BOARD MEETING – July 11, 2012 - Yellowstone Regional Airport

BOARD MEETING – July 11, 2012
The Yellowstone Regional Airport Regular Board Meeting was called to order at
8:00 a.m.
Present: Chairman Craig Wilbur, John Newton, Bill Holder, Bryan Edwards, Ché
Eissinger, Bob Whisonant and Doug Johnston.
Absent: None
Also Present: Bob Hooper, Lisa Hannon, Nancy Werner, Walt Castle, Bucky
Hall, Wes Hanson, John Cordes, Tim Wick, Scott Bell, Nicole Baggs, Jeff Higgs,
Joel Simmons, Bob Adrian, Jack Martin, Matt O’Dell and Scott Kolpitcke.
Pledge of Allegiance
Verification of Quorum: Chairman Craig Wilbur, presiding, verified there was a
quorum. Bob Whisonant agreed.
Acceptance of Agenda: Bryan Edwards made a motion to approve the agenda
as written. Bob Whisonant seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE,
NAY none. Motion passed.
Reading / Approval of the June 13, 2012 Board Minutes: Bryan Edwards
made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Bill Holder seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Review / Approval of Bills and Bank Reconciliations: Bryan Edwards made a
motion to approve the bills and bank reconciliations. Doug Johnston seconded
the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Committee / Tenant Reports: Chairman Wilbur asked the attendees if anyone
had anything to report or had any comments. Everyone in attendance stated
everything was good nothing to report. Jack Martin thanked the Airport for being
the major sponsor in bringing Grumpy the B-25 bomber to town over the 4th of
July. They had an amazing turnout and were able to fly several veterans thanks
to all of the support around town. Bob Hooper stated it is great for Aviation
whenever we can have a large number of people come out and see what aviation
is all about. He thanked the Cody Patriot group for making this event happen.
Walt Castle commented EAA sponsored two veterans to ride in Grumpy.
Airport Manager’s Report:
CY Air- CY Air had a Board meeting on Thursday June 28, 2012. The group is
continuing negotiations with United Airlines for winter service to Denver. We
finished the last contract with United Airlines exceptionally well, owing only
$35,955 to be split 80/20 with the Wyoming Aeronautics Commission. We do not
anticipate performing at this level next year due to the proposed contract
changes by United in the round trip flight costs. We are also waiting to hear on
the Small Community Air Service Development grant from the DOT.
Unfinished Business:
ALP Update, Boundary Survey- Gene Wasia of Morrison-Maierle met with the
City of Cody to discuss the boundaries and zoning. The ALP and Boundary
Survey will be available for the August meeting.
ARFF Vehicle Acquisition- The ARFF vehicle equipment is now on site.
Morrison-Maierle requested Board approval of AIP 28 Pay Request #3 in the
amount of $23,674.00 for the ARFF equipment from L.N. Curtis & Sons. Doug
Johnston made a motion to approve this pay request. Bob Whisonant seconded
the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Snow Removal Equipment Acquisition- The bid opening was held on June 26,
2012. Morrison-Maierle reviewed the bids and recommended the Board approve
the low bid from MB Companies for $608,976.00 for the MB2 and for the Board
to consider the change order for Option 1 offered by MB Companies to accept
the MB5 instead of the MB2 for one dollar less. The MB5 is the equipment
preferred by Airport Operations, they feel it is better suited to this airport. The
bids came in significantly below estimates. Bryan Edwards asked if it would be in
the Airports best interest to see if they prices will come down even further. Scott
Bell and Tim Wick both felt that would be a gamble not worth taking, also this
would put the delivery date behind. Doug Johnston made a motion to accept the
low bid from MB Companies of $608,976. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All
those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed
Bob Whisonant made a motion to accept the change order for Option 1 to get the
MB5 for one dollar less than the low bid of $608,976.00. Bill Holder seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed
Bob Hooper asked for Board approval to accept the grant for AIP 29 in the
amount of $612,993.00 from the FAA when it is received. Bob Whisonant made a
motion to accept the grant and allow the Chairman or designee to sign the grant.
Ché Eissinger seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none.
Motion passed.
