BOARD MEETING – October 13, 2010 The Yellowstone Regional

BOARD MEETING – October 13, 2010
The Yellowstone Regional Airport Board Meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m.
Present: Chairman Dave Jenkins, John Newton, Bill Holder, Craig Wilbur, Jim
Sulgrove and Jerry Fritz
Absent: Dale Cowan
Also Present: Bob Hooper, Nancy Werner, Lisa Hannon, Todd Simmons,
Harold Musser, and Kathleen Tobin.
Pledge of Allegiance
Verification of Quorum: Chairman Dave Jenkins, presiding, verified there was
a quorum. Secretary John Newton agreed.
Acceptance of Agenda: Choice Aviation Hangar Lease Lot Request was added
to New Business. Jerry Fritz made a motion to accept the amended agenda.
Craig Wilbur seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none.
Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Chairman Dave Jenkins asked for approval of the
September 8 and 29, 2010 minutes. John Newton made a motion to accept the
minutes as written. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present voted
AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Approval of Monthly Bills: Craig Wilbur made a motion to pay the bills in the
amount of $21,109.84 and to accept the bank reconciliations. Jim Sulgrove
seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Committee/Tenants Report:
Todd Simmons of Choice Aviation asked when the date for closing on the sale of
the building will be. Bob Hooper stated it would be 30 days after December 8,
Airport Managers Report:
Boarding Report- For the month of September, United Express enplaned 1,957
passengers, up 52.2% from the same month as last year. SkyWest Delta
Connection enplaned 1,291, down 4.6%. For the month of September, the Airport
enplaned a total 3,248 passengers, up 23.1%.
Car Rental Access Days- For September, Avis/Budget had 1,111 rental days
that is up 8.7% compared to the same time last year. Hertz had 2,248 car rental
days, up 30.3%. Thrifty dollar had 869 car rental days, down 1.1%. For the month
of August, total car rental days were 4,228, up 16.6% compared to the same time
last year.
New Terminal Open House- The Airport will be sponsoring the Chamber of
Commerce Business After Hours at the new terminal building on October 20,
from 4-7. Tara from The Landing restaurant will be presenting her new menu and
also offering samples of new menu ideas. The move to the new terminal building
is planned for December 7 and 8. With that in mind, Bob Hooper asked the Board
to think about an official grand opening date that can be confirmed at the
November board meeting.
Recycling Program- One of the prerequisites to obtaining LEED certification at
the new terminal building is to do GREEN CLEANING and RECYCLING. Lisa
Hannon is developing these programs for the new terminal and will be presenting
the program to the board at the November board meeting.
Fuel Farm Road and FedEx Aircraft Tie Down Spot- The concrete work on the
Fuel Farm Road and the FedEx aircraft tie down spot is finally complete. there
was a delay in completing these two projects; an unexpected problem occured in
both the projects which caused the delays.
Unfinished Business:
Work Change Directives- Work Change Directive 71, to relocate the paging
phone in the baggage delivery area. CTA is covering this item. Craig Wilbur
made a motion to accept Work Change 71. Jim Sulgrove seconded the motion.
All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
AIP’s 23-27 Update- Wadman Corporation is finishing the work found on the
punch list. They should be mostly completed by the 19th of October.
Hillmont will be here to finish the bag belt on November 9-11. They will at that
time do the training for operation and maintenance at this time.
Capstone Construction has issued a letter of substantial completion. They have a
small amount of concrete work left, they should be completed this week.
FAA and WYDOT are going to do their walk through on all of the projects on
October 19 and 20.
New Terminal Project PayablesBoard approval was requested for the following pay requests:
YRA Contingency Fund Pay Request #2 in the amount of $38,707.64. This
includes $3,500.00 for Sealing Concrete, $23,038.62 for Fuel Farm Road,
$1,495.00 for Building Construction, $1,361.06 for Lyle Signs, $506.09 for Pacific
Steel, $293.30 for Aldrich’s, $390.00 for Chuck’s Signs and Design, $400.00 for
Aspen Painting, $6415.11 for Cody Electric, $1208.40 for Standard Signs. Craig
Wilbur made a motion to approve this pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none.
YRA PFC Account Pay Request #2 in the amount of $41,780.90 to Wadman
Corporation for work completed since September 1, 2010. Craig Wilbur made a
motion to approve this pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the motion. All those
present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
AIP 23 Pay Request #12 in the amount of $22,499.00 for Wadman Corporation
pay request No. 17 for work completed since September 1, 2010. Craig Wilbur
made a motion to approve this pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the motion. All
those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
AIP 25 Pay Request #10 in the amount of $75,000.00 for Capstone Construction
pay request No. 4 for work completed since September 1, 2010. Craig Wilbur
made a motion to approve this pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the motion. All
those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
AIP 27 Pay Request #2 in the amount of $134,764.56. This includes $12,233.66
to Morrison-Maierle for construction administration and inspection since
September 1, 2010, $21,764.90 for Capstone Construction pay request No. 4,
and $100,736.00 for Wadman Corporation pay request No. 17 for work
completed since September 1, 2010. Craig Wilbur made a motion to approve this
pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY
none. Motion passed.
