Doctors Place Date of Collection_______________ Time of Collection_______________ Your Address Here Date:_________________________ SWML Number_________________ 1342 Bell Ave, Suite 3C Tustin, CA 92780 Tel: (949) 581 – 1181 FAX: (714) 258 - 1114 Patient’s Name Last First Please print information correctly, otherwise the Doctor/Client account would be billed MI Date of Birth Gender Fasting Non-Fasting Male Female Patient’s Address City State Referring Physician Name Referring Physician Tel. Zip Code Patient’s Phone Number Fax to: Bill To: PATIENT CLIENT INS. MEDI-CAL MEDI-CARE CASH For patients paying with Ins. Medi-Cal and Medicare, please attach copy of card. For Medicare patients, medical necessity is required for all tests. I hereby have read the AUTHORIZATION statement on the back of this requisition and understand that will be responsible for the payment: Signature of patient: X________________________________________ PROFILES CPT # Chem 50 PANEL L Chem 40 PANEL Chem 30 PANEL Chem 20A PANEL Chem 10 PANEL Comp. 80053 ……Metabolic Basic. 80048 …..Metabolic Electrolytes 80051 Lipid Panel* 80061 Renal Function 80069 Hepatic 80076 ……Function Hormone PANEL ……(Female) Anemia PANEL DM I PANEL DM II PANEL Menstrual PANEL ……Irregular PIT Panel PANEL Pre Op Panel PANEL COAGULATION (BLUE) PT-INR* 85610 PTT* 85730 Fibrinogen 85384 SEROLOGY (SST) RPR-Routine* 86592 HIV ½ AB* 86703 CRP 86140 MICROBIOLOGY Beta Strep 87081 …..(Throat) Urine Culture* 87086 Throat 87070 …../Resp/Culture Occult Blood* 82270 X__________ Urinalysis 81000 (w/Reflex to culture) Urinalysis (w/Reflex to culture) Urinalysis (w/o Micro) Gram Stain 8100 81002 87205 INDIVIDUAL TESTS CPT # DX/ICD-9 Symptoms Required STAT INDIVIDUAL TESTS CPT# L L L 84439 82947 83036 82977 83090 86677 S S L S S S OTHER REQUESTS L HDL* 83718 S L S S 83540 83721 83002 83690 S S S S S S S S S Wet Mount 87210 Ova & Parasite 87177 HEMATOLOGY (LAV) CBC, Diff, & PLTS * 85025 CBC, W/Manual Diff 85007/85027 HGB/HCT* 85018/85014 S ESR (Sedrate)* S S S S ABO/RH S Ammonia 82140 G Magnesium 83735 S S L 2S L 2S 2S B2 Microglobulin Beta hCG/Qual Beta hCG/Quant* Bil Total & Direct 82232 84703 84702 82247/82248 S S S S Mono Test Phenobarbital Potassium Progesterone 86308 80184 84132 84144 S S S S L 2S LBU SW Bil Total Bil Direct BUN ProBNP Calcium CEA* Cholesterol* CK-MB CPK Cortisol Creatinine CRP Hs 82247 82248 84520 83880 82310 82378 82465 82553 82550 82533 82565 86141 S S S S S S S S S S S S Prolactin PSA Screen* Phosphorus RF Qual SGOT/AST SGPT/ALT T-3 Total T-Uptake T-4* Tegretol Testosterone Triglyceride 84146 84153 84100 86431 84450 84460 84480 84479 84436 80156 84403 84478 S S S S S S S S S S S S U SW C-Peptide Digoxin* 84681 80162 S S TSH* Transferrin 84443 84466 S S Dilantin (Phenytoin) 80185 S Troponin/T(quant) 84484 S Estradiol 82670 S TIBC* 83550 S Ferritin* 82728 S Uric Acid 84550 S Folate 82746 S 82575 US FSH 83001 S 82043 U FT3 84481 S Urine Creatinine ……Clear Urine Microalbumin ……(24hr) Vitamin B-12 82607 S Draw Fee: CPT (36415) Fructosamine 82985 S Vit D, 25 OH 82307 S YES S B B B S S S U U U Amylase ANA-EIA 85651 86900/86901 INDIVIDUAL TESTS 82150 86039 ST FT4 * Glucose * Glyco HGB (A1C)* GGTP* Homocysteine H-Pylori lgG Iron LDL Direct LH Lipase DID YOU REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR DIAGNOSIS CODE? Drawn By: When ordering tests for Medicare patients, please order tests that are medically necessary for DX and/ or treatment of the patients, rather than for screening the patients. *LIMITED COVERAGE TEST, MEDICAL NECESSITY ICD-9 OR ABN REQUIRED SPECIMEN CODES: B = Blue Top P=Plasma BI = Biopsy S=SST F=Frozen SL=Slide G=Green ST=Stool GY = Gray U=Urine L=Lavender NO Patient Name: Identification Number: ADVANCE BENEFICIARY NOTICE OF NONCOVERAGE (ABN) NOTE: If Medicare and other medical plans do not pay for the laboratory