Our specialists - UAE Children Clinic

Our specialists
1- Dr Talal Farha
Subspecialties in summery
As well as the normal general paediatrics; well baby and child care
- Cardiovascular, and echocardiography
- Respiratory (Asthma and chronic cough)
- Neonate, newborn infants health
- Fetal echocardiography
Dr Najat Salem
Specialist paediatrician from Ireland
Dr Nahat was fully trained in Ireland as a specialist paediatrician, until
recently was working as a specialist paediatrics in The city Hospital and the
Arabian ranches clinics.
Has fantastic experience in few paediatrics subspecialties in cluding but nit
limited to : general paediatrics, neurology and neonatal medicine.
Dr Najat is another true bilingual, speaks Arabic very well.
UAE Children.Com
Frequently asked questions
Who would benefit from UAE children.com
This website is aimed to all families who may need special medical advice
tailored to their need and offered by a consultant in the field.
What is UAE Children NOT
It is not a substitute to a needed medical consultation, but it will offer the
reassurance when needed, the information and the alarm for parents to take
their child for a medical check up.
Who will befit most
New parents will naturally be the most anxious about what is normal and
what is not, and they can spend lots of their time visiting doctors for
questions they would have had answered by this website.
How does it work
You subscribe to the website and make the payment.
Download the APP on your smart phone,
Ask your questions and wait for the answer to be sent to your mobile/email
As simple as that.
The aim is to ease the stress and root out meaningless search on Google or
other search engines that end up making parents very concerned about the
findings because the advice parents get from a search engine tends to be very
generic, extreme and not specific.
All new parents will understand this very well.
What happens if I needed to book an appointment?
If in the UAE, we will recommend an excellent paediatrician for you to see, we
can offer you an appointment in our centre (Farha Children Clinic in Dubai
health care city, Dubai) providing an appointment is available.
If in the UK we will advise you to visit a GP or a specialist, or even a
consultant if felt needed.
In Ireland, the advice will also be GP or a Specialist until we have the facility
to offer you an appointment in a centre we know to offer a high quality
paediatric care.
What about Data protection:
We have created a secure database to host the details of all our patients and
ensured as much as possible, all is safe as much as the internet is safe.
Questions and replies will be stored for 20 years in line with the practice in
the UK.
Every family will have a folder and full medical history.
When a question is sent or received, it is not possible to edit is or change it in
any shape or form from either ends.
Legal disclaimer
We do our best to offer parents the best knowledgeable, ethical advise
available, but any advice is as good as the information leading to it.. we do
not take any legal responsibility for any incorrect advise.
Parents need to accept the disclaimer stating we are not accepting
responsibility for any advice given. However, all advices are given by a
qualified paediatric specialist or a consultant that you can identify and visit
and discuss any case with.
Can we give feed back?
Feed back about the quality of advice, the layout, the ease of use or any
general comments are encouraged and looked at carefully
We do believe that constructive feedback is the only way parents and
children as a results obtain the high quality care they deserve.
We like to reassure parents, we are parents too, and we understand the
responsibility related to this great task in life..
How can we make a payment?
After you decide which package you need, you can pay using most
internationally recognised cards through PayPal
When you have the confirmation email of your payment, you will be able to
start using the website.
All replies will be through website.
Download the mobile app and start using the service.
Our services
General paediatrics and newborn cases
paediatric respiratory medicine
paediatric cardiology with echocardiography, ECGs
Immunisations and healthy child check
paediatric gastroenterology
Fetal echocardiography
On line medical advice in English and Arabic.
Example of schedules for each doctor
Dr xxx monthly schedule
August 2012
Clinic appointment flow
To design a standard page with calendar and hyperlinks of each date to a
another standard page with time slots can be adjusted .
Time 29/08/
09920 Booked
920- Booked
1000 e
Each consultant will have the ability to adjust the standard page of booking
When a patient tries to book an appointment, his/her preference will be
reserved to be confirmed next day by the clinic staff.
Automated email will go to patient saying your preference is acknowledged,
and some will come back to you tomorrow to confirm booking
Green is available red is already booked
For an available slot for booking, patient can click on the desired time and
send an email requesting a time
Paypal account for set up will follow, need to check security