CSU, Chico Financial Services Forum Meeting Date: 03/25/2014 Meeting Location: KNDL 207-209 ATTENDING X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Battle, Terry Boyes, Debbie Brogden, Beth Carrillo, Gale Chappell, Kristen Coorough, Amanda Corona, Stacie Cox, Theresa Emanuel, Jill Fuentes, Lori Funk, Susan Garnett, Julie Gauthier, Donna Gentry, Kathleen Hensley, Jeff Henry, Lauri Hillman, Kathleen Hoffman, Flynn Hollis, Pam Holmes, Michelle Killingsworth, Donna Kinch, Kathy Kitchell, Jeni Korte, Michelle Langston, Beverly LaRue, Barbara Long, Heather Maas, Kara Magana, Anna Martin, Kaari Mays, Jennifer McCrea, Robin McMurry, Jeanette X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X McNairn, Michael Meyers, Stephanie Miller, Teresa Moroney, Kathleen O’Connor, Melanie Paquin, Barbara Randolph, Teri Ratterree, Laurie Ringel, LeRita Rumiano, Andrea Rumiano, Sara Salomon, Patti Saulan, Cassundra Sharman, Jane Simons, Kelly Simpson, Regina Smock, Jason Snyder, Langley Sowers, Darleen Tarabini, Erin Taylor, Melissa Townzen, Lisa Trombley, Jeanette Vargas, Kathy Vong, Barbara Warnock, Donna Washburn, Lisa White, Victoria Wiggins, Catherine Wilson, Erin Williams, Crystal Wright, Jenna Yant, Robin INTRODUCTIONS 1. Stacie Corona gave a welcome to the first Financial Services Forum and a brief introduction to explain the processes that revolve around the Chancellor’s office policies, campus procedures, customizing all forms, departments’ roles under the Financial Services umbrella. This forum was created to cover a wide range of topics from the “financial side” for training, sharing of information, challenges, feedback, topics for future forums such as lottery dollars, continuing education funds, student learning and consolidated course fees, travel, hospitality, American Express government card, procurement card, Office Max program, PEWAF process. Our departments and forum are here to help serve the campus as you are the customers. Department Roles & Introductions Procurement & Contract Services (PURC) – Sara Rumiano, Director; procurement cards, Office Max, acquisition of goods and services, hospitality, Small Business & Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, etc. 1 Financial Accounting & Reporting (FAR) – Michelle Korte, Director; GAAP financials, FIRMS reporting to CO, non-student and payroll accounts receivables, accounts payable, PEWAFs, journal entry processing, CAF/chargebacks, SCO reporting, chartfields, fixed asset reporting, project capitalization. University Budget Office (BUD) – Jeni Kitchell, Director; budget transfers and allocations, student fees, Chancellor’s Office audits, spending guidelines. Student Financial Services (SFIN) – Anna Magaña, Director; direct deposits, university cashiering, student accounts, course fees. Accounts Payable (AP) – Melissa Taylor, Manager of Accounts Payable and Accounting Applications; non-payroll disbursements to vendors and individuals including business travel, CRBTA/BTA charge distribution, procurement card and Office Max charge distributions, 1099 reporting compliance, fringe benefit reporting, sales and use tax compliance, non-resident State of California withholding. DISCUSSIONS 2. Financial Services New Website (Sara Rumiano): The new website encompasses the following departments under one umbrella: University Budget Office, Procurement & Contract Services, Financial Accounting & Reporting (formerly Accounting Operations and Financial Reporting), Accounts Payable, and Student Financial Services. Provides easier access to forms, policies and procedures, and “How Do I” questions and answers. 3. 2013-14 Fiscal Schedule (Melissa Taylor): New Excel format to meet the needs of the campus users to filter and sort the data. Contact Financial Services for any feedback on format or content. 4. CFS 9.2 Upgrade (Michelle Korte): New upgrades from the Chancellor’s office will go live on Tuesday, April 22 at 8:00 a.m. All campus users will be locked out from Monday, April 14 at 11:00 a.m. until Tuesday, April 22, 8:00 a.m. April 15 - new CFS 9.2 training guides will be posted to www.csuchico.edu/purc under “How Do I”. Data warehouse data will not be updated between April 16 and April 22. 5. Carryover Reporting (Jeni Kitchell): Contact Darlene Sowers in the Budget Office for assistance with the Budget Projection Worksheet that Carol Rudolph used. This may be a useful tool in projecting your expenses through the fiscal year end for carryover reporting in Academic Affairs. May 23 is the deadline for departments in Academic Affairs to submit budget transfers for contingent carryover, per Jennifer Mays. Revenue and expenses need to be recorded in the fiscal year in which the goods/services were received or rendered. Transactions should not be held for posting in the next fiscal year. Please contact Financial Services if you have any questions. Academic Affairs departments – if unexpected revenue or expenses come up after carryover reporting, please work with Jennifer Mays for adjustment. OTHER DISCUSSIONS 6. 2 Procedure for chargeback correction – Departments should work directly with the service center that provided the service. Service centers will process corrections in their systems for the monthly chargeback cycle. Service centers may work directly with Melissa Taylor as needed. Travel claim expenses not equal to postings in Insight – Efforts are made to communicate significant adjustments to claim reimbursements. For CRBTA, charges will vary depending on the amount of fuel in the vehicle once it is returned; direct bill receipt from Enterprise is estimate of fuel charges to be incurred. Request for different time of year for upgrades – these upgrades are mandated by the Chancellor’s office for all campuses to go live on the same date. TO DO LIST SUMMARY # Task Responsible Party Due Date Status 1. FUTURE MEETINGS Date: May 22, 2014 3 Time: 10:30 – 12:00 Place: KNDL 207-209