baits the trained person will follow all safety instructions on the label of bait containers. Bait stations will be in an approved container that is inaccessible to any animals other than rodents. Insects A trained person will be required to inspect the farm premises for fly populations. If these are deemed to high the following will be performed; Fly-poison will be laid in appropriate containers at marked locations around the farm (see the Farm layout map). A spray will be applied to certain locations around the farm (see Farm layout map). A spray will be applied to manure (layer sheds only) to reduce reproduction of flies. Fly populations will be monitored regularly. Poisoning programs may reduce once the fly population has been brought back under control. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 40 24.0 EGG STAMP EQUIPMENT FAILURE In the event of stamping equipment failure, Biosecurity Tasmania has implemented a program to ensure that producers can continue to sell eggs without the mandatory egg stamps, for an agreed period of time. Note: No unstamped eggs are to be sold until an approved corrective action plan is received from DPIPWE. If the egg stamping equipment fails the following steps must be followed prior to unstamped eggs being released for sale: Complete Form 13 (Notification of Equipment Failure) and submit the completed form to Biosecurity Tasmania within 24 hours of the equipment failure. Food Safety Management Officer Product Integrity Branch Phone: (03) 6165 3091 Email: Fax: 62336386 Upon receipt of the notification, the Biosecurity Tasmania will contact you to: Confirm the receipt of the notification To discuss appropriate to be taken to repair the stamping equipment To discuss the systems that are in place to ensure traceability of the eggs sold To discuss and agree on a time for the resumption of stamping Once Biosecurity Tasmania is happy that all necessary action is being taken, a letter will be issued stating that you have provided sufficient evidence to show that all measures are being taken to repair the equipment. The letter will provide a grace period from egg stamping until an agreed date, and a copy of the letter must be provided to your customers. Following the expiry of the grace period, unstamped eggs will not be permitted to be sold unless an extension is granted by Biosecurity Tasmania. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 41 Form 1 Pre-operational Check Week Commencing:_________________ M T W T F S S Temperature (°C) M T W T F S S Corrective Action Live bird areas Grading and storage area Evidence of pests (Inspect all areas weekly) Hand washing facilities clean and accessible with soap and paper towels available Product contact surfaces clean All equipment clean All packaging material stored correctly Coolrooms/Temp control rooms clean and tidy Egg transport vehicles clean and tidy Area Corrective action Initials Coolroom/Temp Control Room Freezer Bird Mortalities Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Feed Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Water Check (Test residual chlorine for each batch) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 42 Form 2 Amendment Record Sheet A/MENT # DATE SECTION Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 SUBJECT Signature Page 43 Form 3 Repair and Maintenance Record Defect Date Observed Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Risk H/L Anticipated Who Completion Completion Responsible Date Date Page 44 Form 4 Corrective Action The corrective action form is to be completed whenever there is a possible or actual problem identified. This can be a food safety or quality issue, OH&S issue, breakdown of equipment or facility maintenance issue. Details of the Problem Action Recommended Action taken Describe what corrective action was taken, and the changes, if any, made as a result. Employee Name:____________________________________________ Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 45 Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________________ Form 5 Customer Complaint Please complete the above details and return as soon as possible Note: All details provided to us will be treated as confidential and only used to support the accredited supplier requirements of our food safety program Customer (complainant) details Name: Address: Suburb: State/Postcode Phone: Mobile: Email: Details of the complaint Product details Batch Code: Date Produced: Quantity Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 46 Produced: Distribution Locations: Action taken Describe how the customer complaint was handled, and the changes, if any, made as a result of the complaint. Employee Name:____________________________________________ Signature:_________________________________________________ Date:_____________________________________________________ Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 47 Form 6 Internal Review Checklist Complete every 12 months Satisfactory (S) Unsatisfactory (U) and complete corrective action/comments column Completed by:_____________________________ Section Date:____________________ S/U Corrective Action 1. Management responsibility Is the policy statement still current? Is the scope and purpose still current? Are the members of the HACCP team still current? 2. HACCP Plan Are the product specifications still valid? Is the flow chart still correct? Is the Risk Analysis still valid? 