Math 5A CALCULUS Section # 5572 Spring 2013 PCC 2:40 pm-3:50 pm TWThF R121 Instructor: Book: Jorge Encinas Calculus, 7rd Edition by James Stewart. We will cover chapters 1-6 and some sections of chapter 7 in the text, with some omissions. Office: R322 –F, office phone and voice mail: 626-585-3128 Math Dept. phone: 585-7331 Email: Office hours: T, W, Th, Fr: 10:50 am-12:20 am and Wed, Fri: 3:50 pm-4:20 pm (R322 F). Or by Appointment Supplies: Scientific calculator, three-ring binder, paper with smooth edges, small stapler. Prerequisites: Math 4A (Elementary Functions) or Math 9 (Precalculus Mathematics) with at least a “C”, or placement based on the Math assessment process. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Demonstrate the rigorous definition of the limit, and how it applies to differential and integral calculus 2. Calculate the derivative using the definition and the properties of differentiation and apply derivatives to geometric and dynamic problems. 3. Integrate, use the integral in application and relate the integral to the derivative. OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. State and use definitions of a function, the limit of a function, the limit of a function, continuity, the derivative, indefinite and definite integral. 2. State and apply the mean value theorem for derivatives, Rolle’s theorem, the mean value theorem for integrals, and the first and second fundamental theorem of calculus. 3. Evaluate limits of algebraic and trigonometric functions. 4. Use basic theorems of limits to justify steps in evaluating limits. 5. Differentiate algebraic and trigonometric functions. 6. State, and use in proofs, the result that differentiability implies continuity. 7. Apply differentiation in solving problems. 8. Use the definition of an integral to find integrals of first and second-degree polynomials. 9. Explain the relationship between definite integrals and the area under a curve, using sigma notation and limits. 10. Perform integrations of algebraic and trigonometric functions using the techniques of algebraic substitution and change of variable. 11. Use the fundamental theorem of calculus to calculate average value of a function, and to differentiate integrals with variable limits. 12. Apply the definite integral to solve problems. ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. I take roll each session. Students are expected to attend all class meetings. Leaving early constitutes an absence for that hour. 2. Students with repeated absences may be dropped from the course. See Spring 13 Class Schedule. 3. Be on time to class. HOMEWORK POLICY Homework is a very important part of this class. It will be assigned daily, and it is to be done daily. Instructor will collect homework every week at the beginning of the class on announced days. 1. Homework will be graded on completeness, correctness of solution, and explanations. 2. Homework should be done in the order the problems are assigned and stapled. Use smooth edge paper. 3. For each section indicate on the upper right hand corner the homework assigned, your name, date, and course. 4. No late homework will be accepted. Follow the above directions to get homework credit. 5 Each HW is worth 5 pts. Your lowest homework will be dropped. QUIZZES AND GROUP WORK 1. Random Quizzes will be given in class. 2. Each quiz is worth 5pts. Missed -in-class quizzes will be scored zero. 3. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped. When assigned to work in groups: 4. Four or five students will be assigned per group. 5. I will not generally entertain individual questions; all members of the group should discuss a problem with me if nobody has an idea on how to start. 6. Each student should write and turn in their answers on their own paper. If collected, group work is worth 5 pts. ONCE AGAIN, HOMEWORK AND ATTENDANCE ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS CLASS TESTS 1. You will have five tests, worth 100 points each and to be announced in class. NO GRAPHING CALCULATORS WILL BE ALLOWED IN TESTS. 2. A cumulative final exam, worth 200 points. 3. Don’t miss them. There will be no make-ups and no tests are dropped. 4. If your grade on the Final Exam(%) is higher than your lowest grade(%) on a test, the Final Test (%) will replace your lowest test grade (%) GRADING: Your grade will be computed from your homework, quizzes, chapter tests, final and, any other assignment given during the semester. ANY MISSING TESTS WILL BE SCORED ZERO. TO COMPUTE YOUR GRADE ADD ALL YOUR SCORES X 100 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS Approximate Total Possible Points Letter Grade 15 Quizzes**: 75 pts A: 90100 % 16 Hw’s**: 80 pts B: 8089.9 % 5 Tests: 500 pts C: 7079.9 % 1 Cumulative test: 200 pts D: 6069.9 % Any other assignments TBA pts F: 059.9 % About 855 pts **This is just an example, and not a fixed computation: Keep track of your grade with a Grade Sheet that your instructor will make available. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR Please limit your talking to discussions with the instructor. Talking to the person next to you disturbs the whole class. HONESTY POLICY Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and, in general will be handled as part of the course grading process. Penalty may range from no credit for the assignment up to and including exclusion and/or an “F” grade for the course. No cell phones are allowed during exams: Turn it off and place phone out of reach at all times during exams. RESOURCES: 1. Form study groups. 2. L 113 and Math Resource Centre (MRC), R409, provides FREE tutoring. Call for tutoring schedule. IMPORTANT DATES: Sat., 01/19/2013 Fri., 04/05/2013 Fri., 04/12/2013 Wed. 05/01/2013 3:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. Add or drop online (Without a ‘W’) Drop online (With a ‘W’) Last day to withdraw from all classes in person Final Cumulative Exam GOOD LUCK THIS SEMESTER We learn 10% of what we READ 20% of what we HEAR 30% of what we SEE 50% of what we SEE and HEAR 70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS 80% of what is EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY 95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE William Glasser