
Reading Resources!
Community Resources
School House Rock!
Schoolhouse Rock is going to rock
your socks off!
Stayton High School will be
presenting Schoolhouse Rock
THIS weekend!
It will be playing in the Auditorium
at Stayton High School on
November 18 and 19 at 7:00pm
and November 20 at 2:00pm.
Please visit this website for more
Stayton Library!
The Stayton Library, located at
515 N First St. Stayton, Oregon is
a great resource for you and your
They have a great kids section,
computers to use, and a ton of
activities during the school year!
Reading Links!
Story Bird
Story Bird is a great website to
create stories using the pictures
provided on the website. Just
drag and drop the pictures into
your book, add words and TADA! An online book!
Tumble Books
Tumble books is an online
resource full of great children's
books! You can watch and listen
to books, and some books even
have activities to go along with
Username: stayton
Spelling City
Spelling city is a creative,
interactive way to practice
spelling and vocabulary words.
You can even print a certificate
for doing a great job!
Reading Strategies
Comprehension is the ability to understand what you read.
Comprehension is one of the most important parts of reading! To help
your child understand here are some great strategies!
Five Finger Retell
Gives students a visual to help remember the important story elements.
You can even trace their hand and fill in the information!
When reading with your child at home, be sure to ask them questions,
and encourage them to ask their own! Thick questions help students dig
deeper into the book they are reading and make more meaning as they
Making Predictions
What is a prediction? A prediction is making a guess based on the
clues in the text or pictures in a story. Making predictions as you
read is something that comes naturally to most readers, but younger
students need guidance in thinking ahead. Modeling this process
can help engage students in making their own predictions. You can
stop and ask, “What do you think will happen next?” or use a
sentence starter like: I predict, I bet, or I think. Students can even
write down their predictions on a sticky note and place it on the
page as they read!
Summarizing means to tell what happened in a story in just a few
statements. A summary should answer the questions:
Who is the main Character?
What did the
character want?
What was the
How did the
character solve the
What happened at
the end of the story?
Hint! Each answer should only be ONE sentence! This keeps the
extra details from sneaking in!
Oral Reading
Listening to reading is a great way for children to hear a model of oral
reading. There are books on tape or CD at the Stayton Library that can
be a great resource. You can even listen to them in the
car! Also, Tumble Books is a great website to visit for
a model of oral reading!
Building Vocabulary
A creative way to build vocabulary is to have you child
be a word Detective. Using a magnifying glass, or even
one made of paper with the middle cut out, have kids
be on the look out for new words, or words they don’t
know. Together you can look up the words, or talk
about their meaning!
Notes from the Coach
With our young students it is important to introduce other forms of literacy to
them, besides just text. Plays and songs can be a great source of new ideas,
creative ways of thinking as well as new vocabulary! Acting out versions of their
favorite books, or even creating new illustrations, or pictures can help engage
students in thinking about reading in a new way!
Reading and other forms of literacy (like the internet, plays, art and songs) can
help students find new passions in life. Let them be curious about the world around
them, and encourage them to ask questions. Research what they are curious about
on the Internet, or go to the Stayton Library!
Ms. Kari Miller
Mrs. Kara Dickey
Literacy Coach
Stayton Elementary School
Kari Miller
Kara Dickey (Arndt)
ED 672