3. Premises and Equipment Has the Monthly Maintenance Checklist been completed? 4. Supplier Approval Program Is the Supplier Approval List up to date? 5. Egg Handling Procedures Are they up to date? Have all monitoring records complete? 6. Testing and Calibration Have water tests been completed? Are all results within the Standards specified? Have any results which exceed the Standards been reported to the DPIPWE Have all thermometers and temperature gauges been calibrated every six months? 7. Cleaning and Sanitation Has the Pre-Operational Checklist been completed? Are the chemicals listed still used? 8. Pest Control Are procedures still correct? Are pest control records available? 9. Personal Hygiene Have all staff been briefed on personal hygiene? 10. Product Identification and Traceability Is the list of customers up to date? Are invoices for each sale available? Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 48 11. Food Recall Is there a copy of the FSANZ Food Recall Protocol available? Are the contact numbers up to date? 12. Staff Training Are the Staff Training records up to date? Comments/Corrective Action: Form 7 Weekly Egg Collection Form W/C: AM PM Total AM PM Total Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Weekly Total W/C: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 49 Sunday Weekly Total Form 8 Customer List Business Name Contact Person Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Phone/Email/Fax Page 50 Form 9 Employee Training Matrix Date Name Training Comments Eg. 1/12/13 John Smith Basic Hygiene Egg Washing Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Sign Page 51 Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 52 Form 10 Receival Checklist Date Supplier & Transporter Product/Live stock No. Mortalities Notes Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Sign Page 53 Form 11 Visitor Log Date Name Company Reason for visit Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Time in Time out Page 54 Form 12 Recall Checklist Use this Checklist when carrying out a food recall. TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE COMPLETION DATE Have a copy of procedure related to food recalls. Describe the problem; Determine actions that must be taken. Review specific directions in the communication(s). Communicate the food recall notice to all sites Document that the recall notice was received at each site. Collect health-related information needed for public communications. The following information must be collected and documented: Determination of where the product was distributed, to whom, and when; and Reports of health problems potentially related to the recalled product (if it has been served), including physical symptoms of illness and any actions taken. Identify and record whether any product was received by customers. Locate the recalled product by site. Verify that the product bears identification code(s) and production date(s) listed in the recall notice. Obtain accurate inventory counts of the recalled product from every customer, including amount in inventory and amount used. Account for all recalled product by verifying inventory counts against records receivals at customer sites. Confirm that customer sites have segregated and secured the recalled product. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 55 TASK PERSON RESPONSIBLE COMPLETION DATE Carry out the following administrative tasks as appropriate: Determine if the product is to be returned (to whom), or destroyed (by whom). Notify site personnel of procedures, dates, etc. to be followed for collection or destruction of product. If the product is to be returned, follow procedures. The product should be consolidated for collection as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the date of the recall notification. If the product is to be destroyed, confirm that written notification is on file. Follow procedures provided by State and local agencies. Consolidate documentation from all sites for inventory counts. Document any reimbursable costs. Complete and maintain all required documentation related to the recall, such as: • Recall notice and communications about the product; • Records of how food product was returned or destroyed; and • Reimbursable costs Maintain copies of all communications received or sent in relation to the food recall for three (3) years plus the current year. Maintain copies of all information provided to public communication contact person, other media contact(s), and the public; adverse health reports and actions taken for three years plus the current year. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 56 STOCK RECOVERY CHECKLIST Co-Ordinator’s Name: Date: Product Identification & Description Product Package size and shape Brand (Proof of ownership of product?) Packed on/use by date/best before code Shelf life placed on product Description of problem: Reported by: (Attach Corrective Action form if required) How long has the product been in the market place? Would the product have been consumed? . Is the product in retail stores? Is the product only at wholesale level? Is withdrawal of the product an option? (Ie Not a public health issue) How many states or territories will be effected? Who/where was product distributed to? NSW TAS What is the quantity of potentially effected product? Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 QLD NT SA VIC WA Attach details Attach details Page 57 STOCK RECOVERY CHECKLIST continued How many reports/complaints of potential hazard? Has the Health department required a Product Recall yet? Does medical/engineering evidence(opinion) support view that the product will or may cause injury? Is this opinion supported or in dispute? Is there an established link between the product and potential injury? Is the product to be used directly by the consumer? Has the product been tested for contamination? If no is the product to be tested and if so when and where? If yes have the tests been conducted correctly? Who by? Are the results conclusive? Number: Yes No Attach details Attach details Is an independent analysis required? (if yes – when and where) Is stock recovery required? If yes Trade -to what level is the Consumer stock recovery Withdrawal required If recovery is required Record name of department official told and time inform Health Dept, Council To be decided in consultation with Health Department, expert advice and FSANZ. Advice to be documented. Production information Assign employee to prepare the following documentation as indicated on the next page. Name of person: To be done by: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 58 Documentation required as result of stock recovery action Date: Person Responsible: Start Time: Expected Finish Time Product Package size and shape Brand Packed on/use by date/ best before code Production date Documentation required: Documentation attached? All monitoring sheets from that days production. List of employees on site during the shift Copies of any Action request form raised during the week prior to production of the product Retain and inform supervisor of any effected product still in the factory with the same production date. Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 59 STOCK RECOVERY CHECKLIST continued Recovery Process Have Distributors been informed? Have retailers been informed? Yes (keep copy of fax/email) Yes (keep copy of fax/email) Confirmation from Distributors and Retailers that all stock has been removed from the shelves received? Replacement stock required? No (why not) No (why not) Attach details Delivery of replacement stock organised? Have transport requirements for recovery been organised? Area / location identified and prepared for product return? Final report collated and prepared for distribution to customers and Health department? Corrective Action Form– Fill out CAR Form Attach details Attach details Attach details Contact Lists/Records - refer to FSANZ Food Recall Protocol Food Standards Australia New Zealand Food Recall Coordinator Ph: 02 6271 2610 (After hours 0412 166 965) Email: TAS Department of Health and Human Services Food Unit Ph: 03 6222 7705 or 1800 671 738 Email: Biosecurity Tasmania Product Integrity Branch Ph: 03 6165 3091 Email: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 60 Form 13 Notification of Equipment Failure – Egg Stamping Biosecurity Tasmania requires that notification of egg stamping equipment failure must be made in writing within 24 hours after the holder of the accreditation becomes aware that their egg stamping equipment has failed. Email or fax notifications to BIOSECURITY TASMANIA Product Integrity Branch Phone: (03) 6165 3091 Fax: (03) 6343 2833 Producer information Accreditation number: Address: Name of Accredited Producer: Egg brands affected: (If selling eggs under multiple brands) Egg Producers affected: (If stamping for other farmers) Name of person completing notification: Position: Phone: Mobile: Email: Equipment failure investigation Investigation summary: Cause of failure: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 61 Corrective action taken by accredited producer: (What actions have been taken to trace eggs without the stamp?) Estimated egg stamping resumption date: Actual egg stamping resumption date: NOTE: Producer is to maintain a copy of this completed report in their Food Safety Program for further assessment by a Food Safety Auditor. A formal letter from Biosecurity Tasmania providing your business with a grace period from the stamping requirement will not be given until this notification has been received, and an egg stamping resumption date has been agreed by both parties. Office use only: Date notification received: Agreed date of resumption of stamping Approving Officer Date notified of egg stamping resumption: Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 62 Appendix 1 PLAN DIAGRAM OF PREMISES LAYOUT (Not to Scale) Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 63 Appendix 2 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PROCESS: Production of Shell Eggs. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SCOPE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The HACCP Plan covers the collection, washing, packing and storage ready for dispatch of whole shell eggs. The purpose of this plan is to document the food safety hazards associated with the processing of Shell Eggs Washed? Graded Shell Eggs COMPOSITION Whole Shell Eggs METHODS OF PRESERVATION Chilled at no greater than 20C PACKAGING - PRIMARY Individual section cardboard egg cartons PACKAGING - SECONDARY New cardboard cartons STORAGE CONDITIONS Held at ?