BOARD MEETING * - Yellowstone Regional Airport

BOARD MEETING – September 11, 2013
The Yellowstone Regional Airport Regular Board Meeting was called to order at
8:00 a.m.
Present: Chairman Bob Whisonant, Craig Wilbur, John Newton, Bill Holder, Che’
Eissinger and Doug Johnston.
Absent: Vice Chairman, Bryan Edwards.
Also Present: Bob Hooper, Nancy Werner, Suzi Johnson Foote, Bruce Ransom,
Tim Wick, Trent Holder, Bucky Hall, Nicole Baggs, Joel Simmons, Todd
Simmons, Gib Mathers, Rick Patton and Betsy Simon.
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of silence for the victims and their families of the 911 tragedy.
Verification of Quorum: Bob Whisonant presiding verified there was a quorum.
John Newton agreed.
Acceptance of Agenda: Chairman Whisonant made a motion to approve the
agenda as written. Bob Hooper requested a small modification to the agenda to
add Mike Gierau’s proposal regarding Jedediah’s concessions. Craig Wilber
made a motion to approve the agenda and the one addition. Che’ Eissinger
seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE. Motion passed.
New Staffing
Bob Hooper announced the new staffing of Suzi Johnson Foote as the new
Administrative Assistant.
Reading / Approval of the August 8th, 2013 Board Minutes: Chairman
Whisonant made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Craig Wilber
seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE. Motion passed.
Review / Approval of Bills and Bank Reconciliations: Che’ Eissinger made a
motion to approve the bills, in the amount of $18,386.13, and bank
reconciliations. Craig Wilber seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE.
Motion passed.
Committee / Tenant Reports: Chairman Whisonant asked the attendees if they
had anything to report or had any comments. Joel Simmons conveyed
appreciation from Choice Aviation to Morrison-Maierle and Bruce Ransom and
YRA crew for keeping things cleaned-up and the low impact to them during the
ramp rehab and paving project.
Nicole Baggs reiterated the significance of this 13th year anniversary of the 911
tragedy. Nicole announced the appointment of the new Federal Security
Administrator, Rick Borden, to take office beginning September 19. Mr. Borden
plans to pay a visit to each of the airports. Nicole will notify YRA when he plans
his trip to Cody.
Airport Manager’s Report:
Bob Hooper then gave updates on the following:
Airline Boarding Report
Annual Financial Audit
PCTC Grant
Legislative Select Committee on Air Transportation Meeting, Jackson.
Unfinished Business:
FlyTel/Prince Hangar – GA Tie Down Location Removal Request. Bob
Hooper discussed the previous request regarding removal of some aircraft tie
downs in the vicinity of their hangar location. The Board has since learned that
one of the aircraft has been sold, one is being relocated and the third aircraft is
up for sale, therefore this request is no longer an issue. Ché asked again about
tie downs if we may have to do anything in the future. Bob Hooper reiterated that
he does not foresee that it will be. Chairman Whisonant added that we can retain
the tie downs and they can possibly be used in the future.
Non-Aviation Commercial Development Property – The Board sub-committee
met with Scott Kolpitcke on Friday August 23, 2013 regarding terms of a lease
agreement with Larry Schmidt. Mr. Kolpitcke is still working with their attorney on
a lease agreement.
Snow Removal Equipment Storage Building – Tim Wick, Morrison & Maierle,
said the exterior of the building is pretty much complete. Interior is being finishedup with insulation, installing the mechanical and electrical systems and working
on the overhead doors, as well as concrete has been poured for the aprons on
the overhead doors. Tim anticipates the interior to be complete in a couple more
Bob Hooper requested Board approval to pay AIP 30, pay request #6 in the
amount of $118,197.88, which includes Morrison & Maierle Construction
Management Task Order 5 in the amount of $2,321.98 and Cowan Construction
CPP5 in the amount of $115,875.90 for work completed to-date. Doug Johnston
made a motion for approval. Craig Wilber seconded the motion. All those
present voted AYE. Motion passed.
GA Ramp Rehab & Expansion Project – Bob Hooper and Tim Wick presented
a Power Point presentation consisting of 30+ photos of the expansion and rehab
project, which will also be shown at the Wyoming Aeronautics Commission Board
meeting in Jackson this weekend. Additionally, Bob discussed repaving of the
fuel farm area and moving of the glycol to a new more convenient location, which
was part of the reworking of the Duggleby Drive project.
