SYLLABUS MATH 182 - CALCULUS II - FALL 2015 Tuesday, Thursday 5:20 – 7pm BRIS 346 INSTRUCTOR=S NAME: OFFICE ROOM NUMBER: OFFICE TELEPHONE NO: OFFICE HOURS: Rich Arrigotti Aspen 227 445 - 4298 MW: 4 - 5 pm T Th: 3:30 - 5 pm EMAIL: WNC CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION: MATH 182: Calculus II Units (Credits): 4; Prerequisites: MATH 181 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Teaches applications and techniques of integration, L’Hopital’s rule, improper integrals, infinite series, conics, parametric equations and polar coordinates. Math 182 transfers to UNR, UNLV and other two and four-year institutions and satisfies the general education requirement in mathematics for any WNC degree or certificate. To successfully complete this course, a student needs to: have taken Calculus I; attend class regularly; do the homework assignments, as they will count for about one third of the grade. TEXTBOOK: Calculus, 10th edition, by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards, ISBN 9781285057095 MATERIAL COVERED: Chapters 7.2 through 10 TUTORING Math tutoring is available during my office hours and also in the Academic Skills Center, BRIS 330, mornings, afternoons and evenings, Monday through Saturday. Exact hours are posted outside BRIS 330. GRADING POLICY The student=s grade will be calculated as follows: The best 21 out of 23 homework assignments at 10 points each = 210 pts Three midterms worth 100 points each = 300 pts One comprehensive final exam = 150 pts Total = 660 pts A = 93% - 100% C = 73% - 76% A- = 90% - 92% C- = 70% - 72% B+ = 87% - 89% D+ = 67% - 69% B = 83% - 86% D = 63% - 66% B- = 80% - 82% D- = 60% - 62% C+ = 77% - 79% W = 0% - 59% HOMEWORK: The student is responsible for turning in homework assignments at the beginning of each class. If an assignment is turned in later on in the class hour, it will be graded as late. A 1 point penalty will be charged for all late homework assignments. Late homework will be accepted only up to one week from the day it was due. TEST DATES: The dates of the three midterms are tentatively scheduled for October 1, November 5, and December 10. The final exam will be on December 17. The lowest midterm score will be dropped when that benefits the student=s grade. No make-up exams will be given, except for emergencies or illnesses with prior notification. October 29 is the last day to drop the class with a “W”. After this date, non-completion of the class will result in an “F”. CALCULATOR: Calculators are allowed on tests except for TI 89, TI Inspire or other models that perform symbolic calculations. TI 84 is recommended and permitted. CELL PHONES: Accessing a cell phone is not allowed during class, unless there is an emergency or critical situation. ATTENDANCE POLICY: Regular attendance is necessary for successful completion of the course. A student may be given an F in this class for excessive absences (more than three). COURSE OBJECTIVES AND LINKAGE TO GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM The purpose of this course is to provide instruction in the applications and techniques of integration, L=Hospital=s Rule, improper integrals, infinite series, conics, parametric equations, and polar coordinates. The information in the parenthesis after a course objective refers to the general education (GE) learning outcome that the objective meets. Students who pass this course should be able to: 1. find volume using the disc and shell methods. (GE 1) 2. determine arc length and surface area. (GE 3) 3. calculate work, fluid force and centers of mass. (GE 9) 4. integrate using the following techniques: integration by parts, trigonometric substitution, partial fractions, tables. (GE 3) 5. evaluate limits using L’ Hopital’s rule. (GE 3) 6. evaluate improper integrals. (GE 3) 7. find whether a series converges using the following tests: geometric series, nth term, integral, p-series, comparison, alternating, ratio, root. (GE 1) 8. determine Taylor and Maclaurin series of a given function. (GE 3) 9. know the equations and properties of the ellipse, hyperbola and parabola. (GE 1) 10. sketch curves in polar coordinates and find tangent lines, area and arc length in polar coordinates. (GE 3) 11. apply calculus techniques to parametric equations. (GE 3) DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you have a disability for which you will need to request accommodations, please contact the Disability Support Services office (Cedar 209) at 445-4459 as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations. .