test(s) below, you may have to pay. Medicare dose not pay for everything, even some care that you or your health care provider have good reason to think you need. We expect Medicare may not pay for the laboratory test(s) below. Laboratory Test(s) Reason Medicare May Not Pay: Estimated Cost: WHAT YOU NEED TO DO NOW: Read this notice, so you can make an informed decision about your care. Ask us any questions that you may have after you finish reading. Choose an option below about whether to receive the laboratory test(s) listed above. NOTE: If you choose Option 1 or 2, we may help you to use any other insurance that you might have, but Medicare cannot require us to do this. OPTIONS: CHECK ONLY ONE BOX. WE CANNOT CHOOSE A BOX FOR YOU. OPTION 1. I want the laboratory test(s) listed above. You may ask to be paid now, but i also want medicare billed for an official decision on payment, which is set to me on a medicare summary notice (msn). I understand that if medicare doesn’t pay, i am responsible for payment, but i can appeal to medicare by following the directions on the msn. If medicare does pay, you will refund any payments i made to you, less co-pays or deductible. OPTION 2. I want the laboratory test(s) listed above. I understand with this choice, I am not responsible for payment, and I cannot appeal if Medicare is not billed. OPTION 3. I don’t want the laboratory test(s) listed above. I understand with this choice, I am not responsible for payment, and I cannot appeal to see if Medicare would pay. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:________________________________________________________________ This notice give our opinion, not an official Medicare decision. If you have other questions on this notice or Medicare billing, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227/TTY: 1-877-486-2048). Signing below means that you have received and understand this notice. You also receive a copy. Signature: Date: According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0938-0566. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 7 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, searching existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: CMS, 7500 security Boulevard, Attn: PRA Reports Clearance Officer, Baltimore, Maryland 21244-1850. PANEL COMPONENTS Chem 50 PANEL Cardiopanel-07 (Comp. Met, FT4, FT3, TSH, Lipid panel, GGT, Phos, CBC) Chem 40 PANEL (Chem50, Homocys, Mg, BNP, CPK) (Comp.Met.panel, FT4, FT3,TSH,LIPID PANEL, GGT, Phos) Chem 30 PANEL (Vit B-12, Folate, Ferritin, Iron) (Comp.Met.panel,LIPID PANEL, GGT, Phos) (CBC w/diff, PT, PTT, UA) Chem 20A (Comp.Met.Panel, GGT, Phos) PANEL Chem 10 PANEL (BUN, CA, Na, K, Cl, CO2, Creat, Glu, Phos, GGT) Comp. Metabolic Panel 80053 (TP, Alb, Na, BUN, T-Bil, K, A/G Ratio, Creat, AST, Cl, Glu, BUN/CREAT, ALT, CO2, Ca, ALP) Basic Metabolic Panel 80048 (CA, CO2, Cl, Creat, Glu, K, Na, BUN) Electrolytes (CO2, Cl, K, Na) Lipid Panel (Chol, Trig, HDL, Chol/HDL) 80051 Renal Function Panel 80069 Anemia Panel PreOp COMMONLY USED DIAGNOSES CODES PANEL PANEL PANEL DM I PANEL (Comp Metabolic, Fructosamine, *HgB A1C Glycomark, *Magnesium Serum, VAP, CRP-HS Cardiac) DM II PANEL (Comp Metabolic, *HgB A1C, Fructosamine, CPeptide, Glycomark, *Magnesium Serum, VAP, CRP HS Cardiac, Uric Acid) Menstrual Irregularity PANEL (LH, (Luteinizing Hormone), FSH, Free Testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Gloubulin) Menstrual Irregularity PANEL (Growth Hormone, IGF-1 (ESOTERIX), *TSH3, *T3 rd Free, *T4 Free, Estradiol 3 Generation, Prolactin, Free Testostrone (ESOTERIX), LH, FSH, Cortisol, ACTH) 80061 (Alb, Ca, CO2, Cl, Creat, Glu, Phos, K, Na, BUN) Hepatic Function (Alb, D-Bil, T-Bil, ALP, TP, ALT, AST) Hormone (Female) (LH, FSH, Estradiol) 80076 PANEL *LIMITED COVERAGE TEST, MEDICAL NECESSITY ICD-9 OR ABN REQUIRED