The Presby - Wytheville Presbyterian Church

From the Pastor
The Presby
September 2015
Wytheville Presbyterian Church
285 Church Street
Wytheville, VA 24382
Phone: (276)228-4715
Fax: (276)228-6830
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 2:00pm
Wendy Morrison, Office Mgr.
Brad Simpson, Pastor
Shane Sledd, Director of Youth &
Family Ministries
Becky Absher, Organist
Joe Hamil, Music Director
Sid Crockett, Clerk of Session
This page is dedicated to Shane and Emily Sledd with celebration and
appreciation for 5 years of ministry with both WPC and our community. I
share the following Facebook reflection about Shane and Emily with the
permission of the writer, Savanna DiYorio, a Junior at George Wythe High
School. Her words and photographs serve as a perfect tribute to Shane and
Emily. Read this and continue to remember them in your prayers as their
journey in the faith continues! Brad
From Savanna….
Thanks for the memories these past few years. You guys are like family to
me. You have both made such an impact on my life in so many ways. Emily,
thanks for all the Starbucks dates, late night Walmart runs, baking cookies,
and always being there for me when I need someone! Shane, thank you for
helping me grow in my faith these years, for helping me really learn how to
talk to God, for all the crazy trips, for taking me step by step in getting saved,
and for the crazy nicknames! I am going to miss you guys both so much.
Thank you for all that you have done for me the past few years. I couldn't
have asked for better youth leaders, Braves loving family, or friends. I love
you guys! 😔❤
5 – The Session approved the Church financial
report as presented.
Session Digest
August 23, 2015
The Session met for a stated meeting on August 23,
Office Schedule:
The office will be closed on Monday, September 7 to
observe the Labor Day holiday.
Pastoral Concerns: Beulah Bing, Mary Ellen Canipe,
Ethan Challgren, Joann Cannoy, Sousin Cottrell, “B”
Crockett, Hayden Cundiff, Kym Dunford, the family
of Kay Durham, John Fontaine, Betty Jo Fowler,
Elmo Grubb, Carola Hider, Johnny Huddle, Art
Inman, Jack Minton, Mike Lavallee, Bill Pollard,
Carolyn Sanders, Tom Shrader, and Bill Washburn.
Communications: The Session approved the
following facilities requests: Boy Scouts of America
to use Hatcher Hall August 16, 2015, from 2:004:00, for a Popcorn Kick Off Meeting; and for the
Alpha Sigma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa to use
Hatcher Hall on 2nd Mondays from 6:30-8:30, for
monthly meetings. The Session also approved a
contract with District Three Governmental
Cooperative for the use of Hatcher Hall for the
Congregate Meals Program from October 1, 2015
through September 30, 2016.
Homecoming 2015 – September 20, 2015
Motions Approved by the Session:
As we plan for Homecoming 2015, Please invite your
friends and families to return to participate in this
celebration on Sunday, September 20, 2015.
welcome especially to the Wytheville Presbyterian
Church, the Shepherd of Abingdon Presbytery, The Rev.
Dr. Randy Webb, who is preaching for the Homecoming
worship service. As shepherd, he reaches out to all of
the churches of the Presbytery helping provide for the 3
C’s of effective Presbytery ministry – Caring, Connecting,
and Communicating! Brad will be with us to serve as
1 – To approve the rent agreement with Abingdon
Presbytery for office space for $625.00 per month
to be reviewed in two years.
2 – To accept the resignation of Sherry Dean as
Church Treasurer and to elect Roy Hand Interim
Church Treasurer.
3 – To approve the resignation of Shane Sledd as
Youth Director and to appoint a committee to
oversee the transition of the Youth and Family
Ministry Program including, in conjunction with the
Personnel Committee, finding an Interim Youth
Director, reviewing the program and job
description; and, beginning the search for a Youth
Director. The Committee will consist of a
representative from the Personnel Committee, the
Christian Education Committee, four students, and
two parents.
Following the worship service, a cover dish luncheon will
be held in Hatcher Hall and a salute to our veterans past
and present. A veteran’s salute video will be shown and
salute book will be distributed to honor and remember
the Veterans of Wytheville Presbyterian Church. Within
this video and book, there are photos and stories of
those who have served in both war and peace to
preserve, protect, and provide for the freedom that we
have in our lives as well as their commitment to the
4 – To thank Wendy Morrison for her service to the
Church in the management of day to day property
issues at the Church.
I would invite the congregation to share memorabilia
from their service man or woman. (uniforms, ration
bowl, dog tags, etc.) Setting up of the memorabilia will
be done during the Sunday School Hour or on Saturday,
September 19th. Please identify who used the items,
when they were used etc.
myself, if you would be available to host a table. Thank
you, Martha 620.6150.
60+ Adventure:
We will be going to the Wohlfahrt Haus Theatre for a
matinee performance of “Seven Brides for Seven
Brothers” on Tuesday, September 29 at 12:00 p.m. The
cost will be $42.48 and includes lunch.
Ruritan Invitation:
The Wytheville Ruritan Club appreciates the monthly
use of the session room for our board meetings and
fellowship hall for our annual Christmas
Banquet. Wanda Hall and Irene Wilkinson recently
presented to Rev. Simpson a small token of our
Ruritan is a community service organization with the
motto of fellowship, good will and community
service. For more information about the Wytheville
Ruritan Club contact, Martha Patterson at 620.6150.
Rally Day & Sunday School
Children and Youth Sunday School classes will
start back on Rally Day, September 13th. Please
invite visitors to come and join our classes. Classes
start at 9:45 AM in the same rooms they were in last
year. We thank all the teachers who have agreed to
continue teaching their classes.
We also have the Stuart Campbell and the Don
Wysor Classes for adults. If you have not been
attending a Sunday School class and are interested
in one, just come in the Hatcher Hall entrance and
someone will be there to guide you to one of the
classes. Sunday School in a great way to learn more
about God's word.
Thank you to Sherry Dean for her faithful,
dedicated service to Wytheville Presbyterian
Church as Treasurer for the past ten years.
Roy Hand has accepted the Session's appointment
to be Interim Treasurer through the conclusion of
this year.
Sunday School teacher needed
We are in need a Sunday School teacher for the
Winter quarter (starting in December through
February) for the Stuart Campbell Bible Class.
If you would be interested in teaching or know of
someone who might teach the class, please contact
Nancy Crockett at 228-4050.
Christmas Extravaganza:
It isn't too early to be thinking about the Christmas
Extravaganza. I will be looking for hosts/hostesses
volunteers for the event which will be on Friday,
December 4th. My first volunteer is Nancy
Throckmorton, who has attended in the past, but
is super excited about participating as a hostess this
year. Please confirm with Wendy in the Church Office or
Sanctuary Flowers
The following Sundays are open for flowers to be
place in the Sanctuary.
September 20
October 11
If you would like to place flowers in the church on
one of these Sundays, you may sign up on the
flowers chart, or you may contact Nancy Crockett at
Bobbins and Needles
The next meeting of Bobbins and Needles will be
Tuesday, September 15 at 10:00 in the Fellowship
Hall. We will be talking about our upcoming
projects for Santa Shop and Christmas Cheer.
Anyone who likes to sew is welcome to join the
The ladies did a great job with our dresses for
Africa and Walker Caddie Projects. Please let us
know if you need or know of someone in need of a
walker caddie.