Date 10/22/10 Friday 1pm at 19 Temple Buell Hall Student Committee Meeting and Tim Secretary- Stephanie Zec Students: Isaac, Suhail, Steph, Greg, Amy Allen, Amy Yanow, Nathan, Jenny, Graham and Lauren Faculty/Staff: Tim Lindsey 1. Interns a. About 18 people total b. Two new committee vacancies –Erin and Parker i. Erin and Parker are now interns and will continue on their projects c. Also have a faculty vacancy- Vidar Lerum i. Have not heard from him d. Four intern check in meetings e. Not taking on any more interns this semester 2. Education a. Student project fund- on the scale of 20000 i. Available in chunks ( 2 funding rounds each semester) ii. Must be student related iii. For Bike sharing, electric tractor, student-organized conferences, and etc. iv. Hope to gain final approval in January and then launch b. Prairie projects- met with Barbara to deliver concerns with prairie project. Not well received. 3. Student Farm Loan Request a. Grant Funding: $50,000 first year and 425,000 the second year b. Bad harvest season this year, looking for bridge funding in the form of the loan to meet requirements and pay back at the end of the year c. Need a loan commitment by end of the calendar year i. What happens without funding 1. Could make it through because have some money and 30000 dollars from housing 2. Money is used to fund existing workers not new a. Want to finalize Zach’s position, currently an hourly d. Kevin and Suhail have been working for a contract with housing i. The farm can then plant before the season and improve budgeting e. The committee approves to see a request to see a letter and want to see an official business plan 4. Foreign Language Building a. Basement level extends out from under relative building footprint b. Roof is on top of basement not ground (think layered cake) c. Currently there is plaza d. Would like to place a “green roof” i. Budget from AFMFA is a project that does not fit in ii. Around 450,000 thousand dollars for 10,000 sq feet 1. We will not receive a detailed budget because the architect did not create a green roof in design since they do not have the money in the project e. We received this project last year, and none of our questions were answered due to position changes (Kelly Pfeiffer, the planner, took a different position) f. The re-roof is for the pavement part only (not the driveway) g. What would be the benefits of a green roof?- couldn’t keep the building cool, because not necessarily providing greater insulation thickness, and over a basement, which is cool anyway h. FLB is a high profile visible building i. Talk to LAS about a fundraising campaign - interest but not enough information i. Payback based from fundraising but not energy 5. Policy on Grant Funding a. Energy Conservation i. 150 million dollar need for energy conservation ii. Campus is trying to move AFMFA money towards conservation around 6-7 million dollars a year (from $10 million totally available) iii. We have done occupancy sensors and loans to retro commissioning, green houses, FAA, KCPA iv. Academic units can take loans but cannot take pay them back v. Student Affairs will submit a proposal for low flow toilets and occupancy sensors and such stuff b. Biofuels i. Biomass studies c. Bikes i. Parking, paths d. Landscape i. Restoration of prairies ii. Landscape plan being considered e. What we get, we never know. Have a slight inclination a week before f. Department Billing i. As a part of ICAP departments will be billed independently 1. Utility rates should lower amount of wastefulness, and make better decisions on buying new equipment 2. Units may take on campaigns to change behavior, but will not be financially incentivized to take on capital projects ii. Important for us to advocate for the campus to change to this system g. What do we want to fund i. Our projects $300k, students project fun and education, and wind turbine ii. Will still have atleast half million left 1. No requirement of spending amounts (can save up money for future) iii. Emphasis 1. Dollar for dollar- conservation is best 2. Changing culture, and affect students in their future lives 3. What is the campus’s responsibility? We do not want to fund what they are supposed to a. E.g. Campus has no plans to fund solar, natural landscaping. Unlikely to fund LED lighting? 4. Funding studies a. Past: energy audit of union, agriculture building, and a structural analysis of Krannert for a green roof b. When projects started coming in, we decreased amount of funding studies c. Now we are at a crossroads, need useful studies i. To bring about new projects ii. To have a voice in setting the campus policies 5. If we want certain projects we need to go after them like retrocommissioning a. E.g. Retrocommissioning will not seek grant funding from us unless we indicate that they should b. Or lots of lighting retrofits out there, that won’t come, but are easily solicited c. Housing will not apply for capital projects either, because we turned down all their requests last year. 6. Tim’s Speech- Change agency categories a. R&D- engineering studies, applied b. Technology Transfer c. Technology Diffusion- is commercially available but having trouble penetrating market d. Incremental- lighting retrofits, all capacity-building (staff people) e. Education f. Exp: Housing i. LLC and Eco reps have strong educational components ii. Incremental- sustainability coordinators iii. Technology is less emphasized 1. Though a solar panel is possible g. Cross Matrix: Conservation, generation, water, waste, education (iCAP categories) h. Make a campus scale change agency vision i. We need to come together ii. Hold a half-day retreat. 7. Guiding Visiona. Ultimately goes back to the Students i. Why have we stayed away from studies? b. iCAP- is the framework c. Leading the campus- do not do the Universities job 8. Dates for meetings a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. October 1st - Committee Meeting October 8th - Committee Student Meeting October 15th - Committee Meeting October 22nd - Committee Student Meeting October 29th - Committee Meeting November 5th - Committee Student Meeting November 12th - Committee Meeting November 19th - Committee Student Meeting November 24th - RFP Due November 28th - Special Meeting - Committee Students - Sunday (6-9pm), Location TBA k. December 3rd - Committee Meeting l. December 9th - Special Committee Meeting - Time, Location TBA 1. Contact Students Membership Name Committee Issac Corzine Committee Amy Yanow Committee Amy Allen Intern Parker Lebauch Committee Jenny Koys Intern Erin Harper Committee Committee Committee Committee Intern Intern Intern Greg Wilkins Nathan Stout Suhail Barot Steph Zec Kevin Wolz Graham Carey Lauren Turk Email Number 217-827-9528 847-208-3190 217-220-1621 847-721-5189 630-200-6892 217-649-5084 309-507-0571 815-260-7961 6302708511 708-476-9929