Tinkering with Inheritance

Tinkering with Inheritance
We just learned that how organisms inherit their traits is quite predictable. You are able to predict someone’s blood type, risk of inheriting X-linked
recessive disorders, and whether SpongeBob’s children will be blue or yellow. People have been using these very basic understandings of inheritance to improve
our lives for centuries. Our ancestors were able to grow the most viable corn crops and raise chickens that would give us plenty of eggs, based solely on this
simple genetics. Scientists, breeders and farmers all over the world still use these basic concepts today. Along with advancements in gene sequencing and
cutting edge technologies we are able to have 100% pure bred Golden Retrievers, identical and perfect eggs whenever we want, sweet red apples, seedless
watermelons, milk for cereal, and much more. The 3 basic techniques used by our ancestors and scientists today to create these products are: selective
breeding, inbreeding, and hybridization.
Along with a partner create a PowerPoint (must upload to SlideShare), Prezi or Animoto showing your understanding of each technique: selective
breeding, inbreeding, and hybridization.
Requirements for each technique:
A description and explanation of what the technique is and how it is implemented.
A diagram or picture showing the technique
At least 3 examples of organisms produced with the technique w/ pictures of each example
At least 2 advantages of using the technique w/ picture
At least 2 disadvantage of using the technique w/ picture
Cited sources
Assigned 1/24
2 full class periods dedicated to project: 1/24 & 1/25
Completed projects due Friday 1/27 (think of this as your Mastery Quiz for the week)
Email Mrs. Busse a link to your presentation by Friday @ 3:00PM
Names __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Per ______
Selective Breeding
3 – Excellent
Complete, accurate, easy to understand. In
own words. Relevant image.
2 – Satisfactory
Accurate and easy to understand. In own
words. Relevant image.
3 different examples of organisms. Pictures of
each example. Examples are interesting.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
1 - Unsatisfactory
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
0 – Incomplete
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Missing 1 or more excellent requirement.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
2 – Satisfactory
Accurate and easy to understand. In own
words. Relevant image.
3 different examples of organisms. Pictures of
each example. Examples are interesting.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
1 - Unsatisfactory
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
0 – Incomplete
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
2 – Satisfactory
Accurate and easy to understand. In own
words. Relevant image.
3 different examples of organisms. Pictures of
each example. Examples are interesting.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
Completely and accurately explains 2
advantages. In own words. Relevant image.
Total Points
3 – Excellent
Complete, accurate, easy to understand. In
own words. Relevant image.
Missing 1 or more excellent requirement.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
1 - Unsatisfactory
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
0 – Incomplete
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Total Points
3 – Excellent
Complete, accurate, easy to understand. In
own words. Relevant image.
Missing 1 or more excellent requirement.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Missing 2 excellent requirements.
Not written in own words or criteria missing.
Total Points
*You must have ALL of the sources you used listed on a slide in your presentation.