Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Year 4 Topic English Spelling Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 I am Warrior Burps Bottoms and Misty Mountain Playlist (music) 1066 (History) Potions (Science) (Romans and Impact Bile (Science Sierra (Geography) on Britain) Human Body, Digestion, Healthy eating) Reading Writing Grammar Secure decoding of unfamiliar words Correctly spell common homophones Use wider range of conjunctions Read for a range of purposes Increase regularity of handwriting Use perfect tense appropriately Retell some stories orally Plan writing based on familiar forms Select pronouns and nouns for clarity Discuss words & phrases that capture the Organise writing into paragraphs imagination Use & punctuate direct speech Use simple organisational devices Identify themes & conventions Use commas after front Proof-read for spelling & punctuation adverbials Retrieve & record information errors Speaking & Listening Make inferences & justify predictions Evaluate own and others’ writing Articulate & justify opinions Recognise a variety of forms of poetry Read own writing aloud Speak audibly in Standard English Identify & summarise ideas Gain, maintain & monitor interest of listeners Homophones Plurals Common Letter Suffixes Contractions Affixes Children will learn to Children will Strings Understand what a Understand the Recognise that distinguish between investigate, collect and Identify and spell suffix is and be able function of an affix is the the spelling and classify spelling correctly words with to change base/root apostrophes in general term for meaning of patterns related to the common letter words according to shortening or Prefixes and homophones. formation of plurals. strings. the suffix. Recognise contracting suffixes. Identify Recognise these within Understand and use Use these accurately these within reading words. rules for when to reading and spell with spelling rules and within writing and and be able to use Be able to spell apply these to accuracy. patterns related to the explain how spelling them with accuracy words that are words and spell use of plurals. changes according to within writing. contracted and with accuracy. the spelling rule. Understand that use the suffixes can change apostrophe the function of a correctly. Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 word. Guided Reading Maths Science Charlotte’s Web Describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text. Develop comprehension skills and use a range of strategies to decode texts and read for meaning. Number and Calculation Know all tables to 12 x 12 Secure place value to 1000 Use negative whole numbers Round numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Use Roman numerals to 100 Column addition & subtraction up to 4 digits Multiply & divide mentally Use standard short multiplication Keeping warm Measure temperature, insulation and materials. Use of data logging equipment and digital microscopes, keeping food warm and cold, insulation in the home etc. Human Body Moving and growing- main functions of the skeleton, muscles and bones and growth. Use of digital microscopes. The Wreck of the Zanzibar Explain and comment on writer’s use of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level. Stig of the Dump Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts. Develop comprehension skills and use a range of strategies to decode texts and read for meaning. Geometry & Measures Compare 2-d shapes, including quadrilaterals & triangles Find area by counting squares Calculate rectangle perimeters Estimate & calculate measures Identify acute, obtuse & right angles Identify symmetry Use first quadrant coordinates Introduce simple translations Data Use bar charts, pictograms & line graphs Habitats Sound Experimental and Find patterns investigative work between the focuses on: volume of a sound turning ideas into a and the strength of form that can be the vibration that tested, making a created it. prediction Recognise that Making vibrations from observations and sound travel deciding whether through a medium Fractions & decimals Recognise tenths & hundredths Identify equivalent fractions Add & subtract fractions with common denominators Recognise common equivalents Round decimals to whole numbers Solve money problems Electricity Circuits and conductors. Make simple circuits. Recognise electrical components. Solving problems involving circuits. Testing conductivity. States of Matter Solids and liquids and how they can be separatedmelting, dissolving, filtering, solutions. Use of digital microscopes. Water cycle Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 DT Art Roman Shields Explore design for Roman shields. Recreate shields using these designs. Roman Art Design and make Roman coins out of clay; Develop techniques for Link to Human Body Select and use a wider range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks accurately. (Cutting, Shaping, joining and finishing) Make a wearable digestive system, add colour and texture for realism. Matisse Study of the human form using “The Cut – Out” series of Art work the evidence supports the prediction and suggesting explanations in terms of their knowledge