WYDOT-COD 13A Pay Request #2 in the amount of $31,512.35 for Capstone
Construction for work completed since September 1, 2010. Craig Wilbur made a
motion to approve this pay request. Jerry Fritz seconded the motion. All those
present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
New Terminal Entrance Sign Project Update- The new terminal building sign
package was out to bid. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for tomorrow at 10:30 am
and the bid opening is Tuesday October 19, at 11:00 am. Morrison-Maierle
requested a special board meeting on October 20, at 3:00 pm to award the bid.
New Terminal Baggage System Update- Hillmont will be here to finish the bag
belt on November 9-11. They will at that time do the training for operation and
maintenance at this time. The CT80 has been delayed until November. This will
not affect the opening.
New Terminal Wall Mural- The Board viewed some sample photos by Mack
Frost. The Board will pick out the pictures and CTA will do the enlarging of the
photo to make sure it will work. There is the option to have up to seven different
panels. John Newton recommended looking at one enlarged panel and make a
decision from there.
New Business:
Choice Aviation Hangar Lot Request- Bob Hooper received a request from
Choice Aviation to lease the available space to the west of the old terminal
building. This area would be used to construct a new commercial hangar for use
in their FBO operation. This would require either the demolition or the relocation
of our maintenance garage as well as some utilities. There is also an emergency
crash gate that would have to be relocated. It has been reviewed and there
would still need to be a crash gate on this end of the airport. Morrison-Maierle will
need to define a lease lot. Board approval is needed to proceed and to commit
the area to Choice Aviation for hangar development. John Newton asked if the
space was committed to Choice Aviation would Choice consider absorbing the
cost of moving the garage. Todd Simmons from Choice Aviation stated he felt
that by creating a leasable area that cost would be the responsibility of the
Airport. He could not commit to absorbing that cost but it is worth discussing.
John Newton made a motion to have Morrison-Maierle survey a lot and
investigate with the Airport and Choice aviation the cost. Bill Holder seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Todd Simmons asked the Board make a motion that clarifies based upon
agreement Choice Aviation is given the first right of refusal on the proposed
hangar space. John Newton made a motion that pending the survey and the cost
incurred, Choice Aviation will have first right of refusal, this will be available until
the December board meeting. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All those present
voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed
Park County Travel Council Request- Park County Travel Council has
submitted a request to the board for consideration of waiving the new boardroom
charge for their monthly meetings. The boardroom policy allows for waiving the
charge for other government entities. Bob Hooper recommended the Board
approve this request as the Park County Travel Council also assists the Airport in
our advertising and marketing efforts with financial support. Jerry Fritz made a
motion to waive the fee for Park County Travel Council. Jim Sulgrove seconded
the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) Application- Bob Hooper requested Board
approval to have Morrison-Maierle prepare a new PFC application. The new
application would seek reimbursement for eligible items the Airport has acquired
as well cover anticipated planned future projects. There would be a $10,000$15,000 fee associated in the preparation of this application which is also
reimbursable. Tim Wick stated by doing a new application the Airport it’s setting
itself up for the next five years to allow the Airport to collect passenger facility
charge. Craig Wilbur made a motion to have Morrison-Maierle prepare the PFC
application. Jim Sulgrove seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE,
NAY none. Motion passed.
Flight Tracker Program- The Flight Tracker program that is located on our web
page is up for renewal. Lisa has researched the cost of the Flight Tracker
program which is $3,876.00 per year as well as a comparable product,
FlightAware. There is no cost for the FlightAware product as long as the Airport
allows them to place an ad on our web page. If we change to FlightAware there
would be some minimal charges from Vision West to make the changes to our
web page. It is our recommendation that we make a change to the FlightAware
product. Craig Wilbur made a motion to switch to FlightAware. Jerry Fritz
seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
WACIP (Wyoming Aviation Capital Improvement Program) - We recently met
with the FAA and Wyoming Division of Aeronautics to update our WACIP for the
next five years. The new WACIP was reviewed.
Looking Ahead: November Board Meeting Date Change- John Newton made a
motion to move the meeting to November 9, 2010. Bill Holder seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed.
Adjournment: Jerry Fritz made a motion to adjourn. Bill Holder seconded the
motion. All those present voted AYE, NAY none. Motion passed. Chairman
Jenkins adjourned the regular scheduled board meeting at 8:55 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Hannon
Administrative Assistant
Approved By,
John Newton
Secretary, Joint Powers Board