SAGL Rep Application - Western Kentucky University

Study Abroad and Global Learning
Student Representative Information and Application Form
Application Deadline is Monday, November 30, 2015 at 4:30pm
Please email completed application to
Description of Organization…………………………………………………………………………………..
Student Representatives are the official student outreach organization for the Office of Study
Abroad and Global Learning. Student Representatives promote study abroad opportunities, guide
interested students through the application process, and assist in the exchange process at WKU.
Selection of SAGL Student Representatives…………………………………………………….
Student Representatives are chosen through an application process. They must be full-time WKU
students, who have studied abroad while at WKU, and maintain at least a 2.5 GPA. Students
must have interest in promoting his/her program as well as many other study abroad
opportunities. Necessary qualifications for a representative are strong communication skills,
adherence to detail, ability to manage time and appointments, dedication to the organization, and
passion for international education. Preference will be given to applicants with at least two years
left at WKU, though some exceptions may be made.
Duties and Responsibilities…………………………………………………………………..
Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9pm. Attendance at meetings is
required for all SAGL Student Representatives unless a reasonable excuse is provided in
advance. Meetings are informal, but Representatives must come prepared. SAGL Student
Representatives will also attend a mandatory training at the beginning of each semester. The
training for Spring 2016 is January 22nd and 23rd.
Each SAGL Student Representative will complete 30 hours of service to the office of Study
Abroad and Global Learning each semester. Included in your 30 hours of service to the
organization are weekly scheduled office hours that will be determined at the beginning of each
semester. Hours will be scheduled based on student’s responsibilities and availability. There are
events that occur each semester that are mandatory for all SAGL Student Representatives: Study
Abroad Fairs, Football/Basketball Games, and Graduation Receptions. In addition to office hours
and mandatory events, SAGL Student Representatives will be accountable for other promotional
events and activities.
All Student Representatives are expected to attend any event he or she signed up to attend. If a
Student Representative is unable to attend the event, it is his or her responsibility to find another
Student Representative to attend the event and to notify the Graduate Assistant of Outreach on
this change.
Meetings and training will not be counted towards the total semester hours.
Student Representatives are required to wear their provided Student Representative polo, khaki/
black pants, black belt, and black shoes at all Study Abroad and Global Learning events, unless
otherwise indicated. Student Representatives are professional, passionate and respectful while
representing the Study Abroad and Global Learning office, Study Abroad programs and partner
Description of the Tracks and Associated Responsibilities…………………………..
There are two tracks within the Student Representatives: Advising and Outreach and Exchange
Student Mentor. These tracks are equal, but carry out different Study Abroad and Global
Learning tasks.
The tracks are not limited to just the responsibilities listed below.
Advising and Outreach Track:
• Responsible for classroom presentations
• Plan and execute SAGL events
• Promote SAGL at campus events
• Present at new student orientations
• Lead general information sessions
• Maintain office hours
• Schedule 3 classroom presentations each semester or risk losing one hour for each
unscheduled presentation
• Attend all required bi-monthly meetings
• Meet with students in pre-advising sessions to assist with program selection and
guide them through the application process
• Develop promotional materials
• Respond to student inquiries on StudioAbroad or the SAGL Reps email account
Exchange Student Mentors:
• Work with WKU students who are going on an exchange program by answering
questions and providing support
• Work with exchange students coming to WKU
o Respond to questions or forward appropriate emails to the Study Abroad Advisor
o Assist and participate in Exchange Student Welcome and Orientation
o Assist and participate in Exchange Student Farewell Dinner
o Plan and execute social events
o Each Mentor will be assigned specific exchange students to be involved with
during the semester and will contact these students at least once a month
• Design and lead info sessions or events
• Lead general information sessions
• Maintain office hours to assist with exchange program advising
• Promote exchange programs at WKU events
• Schedule 3 classroom presentations each semester or risk losing one hour for each
unscheduled presentation
Disciplinary Action…………………………………………………………………………….
If a Student Representative misses an event or meeting without notice, falls below a 2.5 GPA, or
fails to represent the Study Abroad and Global Learning office in a respectable manner,
disciplinary actions will be taken. First infraction will result in probation of the Student
Representative. Second infraction is grounds for dismissal from the organization.
Study Abroad and Global Learning
Student Representative Application
Western Kentucky University
Office of Study Abroad and Global Learning
Honors College International Center, Room 1014
1906 College Heights Blvd. # 11064, Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: (270) 745-5334 • Fax: (270) 745-2883• E-mail:
Personal Data
Full Name:
WKU Student ID:
Email address:
Please list the country you studied in:
Current Address:
Class standing:
Previous Employment
Please list university study/work abroad program experience
Previous Employer (on or off campus)
Dates Employed :
Supervisor's Name/Phone#:
Please list your position duties:
Please check the boxes that pertain to areas you have experience in:
Public speaking
Web design
Communications skills (written/oral)
Working independently
Graphic design
Computer skills (Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook)
Additional Experience
Please write any additional experience that could benefit this organization:
Personal Statement/ Signature
Please attach a typed statement addressing how you meet each of the required qualifications,
and describe how you can contribute as a Study Abroad Student Representative. Also include a
copy of your class schedule for Spring 2016 and hours of availability.
Electronic Signature: By checking this box you agree to and will adhere to the term and conditions of the position.