Faith @ Home Question for Reflection Read John 1: 1-14 The Word became flesh and dwelled among us filled with grace and truth. The astonishing mystery of the Incarnation—of God dwelling in bodily form—shows that God loves and blesses us in frail and limited bodies with power to speak love. Where will you embody God’s love made known to us in Christ this day? Christ is Born! A Morning Prayer God of small things, you came among us as a tiny and vulnerable baby open to all who met you. Teach us to care for the quiet and tender places in our hearts and in those of others as we nurture your compassion in our world. Amen. An Evening Prayer Creator of the stars of night, we give you thanks for the love you have shared with us this day in the celebration of the birth of Christ. Blanket us in peace this night as you comfort all in need. Amen. A Table Grace Dear God, as the gift-giving of Christmas fast becomes a memory, make us mindful of the gifts we still receive from you each day, and not least the meal that is set before us. Thank you for all good gifts. Amen. Pastoral Care We have a large selection of Care Notes, Prayer Notes, and Elf Help booklets books for adults, youth and children in our church library, covering a wide range of pastoral needs and concerns. Books may be borrowed from the library. Booklets are free to take and share. The First Sunday after Christmas 10:30 a.m., 27th December 2015 The Rev. Thomas J. Kay Knox Presbyterian Church, Leamington, Ontario The Order of Service *those who are able, please stand Prelude “Song of Christmas” R.J. Hughes Entry of the Word* Welcome and Announcements Holly Adams Call to Worship* Carol #139* “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” Prayers of Adoration and Confession God of wonder, you surround us with signs of your glory and surprise us with your presence, yet we often miss the marvels you place before us. Forgive our dullness and make us alert to the ways you make yourself known, that we might be witnesses to your good news and proclaim your extravagant love; through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen Assurance of Pardon and Christmas Gloria* Sharing the Peace* Carol #161* “What child is this” First Reading Isaiah 52: 7-10 Pew Bible, p. 771 Carol #147* “Angels we have heard on high” Second Reading John 1: 1-14 Pew Bible, p. 1109 Carol #143* “Infant Holy” Meditation “Tidings of Great Joy for All People” Carol # 160* “Unto us a child is born” Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Moment for Mission Glenna Lane Offertory “Joseph Dearest, Joseph Mine” G. M. Martin Christmas Doxology* Prayer of Thanksgiving/Dedication Carol #141 “Good Christians, all rejoice” Charge and Benediction Postlude Announcements WELCOME TO KNOX! If you are visiting, please be sure to sign the Guest Book in the Narthex. “Come Grow With Us” information brochures are available by the guest book and on the table by the Christmas Tree. There are also visitor offering envelopes in the pews, if you wish to use them. POINSETTIAS have been placed in memory of Ralph Nicol, Harold Beacom, Len, Marie and Michael Milkins, Mary Bannister, Matilda Matheson, and Lottie Wigle. Are you grieving the loss of a loved one, or know someone who is? We can help. Sign up today to join our next GriefShare grief recovery support group, a thirteen-week program offered on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., beginning 12 January 2016. Pending Rev. Cathy Kay’s return to work, leadership will be given by Rev. Thomas Kay and Mr. Cliff Hartwick. New and returning participants are welcome, and the group is open to anyone in the community. There is a fee of $25 to cover the cost of the course workbook. To register: sign up today at church, or call the office at 326-4541. THE FORGOTTEN FAMILY OF JESUS LUNCH & LEARN SEMINAR POSTPONED FROM DECEMBER WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT SUNDAY, JANUARY 3 RD, FOLLOWING WORSHIP AND LUNCH. PLEASE DON’T FORGET THAT TO BE INCLUDED IN YOUR 2015 TAX RECEIPTS ALL OFFERINGS MUST BE RECEIVED BY US BEFORE DECEMBER 30th. Knox Presbyterian Church, 58 Erie Street South, Leamington, Ontario Tel. 519-326-4541 Email: Minister: Rev. Thomas J. Kay Music Director: Mrs. Louise Bryon