ARFF / Snow Removal Equipment Building- The bid opening was held on
June 12, 2012. It was Morrison-Maierle’s recommendation to reject all bids due
to errors and because the bids came in over budget, also to make changes to the
specs before sending out for a new bid. The changes to the specs will help
reduce the costs of the building. After much discussion the Board concurred with
the engineer’s recommendation. Bryan Edwards made a motion to reject all bids,
due to the bids being over budget and because of numerous errors in the bids,
per engineers recommendations. Ché Eissinger seconded the motion. All those
present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Bob Hooper requested approval of a grant agreement, AIP 30 in the amount of
$797,319.00 and authorize the Chairman or designee to sign the agreement.
Doug Johnston made a motion to authorize the Chairman or designee to sign
AIP 30. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY
none. Motion passed.
Pavement Maintenance- WYDOT Aeronautics is currently bidding the paint
markings project. Painting should take place in late July or August. The crack
sealers will be here next week to finish the crack sealing project.
General Aviation Ramp Rehab & Expansion- The site survey should be here
the week of July 15, 2012. The overall bid package will be ready in early 2013.
New Business:
Airport Restaurant Update- Tara has decided to give up the operation of the
Landing Restaurant. A local ad has been placed in the Cody Enterprise and a
national listing for Request for Qualification has been place with AAAE (American
Association of Airport Executives) in their Business Opportunities listing section.
We have received inquiries from several parties. Bob Hooper thanked Tara for
her years of operation at the Airport.
Land Lease Request / Larry Schmidt- The Airport has received a request from
Larry Schmidt to lease the property along the Greybull Highway from the old
terminal building sign to the private hangers. Bob Hooper has met with Mr.
Schmidt and advised they would have to work with the FAA to have this area
released from Aviation Use restriction first. His intention would be to construct a
convenience facility that would sell various grades of gasoline and diesel in this
area. The FAA Compliance Officer would need to be consulted regarding
determination of fair market value lease rates for this area. Scott Bell of MorrisonMaierle stated this area of the Airport is slated to be released as a non-aviation
use area on the new Airport Layout Plan next month. There was discussion
about the concerns and drawbacks to having this area used for a convenience
store with underground fuel tanks. Bob Whisonant made a comment about
releasing this land to non-aviation use and if we do release it the Airport needs to
be very deliberate in what type of business goes there. He would like to see a
prop shop or something related in that area. Scott Bell said on the new ALP an
area has been laid out for a prop shop, radio shop or any aviation type
businesses. John Newton suggested the Board take some time to think about
this decision. Doug Johnston made a motion to table this topic until the August
Board meeting. John Newton seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE,
NAY none. Motion passed.
Open Meetings Act & Public Records Act Update- Scott Kolpitcke provided a
presentation to the Board regarding the recent changes to the Wyoming Open
Meetings Act and the Public Records Act.
WACIP Workshop-Tim Wick of Morrison-Maierle and Bob Hooper reviewed the
WACIP training class they attended with State Aeronautics. They also reviewed
the future Airport projects primarily focusing on the projects for the next six years.
The annual WACIP updates are due to State Aeronautics the first part of August.
The Board would like the WACIP summary to be approved at the August Board
Employee Evaluations- John Newton made a motion to move into executive
session. Ché Eissinger seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY
none. Motion passed.
John Newton made a motion to move out of Executive session into regular
session at 11:54 am. Bryan Edwards seconded the motion. All those present
voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Ché Eissinger made a motion for a 1% cost of living increase for all employees.
Doug Johnston seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none.
Motion passed.
Ché Eissinger made a motion to give Larry White and John Cordes a 2% merit
raise retroactive to the month of hire 2012. John Newton seconded the motion.
All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Bryan Edwards made a motion to change the Employee Handbook to reflect all
individuals will have their evaluation on or before the month of hire. Ché
Eissinger seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion
Looking Ahead:
Board Meeting August 8
WAOA Conference September 19-21
NWAAE Conference Park City September 25-28
Adjournment: Chairman Wilbur adjourned the regular meeting 12:10 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Hannon
Administrative Assistant
Approved By,
Bob Whisonant
Secretary, Joint Powers Board