AKS 37 - Middle Ages Test Study Guide

AKS 37 – The European Middle Ages Test Study Guide
 This study guide is NOT OPTIONAL. It is due on Friday, November 4th. It is a QUIZ
grade and if it is turned in BEFORE the test, it is worth 5 extra credit points!!
 In order to earn the bonus points, your study guide must be neatly handwritten,
NOT TYPED, and numbered correctly.
 Any study guide that is not in the correct order will not be graded.
Complete the following:
1. Explain what caused the Middle Ages.
2. When were the Middle Ages?
3. How did government change during the Middle Ages?
4. Who were the Franks?
5. What did Clovis bring to the Frankish Kingdom?
6. Who lived in monasteries?
7. What purpose did monasteries serve to their community?
8. Who lived in convents?
9. What purpose did convents serve to their community?
10. Why is Pope Gregory I {AKA Gregory the Great} significant?
11. Define Secular Power.
12. What does “Major Domo” mean?
13. What was the official & unofficial duties of the Major Domo?
14. Who was Charles Martel {AKA Charles the Hammer}?
15. Why is the Battle of Tours significant?
16. How did Pepin the Short become King?
17. How did Charlemagne become Emperor?
18. Why didn’t Charlemagne want the Pope to crown him Emperor?
19. The crowning of Charlemagne by the Pope joined together what three things?
20. What did Charlemagne promote in the Frankish Empire?
21. When Louis the Pious died, who did he leave the Frankish empire to?
22. Explain the significance of the Treaty of Verdun.
23. What was the impact of the Vikings, Magyars & Muslims {Oh My!} attacks on Europe?
24. Where did the feudal system originate?
25. Explain the feudal system. {include the pyramid!}
26. What was the role of a Feudal Lord?
27. How did someone become a Vassal?
28. What is a Fief?
29. How did a peasant become a Serf?
30. What were the three Feudal Social Classes?
31. How was life on the Manor self-sufficient?
32. How was life harsh on the Manor?
33. What is a Tithe {363}?
34. How did the technology of warfare change? {364}
35. What was the role of the knights in feudal society? {364-365}
36. What is the code of chivalry? {365}
37. Explain how a boy became a knight. {365}
38. What were jousting tournaments? {367}
39. Explain the roles of Noble Women & Peasant Women in Feudal Society. {369}
40. How was the Church clergy structured? {370}
41. What are the Seven Sacraments? {371}
42. Why are the Sacraments so important to the people?
43. What is canon law? {371}
44. Explain the two harshest punishments for breaking Canon Law….
45. What did a King lose if he was excommunicated?
46. How did a King receive an interdict?
47. What happened to the King’s people if the King was issued an interdict?
48. Why was Otto I significant?
49. What is the Holy Roman Empire?
50. Define lay investiture.
51. Re-write the following events IN THE CORRECT ORDER on your own paper:
 Henry traveled to Canossa and stood outside for three days in the snow crying.
 Concordat of Worms: the church alone could appoint a bishop, but the emperor could veto the
 Emperor Henry IV called a meeting of the German bishops he had appointed.
 Pope Gregory forgave Emperor Henry IV.
 Pope Gregory excommunicated Emperor Henry IV.
 Pope Gregory VII banned lay investiture.
 The Emperor ordered Pope Gregory to step down from the papacy.
 German princes and bishops sided with the Pope.
52. What is the significance of the Concordat of Worms?
53. Explain the three main issues that reformers had with the Christian Church prior to the Crusades.
54. What style of architecture did they use to build cathedrals during the Middle Ages?
55. What were the Causes and Goals of the Crusades?
56. Explain the Crusades.
57. What were the Social, Economic and Political Effects of the Crusades?
58. What was the impact of the Crusades on the Islamic World?
59. How did the failure of the later Crusades weaken the power of the pope?
60. In what way did the Crusades benefit people of all faiths?
61. What is the Reconquista?
62. Explain the Inquisition IN DETAIL!!!!
63. Which Monarchs were responsible for the Inquisition?
64. What plows field 3 times faster than a team of oxen?
65. Why was the 3-field system more productive than the 2-field system?
66. What is a guild?
67. How did someone become a master?
68. How did serfs finally become free?
69. Define “vernacular”.
70. Explain the Medieval Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.
71. Explain England’s Battle of Hastings IN DETAIL!!! (include who, what happened, when and outcome).
72. Explain how King Henry II of England strengthened England’s legal system.
73. Why was King John forced to sign the Magna Carta?
74. What is the Magna Carta?
75. What did the Magna Carta guarantee for the people?
76. Explain England’s Model Parliament.
77. How did King Philip II of France strengthen the central government in France?
78. How did King Louis IX strengthen the Monarchy and weaken the Feudal ties in France?
79. Who made up the 1st Estate in the Estates-General?
80. Who made up the 2ndEstate in the Estates-General?
81. Who made up the 3rd Estate in the Estates-General?
82. Explain the Great Schism IN DETAIL.
83. Explain the Bubonic Plague IN DETAIL.
84. Explain the Reason for the Hundred Years’ War.
85. Explain the Outcome of the Hundred Years’ War.
86. Explain the Effect of the Hundred Years’ War on Medieval Society.
87. What three new sources INCREASED the POWER of the Kings?