-?C DISTRIBUTION METHOD SHELF LIFE Refrigerated transport at ?C and direct purchase ? days @ ?oC after packing date CUSTOMER REQUIREMENTS Delivery at ?C in clean cartons SENSATIVE CONSUMER? No – intended for general consumption FINAL CUSTOMER PREPARATION To be cooked before consumption? PURPOSE Key M C P Q = = = = Microbiological Hazard Chemical “ Physical “ Quality Related “ Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 64 Appendix 3 EGG PRODUCTION FLOW CHART Receipt 1 Purchase of Birds, Feed & Litter 2 Water Supply 3 Housing of Birds 4 Feed, Water & Litter 5 Monitor Birds (Health, Feed etc) 6 Collect Eggs 7 Inspect for faults 8 Wash and Dry 9 Grade 10 Candle and Visually Inspect for defects 11 Pack into clean cartons 12 Label and Date 13 Convey to Chiller 14 Store under refrigeration 15 Monitor temperatures 16 Dispatch Storage (1) Process Storage (2) Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 65 Appendix 4 EGG PRODUCTION – HAZARD ANALYSIS TABLE STEP INPUT HAZARDS Severity 1 Purchase Birds, Feed and Litter 2 Water Supply Purchasing of birds, feed and litter SIGNIFICANCE Risk Significant P – Diseased or injured birds H L L Approved Supplier Certified Health Status M - Microbial contaminated of feed and litter M – Water contaminated H L L H L L Approved Supplier Written assurance that feed and litter pathogen free Ensure that water is always potable through application of recognised water treatment processes H L L L L L 4 Feed, Water and Litter 5 Bird Health 6 Collect Eggs 7 Inspect for Faults OUTCOME CCP/CP CP Providing potable water C - Water contaminated 3 House birds CONTROL MEASURES Providing appropriate housing and protection P – Shed Hygiene, Predators, Air Quality, Insects, Rodents and Extremes of Climate Adequate provision of feed, water and fresh litter P – Insufficient feed and water. L L L Fresh litter not provided H H L H L H H Monitor bird health Manual or automated collection of eggs Visual examination of eggs for defects Q – Damaged eggs not detected Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 H L CP (Animal Welfare) CP (Animal Welfare) CP L Removed replace soiled litter with clean, dry litter Trained, experienced bird handler constantly monitors birds for signs of ill health Correct technique and procedures implemented by trained operators CP L L Machinery operating correctly Operators trained to identify defects Retrained if necessary P – Diseased birds P – Damaged eggs Contaminated eggs Application of sound shed cleaning methodology Adequate barriers to prevent the entry of predators, insects, rodents Climate controls monitored and maintained Automatic dispensing equipment in good operating condition CCP CP (Animal Welfare) CP Page 66 STEP INPUT HAZARDS Severity 8 Wash and Dry 9 Grade 10 Candle 11 Pack 12 Label and Date External contamination removed from eggs by washing Manual or automated grading of eggs Eggs candled for visual defects M – Contamination remaining on eggs Eggs packed on clean trays (flats) or into clean cartons M – Trays or cartons not clean Apply labels and packing dates Q – Labels not applied or contain incorrect information Wrong date M – Product not refrigerated 13 Convey to Cool All packages of eggs Store placed into refrigerated storage 14 Refrigerated Monitoring and Storage recording of product temperatures 15 Dispatch & Eggs assembled Delivery and loaded for dispatch Deliver eggs to client Q – Eggs incorrectly graded Q – Cracked shells, fertile eggs, blood spots not detected M – Out of specification temperatures Temperature fluctuations Packages and contents damaged Eggs damaged at delivery Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 H SIGNIFICANCE Risk Significant H H CONTROL MEASURES Proficiency of operators Equipment and chemicals adequate for task. OUTCOME CCP/CP Set procedures and controls in place CCP Sanitising facilities in place and functional Proficiency of operators CP Equipment adequate for task. Proficiency of operators CP H L L H L L H L L Packages correctly stored and from approved suppliers CP L L L Proficiency of operators CP L L L Proficiency of operators Equipment adequate for task. CP Refrigeration facility maintenance H H H Records in product temperature logs L L L Monitoring of product temperature at dispatch H L L Inspect a % of eggs with client at delivery CCP CP CP Page 67 Appendix 5 HAZARD AUDIT SHEET – EGG PRODUCTION Process Step 8 Wash and Dry Potential Hazard Eggs not clean CCP CP CCP Control Measures Critical limits Proficiency of operators Equipment and chemicals adequate for task. Eggs clean and dry as per manufacturer’s instructions Sanitising facilities in place and functional 14 Refrigerated Storage/ Temperature rise. Damaged eggs Hazard Audit Table CCP’s 1 CCP Wash and Dry CCP Temperature of product to be maintained at < 200C Monitoring of temperatures, recorded in product temperature logs 2 CCP Temperature of product maintained 200C No damaged product Monitoring and Records How; visual checks, What; eggs When; each batch Who; designated personnel Where; at egg wash How; temperature checks, min – max temp What; packaged eggs When; daily Who; designated personnel Where; daily production report Records Daily production report Daily productio n report Corrective Action Re wash Cool all eggs prior to dispatch, there are no further steps under the control of ?? Poultry Farm that will reduce or eliminate the hazards Storage/Dispatch Template FSP Egg Production - V1.7 March 2015 Page 68