of science. Modelling Make 3D mountain models. Explore mountains and their features. Reflect on the accuracy of their design and scale Islamic Patterns Explore, design and create own patterns focusing on repeating patterns. to the ear. Find patterns between the pitch of a sound and the features of the object that produced it. Making Instruments Investigate and analyse a range of musical instruments. Observe a range of musical instruments and observe the materials they are made from and how the instrument produces the sound. Making Chocolate Love Hearts. Food safety. Using a range of edible ingredients in order to make a new product. Making homemade Baths bombs investigating what happens when they are placed in water. Show awareness of a range of materials and an understanding of their different characteristics. Bayeux Tapestry Improve mastery and design techniques including drawing, painting Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Geography History sketching by creating 3D sketches of Boudicca, Giacometti Improve mastery of art techniques through the use of different media. Map Skills Name and locate counties of the United Kingdom, Use geographical language to explain the location of places. Link to History topic to explore Roman towns and cities. Mountains Study a range of artwork based on a theme of mountains. Recreate using a range of techniques The Romans Mountains History of Mountain exploration. Learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. Mountains and Mapping Use maps, atlases, globes and computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. Focus on how mountains are formed. and sculpture. Recreate sections of the Tapestry using sewing techniques and skills. Practise simple stitches’ including running, back, blanket and cross. Map Skills Use maps, atlases, globes and computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. Music from around the World Listen to different singing techniques from around the world including yodelling, jazzy, Scat, Bollywood playback, Inuit throat singing Map Skills Use maps, atlases, globes and computer mapping to locate countries and describe features. Human and physical features of the local area. Identify good and bad places to build a castle. Draw conclusions. The Norman Conquest Understand what life was like in Norman times and link specifically to Historic Use of Potions Use a range of Historical source materials to find out about how potions Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Computing All topics will incorporate the CEOP guidance on E-Safety and this will be incorporated into every ICT and Computing lesson. PE We are software developers Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs. Swimming Swimming skills and stamina leading up to 25m competency in the water, Lifesaving skills. We are Toy designers Design a simple toy which incorporates sensors and output and then create an on screen prototype. Swimming Swimming skills and stamina leading up to 25m competency in the water, Lifesaving skills. We are Meteorologists Weather forecasting and study of weather. Data measurements and analysis and presentation, children take on the role of weather presenters. We are Musicians Children to produce music for any purpose. Children to explore digital sound equipment to create sounds and music. Football Practising ball skills and control leading to working within teams in small sided games. Fitness Tag Rugby Continuation of the development of ball skills and playing team games. Focus on co-ordination and control of the children. Make comparisons and draw conclusions. Know and describe what happened during the Battle of Hastings. Find out about Norman castles and be able to explain their features. We are Co-Authors Producing a Wiki page. Children work collaboratively in order to create a fact based document suitable for online publishing. were used in the past for both medicinal and magical reasons. Make potions using a range of herbs and ingredients known for their mystical or medicinal properties. Athletics Developing the skills of running, jumping and throwing through a range of track and field events. Athletics Developing the skills of running, jumping and throwing through a range of track and field events. We are HTML editors History of the internet. Study HTML (Hyper Text mark-up language) Learn to write and edit HTML and use this knowledge to create a web page. Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Improving stamina and general levels of fitness through intensive cardio work outs. Dance Creating a sequence with repeating patterns of movements. RE Is giving better than receiving? Giving thanks and sharing, Harvest. How do artists help us to understand Christmas? Exploration of Artist depiction of Christmas and links to religious meanings. Islamic beliefs and teachings. Including Islamic artwork, The five pillars of faith, Mosques, Mohammed, prayers, Allah, Hajj. ball. Gymnastics Travelling using a range of rolls and turns and focus on the use of different body shapes to perform rolls. Netball Pass, dribble and shoot with control in games. Identify and use tactics to help their team keep the ball and take it towards the opposition’s goal. Mark