Tim Wick requested the initiation of the 41-day notice of final payment
request contingent on the punch list completion.
Bob Hooper made a request for payment of AIP 31 WYDOT COD 32C
(pay request #2) $696,126.73, which includes Morrison & Maierle
Construction Management Task Order (Task Order 10) in the amount
of $65,429.71, which includes T&T Contracting CPP 4 in the amount of
Che’ Eissinger made a motion for approval of these items. Craig Wilber
seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE. Motion passed.
New Business:
Frank Schmidt – Business Park Lease Proposal. Bob has requested approval
from the Board to move forward with negotiations with Dr. Schmidt for a lease on
a parcel in the Business Park. The Board gave approval for Bob to continue
negotiations with Dr. Schmidt.
Jedediah’s – Concession Manager Request. Jedediah’s has made a request
that the Board consider carrying their request to hire a concession manager
forward for 1-2 more months. After a brief discussion no action was taken.
Lease Assignment – Assignment of commercial lease from Jim McArtor to
Choice Aviation. Ché Eissinger made a motion to approve; seconded by Bill
Holder. All those present voted AYE. Motion passed.
2012 / 2013 Budget Review – The revenue shortfall was $1,490.00 less than
expected. YRA’s agreement with the City of Cody requires any unused funds be
returned to the City. The amount due to the City of Cody based on the 60/40
split is $894.00. Bob Hooper has presented this information to Bucky Hall and
Bucky will let him know how the County would like to proceed. Bob Hooper then
requested Board approval to reimburse the City.
John Newton questioned if the MOU or whatever the statue is or whatever allows
reimbursements, because he does not know. Bob stated that he does not know
either and that the Joint Powers Agreement only calls for the 60/40 split and does
not mention reimbursements. John Newton further questioned the legality of the
reimbursements, stating that it may be perfectly legal and ethical and authorized,
but that we should find this out. Chairman Whisonant indicated his agreement
with Mr. Newton’s point and further added that he is concerned if the airport
exceeds budget, would this amount be covered as well. Chairman Whisonant
continued by stating he is fine with giving the funds back, but that the City should
also pay if we are over on the budget.
Bob Hooper stated that he has talked to both Jenni Rosencranse and Bucky Hall
in this regard and they both assert that there is no money available for overages
in the budget. Craig Wilbur recommended discussing the legality issue with
Jenni Rosencranse during the upcoming budget meeting. Chairman Whisonant
requested that we ask the City to provide information to show this is the proper
handling of the matter.
Chairman Whisonant indicated that the Board will wait until this information is
received from the City and further discuss this issue next month.
Bill Holder mentioned the matter definitely needs to be looked into and everyone
felt the legality issue should be researched by the City.
Staff & Board Member Update – Bob Hooper, Bruce Ransom and Wes Hanson
successfully completed their annual Aircraft Rescue Firefighting class.
Looking Ahead:
 Next Board Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 8:00 a.m.
 Wyoming Airport Operator’s Association Conference and
Wyoming Aeronautics Commission Board meeting – September 15-17,
Executive Session:
08:48 – Doug Johnston made a motion to move out of regular session
and move into executive session. Craig Wilber seconded the motion.
All those present voted AYE. Motion passed and a short break was
directed by Bob Whisonant.
08:55 – Discussion on the performance evaluation of Wes Hanson.
09:05 – Discussion on the performance evaluation of Bruce Ransom.
09:08 – John Newton made a motion to move out of executive session
and back into regular session. Che’ Eissinger seconded the motion. All
those present voted AYE. Motion passed and meeting moved back into
regular session.
Additional Staff Updates/Adjournment:
Chairman Whisonant called for a motion for approval of the 3.5%
salary increases for Wes Hanson and Bruce Ransom, to begin on their
anniversary dates. Che’ Eissinger made a motion for approval. Craig
Wilber seconded the motion. All those present voted AYE. Motion
Chairman Whisonant called for a motion for adjournment. Craig Wilber
made a motion for approval. Bill Holder seconded the motion. All
those present voted Aye. Motion passed and meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne Johnson Foote
Administrative Assistant
Approved By,
Doug Johnston
Secretary, Joint Powers Board