enviermental - WatkinsGrade6Math

Tyler Bulson
Argumentative Essay
Environmental Studies in Schools
Enviromental studies should be studied in schools because it would help kids not to live
a polluted life by teaching them how to recycle. If we do this, we will save the environment. We
have to show students how garbage and waste will affect nature. We need to educate young
people to save the earth. Obama once said, “You should not litter because if you litter it will
become a land fill and toxic waste.”
The first way we can save the environment would be to recycle or reuse cans and bottles.
To recycle we should use recycling bins every day so there won’t be pollution. Teaching this
would be good because kids would learn not to throw trash on streets or in water. Instead they
would learn to put it inside the recycling bin. Every day when I have a water bottle, I recycle it
or reuse it.
Furthermore, garbage and waste will affect nature. 70% of people agreed that pollution is
affecting nature. Throwing trash in the water will hurt nature and life as we know it. Nuclear
plants will hurt animals and make them extinct. The water we drink will be poisoned because of
waste and nuclear plants. Teaching students this would help them learn so they could teach
their own kids in the future not to litter.
The last reason kids should be taught in school is to educate them to save the earth.
Littering costs our money to clean up our trash. If I were a teacher, I would start a class about
recycling and not polluting. The kids would learn to not throw trash on land or sea. Kids would
learn about the oil spills and nuclear plants and how this kills leaves, plants and trees. What
would happen if the trees were all gone? The answer is we would have no oxygen, which would
cause us and the earth to die.
In conclusion, I think enviromental studies will help kids learn not to litter. Some people
believe educating kids will be of no use, but I don’t believe this is true. We need to stop the
nuclear plants from polluting our water, animals, and our lives. Kids need to start recycling
every day, saving leftover food, and reusing plastic bottles. If we do this, trees will grow more
and we will live a long life!