opponents and help each other in defence. How do Christians celebrate Easter around the World? Understand the importance of the Christian Festival. Know why this is important and be able to explain the significance of this. Tennis Racquet skills. Controlling a ball and learning the rules of Tennis. Practising using a net. Cricket Bowling, fielding and batting skills. Developing throwing and catching skill and incorporating it into a small sided games. Tennis Racquet skills. Controlling a ball and learning the rules of Tennis. Practising using a net. Cricket Bowling, fielding and batting skills. Developing throwing and catching skill and incorporating it into a small sided games. How do people express their faiths through the arts? Understand that people can express their religious faiths through the arts for example, art, drama, design. Music and dance. Why is the Bible important to Christians? Explore Bible stories and the teaching of stories in the Bible to how Christians are expected to live their lives. Comparisons of the different books in Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 PSHE/Life Skills Four R’s Reflection Reciprocity Resilience Resourceful Revisit the terms of Reflection and Reciprocity. Identify how children use these in their daily lives and ways of recognising it in others. Emotions Using the text ‘Where the Wild things are’ Focus on the different emotions a person goes through and learning coping strategies. Facing new challenges Assess and manage risks associated with personal lifestyle and activity choices. Try new ideas and facing new challenges Mountain rescue and advice about keeping safe. Dealing with conflict Recognise strong emotions and identify ways of managing them positively. Consider everyday conflicts and resolutions for it. Resolving issues. Looking at things from different viewpoints. Human Life cycles Discuss and describe the physical and emotional changes that take place during Puberty. Understand the importance of hygiene in relation to physical changes that will take place. SRE Music Waste not, want not. Environmental links. Focusing on recycling and reducing waste and reusing items of use. the Bible as well as a study of the Old and New Testament. Drugs Education Focus on the effects and dangers of smoking and alcohol on the body. Prescribed and illegal drugs. Improvisation and composition - Composition Improvise and Music of the 20th Century Composing music for ‘Spells’ Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Improvise and compose music compose music for a based on a theme of range of purposes mountains. using the interrelated dimensions of music MFL Tout le Monde Revise numbers 1– 10 and learn numbers 11–31. Revise colours and learn some more. Recognise and use the key vocabulary for animals and days of the week. Understand and use descriptions of pets. Recognise the phonemes introduced in the module: in (lapin), silent t (rat). Recognise that nouns and adjectives have plural forms that must agree. Understand rules Tout le Monde – L’ecole Magique Revise colours and learn some more. Recognise and use the key vocabulary for animals and days of the week. Understand and use descriptions of pets. Recognise the phonemes introduced in the module: in (lapin), silent t (rat). Recognise that nouns and adjectives have plural forms that must agree. Understand rules concerning the position of Tout le Monde Recognise and use the core language for describing people and some animals Understand, use and respond to: Quelle heure est-il? Tu es comment? Il/Elle est comment? Recognise and understand words in the story, song and tongue-twister Recognise and understand the use of adverbs Become familiar with the circumflex accents â/ô; reinforce the vowel sounds; compare ou Appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live and recorded music drawing from different traditions and from great composers and musicians. Tout Le monde Bon Appetit Revise basic skills for French including vocabulary for conversational French and recalling the numbers from 0-31. Recall the numbers and days of the week in French. Begin to use greetings with increasing fluency. Be able to pronounce words related to food. Use them in a simple sentence and in role play situations. Composing music considering the effects they want to create, thinking about the beat, rhythm and pulse. Tout Le monde Boucle d’Or et les trois ours Recognise and use key vocabulary for rooms in a house and furniture. Recognise the phonemes introduced in previous modules and explore new sound patterns. Tout Le monde Transport and the names of Countries. Revise key vocabulary, numbers, colours, days of the week etc.. Children to identify and pronounce with increasing accuracy. Be able to name several countries in French. Year 4 Curriculum Overview – September 2014 – July 2015 Class Reading Book School Trips Residential Journeys concerning the position of adjectives of colour in a sentence. Charlotte’s Web Legion XIIII adjectives of colour in a sentence. and u Charlotte’s Web The Wreck of the Zanzibar The Morden Mosque Sayers Croft The Wreck of the Zanzibar Stig of the Dump Visit to the site of the Battle of Hastings – Extended Day trip Stig of the Dump