BOARD MEETING – July 9th, 2014

BOARD MEETING – July 9th, 2014
The Yellowstone Regional Airport Regular Board Meeting was called to order at
8:00 a.m.
Board Present: Chairman Doug Johnston, Jim Vanaman, Jack Way, Craig
Wilbur, Ché Eissinger, and Bob Whisonant.
Absent: Bryan Edwards.
Also Present: Bob Hooper, Nancy Werner, Lori Rhodes, Bruce Ransom, Jeff
Higgs, Tim Wick, Frank Page, Michael Witiw, Joel Simmons, Kevin Ervin, and
Steve Browne.
Pledge of Allegiance
Verification of Quorum: Craig Wilbur verified that Bryan Edwards was not
present, and there was a quorum.
Acceptance of Agenda: Ché Eissinger made a motion to accept the agenda,
with the removal of the Larry Schmidt Project Development & Lease Agreement,
Craig Wilbur seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
Reading / Approval of the June 11th 2014 Board Minutes: Craig Wilbur made
a motion to approve the June 11th, 2014 Board Minutes. Jack Way seconded.
All present voted AYE. Motion carried.
Review / Approval of Bills and Bank Reconciliations: Jim Vanaman made
the motion to approve the bills. Craig Wilbur seconded. All present voted AYE.
Motion carried.
Committee / Tenant Reports / Public Comments: Joel Simmons reported that
Choice Aviation is getting ready for EAA event on August 2nd.
Airport Manager’s Report:
Bob Hooper reported that enplanements are up 8%.
Bob Hooper stated that the ARFF vehicles were displayed in the
Stampede Parade on July 3rd and 4th.
Nancy Werner and Bob Hooper attended Wyoming Aviation Capital
Improvement Program (WACIP) training on July 8th. Bob Hooper asked
for direction regarding Board involvement in the WACIP process. After
discussion, it was decided that Tim Wick and Bob Hooper would prepare
the funding request and submit to the Board members for review prior to
the August 13th board meeting.
Bob Hooper reported that the first non-stop Chicago flight arrived at
Yellowstone Regional Airport, as scheduled, on June 28th.
Unfinished Business:
Bob Hooper reported that the paperwork and closing cost fees for the
Armory have been submitted. The Wyoming Aeronautics Division is
meeting on July 15th. Bob Hooper and Tim Wick will be participating in
that meeting as the grant application for the Armory building demolition
and site preparation will be heard during that meeting.
Bob Hooper reported that there is a lease commitment on one of the
Forest Service lease lots, beginning October 1st, 2014, after cleanup is
Tim Wick provided an update on the runway rehab project. Bob Hooper
requested board approval of AIP 32 Pay Request #2 in the amount of
$117,472.09. Jim Vanaman made the motion to pay AIP 32 Pay Request
#2, Craig Wilbur seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried.
New Business:
Jim Vanaman made a motion to approve EagleMed placing their sign on
the General Aviation sign. Jack Way seconded. All those present voted
AYE. Motion carried.
Bob Hooper reported that the preliminary numbers of the fiscal year end
budget finished $9,356.00 under budget. Commissioner Hall indicated to
Bob Hooper that the county would like to withhold those funds from this
year’s budget request.
Executive Session: Jim Vanaman made the motion to move into executive
session to discuss the personnel evaluation for Bob Hooper, Jack Way
seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried. Craig Wilbur made the
motion to move out of executive session, Bob Whisonant seconded. All those
present voted AYE. Motion carried.
Staff & Board Member Update: Jack Way made the motion to approve a 5%
salary increase for Bob Hooper, Bob Whisonant seconded. All those present
voted AYE. Motion carried
Looking Ahead:
 Next Board Meeting, Wednesday August 13th, 2014 at 8:00 a.m.
Adjournment: Ché Eissinger made to motion to adjourn, Craig Wilbur
seconded. All those present voted AYE. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned
at 9:40 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Lori Rhodes
Office Administration Assistant
Approved By,
Craig Wilbur
Secretary, Joint Powers Board